< Romawa 3 >
1 To ina fifikon da bayahude yake dashi? Kuma ina ribar kaciya?
[Someone may object to this, saying], “[If being circumcised does not cause God to accept us Jews], (there is no advantage in being a Jew [over being a non-Jew]./is there any advantage in being a Jew [over being a non-Jew]?) [RHQ] Being circumcised does not benefit [us Jews at all]!”
2 Akwai muhimmancinsu ta kowacce hanya. Tun farko dai, yahudawa ne aka dankawa wahayi daga Allah.
[I would reply that being Jews] benefits [us] in many ways [HYP]. First of all, it benefits us because it was to [our ancestors] that God’s words, [words that contain his promises], were given {that [God] gave his words, [words that contain his promises]}.
3 Idan wasu yahudawa basu bada gaskiya ba fa? Rashin bangaskiyarsu zai hana amincin Allah aiki?
Many [Jews did not obey God as they promised that they would. So someone might ask], “Does their not being faithful mean that God will not [bless us Jews] as he promised [that he would]?”
4 Bazai taba zama haka ba. Maimakon haka, bari Allah ya zama mai gaskiya, ko da kowanne mutum makaryaci ne. Kamar yadda aka rubuta, “Domin a nuna kai mai adalci cikin maganganunka, kuma kayi nasara a lokacin da aka kawo ka gaban shari'a.”
[I would reply], “No, it certainly does not mean that! God always does [what he has promised], even though [people do not]. All those who accuse God [of not keeping his promises to us Jews] are very mistaken.” [What King David wrote about God’s justly saying that he would punish him for his sins is also true of those who accuse God of not keeping his promises. What he said to God was], “So everyone must acknowledge that what you [(sg)] have said [about them] (OR, [their sin]) is true, and you will always win the case when you are accused {when [people] accuse you}.”
5 Amma idan rashin adalcinmu ya nuna adalcin Allah, to me zamu ce? Allah ba marar adalci ba ne, wanda ke aiwatar da fushinsa, ko kuwa? Ina magana bisa ga tunanin mutuntaka.
So if we [Jews’] being wicked [PRS] shows that it is right that God [does not bless us], what shall we say/conclude? Shall we conclude that it is not right for God to be angry [and punish us Jews] [MTY]? I [should not be saying these things], [but] I am speaking as ordinary humans [speak].
6 Bazai taba zama haka ba. Domin idan haka ne ta yaya Allah zai shar'anta duniya?
We should certainly not [conclude that God should not judge us], because if God [did not judge us Jews], (it would not possibly be right for him to judge [anyone in] the world [MTY]!/how could he judge [anyone in] the world?) [MTY, RHQ]
7 Amma idan gaskiyar Allah ta wurin karyata ta habaka yabonsa, To me yasa ake shar'anta ni a matsayin mai zunubi?
But [someone might object and say to me], “The fact that God truly [keeps his promises] becomes very clear/evident because of my not doing [what God has commanded]. But the result is that people praise God! So (God should no longer say that I should be punished {that [he] should punish me} on account of my having sinned!/why should God still say that I should be punished {that [he] should punish me} on account of my having sinned?) [RHQ]
8 To me zai hana ace kamar yadda ake fadin zancen karya a kanmu, wasu kuma sun dauka cewa mun fadi hakan, “Bari muyi mugunta, domin nagarta tazo?” Hukuncin su halal ne.
[If what you, Paul, say is true], then (we might as well/it is all right for us to) do evil things in order that good things [like that] will result! For example, [then people will praise God]!” Some people speak evil about me by their [falsely] saying that I say [such things. God] will fairly/justly punish [people who say such things about me]!
9 To me kenan? Zamu ba kanmu hujja ne? ko kadan. Domin mun riga munyi zargin yahudawa da hellinawa, da cewar dukkansu, suna karkashin zunubi.
[If someone would ask], “[Shall we conclude that God] will treat us [Jews] more favorably [and will treat] the non-Jews less [favorably] [RHQ]?” [I would reply that we can] certainly not [conclude that]! I have already shown you that all people, the Jews and also the non-Jews, have sinned and [so they deserve to be punished] {[that God will punish them]} [PRS].
10 Kamar yadda aka rubuta, babu wani mai adalci, babu ko daya.
[The following words] that are written {prophets have written} [in the Scriptures support this], No person is righteous. There is not even one righteous person!
11 Babu wani mai fahimta. Babu wani mai neman Allah.
There is no one who understands [how to live properly] (OR, [about God]). There is no one who seeks/desires [to know] God!
12 Dukansu sun kauce hanya, dukansu gaba daya sun zama marasa amfani. Babu mai aikin nagarta, a'a, babu ko da guda daya.
Absolutely everyone has turned away [MET] [from God]. God considers them depraved (OR, Everyone has become useless [to God]). There is no one who acts righteously; no, there is not even one!
13 Makogwaronsu a bude yake kamar kabari. Harsunansu na dauke da cuta. Dafin macizai na karkashin lebunansu.
What people say [MTY] [is foul/bad, like the smell that comes from] a grave that has been {that [people] have} opened [MET]. [By what people say] [MTY], they deceive people. [By what they say] [MTY] [they injure people, just like] the poison of snakes [injures people] [MET].
14 Bakunansu cike suke da la'ana da daci.
They are continually (cursing/asking God to do harmful things to) others and saying (cruel/harsh/hateful) things [MTY].
15 Sawayensu na saurin zuwa zubar da jini.
They (go quickly/are eager) to murder people [MTY].
16 Tafarkinsu wahala ce da lalacewa.
Wherever they go, they ruin everything and make [people] miserable [MTY].
17 Wadannan mutane basu san hanyar salama ba.
They have not/never known how [to live] peacefully [with other people].
18 Babu tsoron Allah a idanunsu.”
They absolutely refuse to fear/reverence God [SYN]!
19 To mun san dai duk abin da shari'a tace, shari'a na magana ne da wadanda ke karkashinta, domin a rufe kowanne baki, domin dukan duniya ta bada amsa a gaban Allah.
Furthermore, we know that it is to [Jewish] people, [who are] required to obey [God’s] laws, that Moses wrote those laws [PRS]. [We can infer from this that] there are no [Jews or non-Jews] [SYN] who are able to say anything [in reply to God’s saying that he will punish them for having sinned]. God has declared everyone in the world [MTY] guilty!
20 Domin a gabansa babu wanda zai barata ta wurin ayukan shari'a. Domin ta wurin shari'a ne sanin zunubi yazo.
It is not because people have done the things that God’s laws [require] that [God] will (erase the record of their sins/declare them no longer guilty for sin), [because no one has done those things completely]. In fact, the result of [our knowing God’s] laws is that we know clearly that we have sinned (OR, are sinful).
21 Amma yanzu ba tare da shari'a ba an bayyana sanin adalcin Allah, wanda shari'a da annabawa suke shaidawa.
But God’s (erasing the record of our sins/declaring us no longer guilty) does not depend on [our obeying] the laws [that he gave Moses]. It has now been {[God] has now} revealed [to us] how he erases the record of our sins [by a different way]. It was written about [by Moses] {[Moses] wrote about it} in the laws [PRS] [God gave] him, and it was also written about by the prophets {the prophets also wrote about it}.
22 Wato, adalcin Allah ta wurin bangaskiya cikin Yesu Almasihu ga dukkan wadanda ke bada gaskiya. Domin babu bambanci:
God erases the record of our sins because we trust in [what] Jesus Christ [has done for us]. God does this for every person who trusts [in Christ], because [he considers] that there is no difference [between Jews and non-Jews].
23 Domin duk sun yi zunubi sun kuma kasa kaiwa ga darajar Allah,
All people have done evil, and all people have failed to accomplish the glorious [goals] that God [set for them].
24 Da alherinsa an baratar da mu ta wurin fansar dake cikin Yesu Almasihu.
Our record of sins has been erased {God erased the record of our sins} by God acting kindly [to forgive our sins], without our doing anything to earn it. Christ Jesus accomplished this [by dying for us].
25 Amma Allah ya bayar da Yesu Almasihu wanda yake hadayar fansa ta wurin bangaskiya cikin jininsa. Ya mika Almasihu a matsayin tabbacin hukuncinsa, sabo da kuma ketarewar zunubanmu na baya
God showed that Christ was the one who would atone for (OR, forgive) our sins [with the] blood [that flowed from his body when he died. God redeems/forgives] us because of our trusting [in Christ’s having died for us. God wanted] to show that he acts justly. [He wanted to do that] because, before [Jesus came, God] did not punish [everyone who sinned. So it seemed as though he was not being just]. But he was overlooking people’s sins during [that time],
26 cikin hakurinsa. Duk wannan ya faru ne domin a bayyana adalcinsa cikin wannan zamani, domin ya tabbatar da kansa mai hukunci, kuma ya nuna shine mai baratar da kowa saboda bangaskiya cikin Yesu.
because he is patient. [God arranged for Jesus to die for us]. By doing that, God now shows that he is just, and he shows that he is justly able to erase the record of sins for everyone who trusts/believes in Jesus.
27 To ina fahariya? An fitar da ita. A kan wane dalilin? Don ayyuka? A'a, amma ta dalilin bangaskiya.
It is not at all [RHQ] because of [our obeying the] laws [of Moses that God erases the record of our sins]. So, (there is no way that we can boast [that God does that because of our obeying those laws]./how can we boast [about God erasing the record of our sins because of our obeying those laws]?) [RHQ] Instead, [it is because of our] believing/trusting [in Christ that God erases the record of our sins].
28 Domin wannan muka kammala cewar ana baratar da mutum ta wurin bangaskiya ba tare da ayyukan shari'a ba.
[We cannot boast about that], because we conclude that the record of our sins is erased {God erases the record of our sins} because of our trusting [in Christ]. God does not erase the record of our sins because of our obeying the laws [that he gave to Moses, because it is impossible for us to completely obey them].
29 Ko kuwa Allah Allahn yahudawa ne kadai? Shi ba Allahn al'ummai bane? I, na al'ummai ne kuma.
(You who are Jews certainly should not [think that you] are the only ones whom God [will accept]!/Do you Jews [think it is you] alone whom God [will accept]?) [RHQ] You certainly should [realize that he will accept] non-Jews, too. [RHQ] Of course, [he will accept] non-Jews also,
30 Idan dai lallai Allah daya ne, zai baratar da mai kaciya ta wurin bangaskiya, da marar kaciya kuma ta wurin bangaskiya.
because, [as you firmly believe], there is only one God, who will erase the record of Jews’ [MTY] sins if they trust [in what Christ has done], and who will similarly erase the record of non-Jews’ [MTY] sins if they trust [in Christ].
31 Mun kawar da shari'a kenan ta wurin bangaskiya? ba zai taba kasancewa haka ba. Maimako ma, muna inganta shari'a kenan.
So, [if someone should ask concerning the laws that God gave Moses], “By saying [that God erases the record of our sins because of our] trusting [in Christ], does that mean that those laws now are useless?”, [I would reply], “Certainly not. Instead, we truly fulfill the laws [that God gave Moses].”