< Mattiyu 26 >

1 Yayin da Yesu ya gama fadi masu wadannan maganganu, sai ya cewa almajiransa,
When Jesus had finished [saying] all those things, he said to [us] disciples,
2 “Kun sani sauran kwana biyu idin ketarewa ya zo, kuma za'a bada Dan mutum domin a gicciye shi.
“You know that two days from now [we will celebrate] the Passover [festival]. [At that time] I, the one who came from heaven, will be handed over to {they will put me, the one who came from heaven, into the hands of} those who will nail me to a cross.”
3 Sa'annan manyan firistoci da dattawan jama'a suka taru a fadar babban firist, mai suna Kayafa.
At the same time the chief priests and the Jewish elders gathered in the home of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas.
4 Suka shirya yadda zasu kama Yesu a boye su kuma kashe shi.
[There] they plotted how they could seize Jesus in some deceitful way so that they could have him executed.
5 Amma suna cewa, “Ba a lokacin idin ba, domin kada tarzoma ta tashi daga cikin mutane.”
But they said, “[We must] not [do it] during the [Passover] festival, because [if we do it then], the people might riot.”
6 Sa'adda Yesu yake Baita'anya a gidan Saminu Kuturu,
While Jesus [and we] were in Bethany [village] in the home of Simon, whom [Jesus had healed of] leprosy,
7 daidai lokacin da ya zauna a gefen teburin cin abinci, sai wata mata ta shigo da kwalbar mai, mai tsada, ta zuba wa Yesu a kansa.
a woman came to him. She [was carrying] a stone jar [containing] very expensive perfume. [To show how much she appreciated] Jesus, she poured the perfume on his head as he was eating.
8 Amma da almajiransa suka ga haka, sai suka ji haushi suka ce, “Ina dalilin yin irin wannan asara?
When [we] disciples saw that, [some of us] were angry. [One of us] said, “(It is terrible that this perfume was wasted!/Why was this perfume wasted?) [RHQ]
9 Ai da an sayar da wannan mai da kudi mai yawa a rabawa talakawa.”
[We] could have sold it and gotten a lot of money for it! Then the money could have been given {[we] could have given the money} to poor people.”
10 Amma da yake Yesu ya san tunaninsu, sai yace masu, “Don me kuke damun matar nan? Ta yi abu mai kyau domina.
Jesus knew [what we were saying. So he] said to us, “(You should not be bothering this woman!/Why are you bothering this woman?) [RHQ] She has done a beautiful thing to me.
11 Kuna da talakawa tare da ku koyaushe, amma ni ba zan kasance da ku ba koyaushe.
[Keep in mind that] you will always have poor people among you, [so you can help them whenever you want to]. But I will not always be with you, [so it is good for her to show now that she appreciates me!]
12 Don a sa'adda ta zuba man nan a jikina, ta yi haka ne don jana'iza ta.
When she poured this perfume on my body, [it was as if she knew that I am going to die soon. And it is as if she] has anointed my body for being buried.
13 Hakika Ina gaya maku, duk inda za ayi wannan bishara a dukan duniya, abin da matar nan tayi za'a rika ambatar da shi don tunawa da ita.”
I will tell you this: Wherever this good message [about me] is preached {people preach this good message about me} throughout the world, those who preach it will tell what this woman has done, [and as a result] people will [always] remember her.”
14 Sai daya daga cikin sha biyun, mai suna Yahuza Iskariyoti, ya tafi wurin manyan firistocin,
Then Judas Iscariot (OR, Judas, the man from Kerioth [Town]), [even though he was] one of [us] twelve [disciples], went to the chief priests.
15 yace, ''Me kuke da niyyar bani idan na mika maku shi?” Suka auna masa azurfa talatin.
He asked them, “If I enable you to seize [Jesus], how much [money] are you willing to give me?” They [agreed to give him] 30 silver coins. So they counted out the coins and [gave them] to him.
16 Daga wannan lokacin yayi ta neman zarafi da zai bada shi a wurinsu.
From that time Judas watched for an opportunity to enable them to seize [Jesus].
17 To a rana ta fari na idin ketarewa almajiran suka zo wurin Yesu suka ce, ''Ina kake so mu shirya maka da zaka ci abincin idin ketarewa?”
On the first day [of the week-long festival] (when [we Jews ate] bread which had no yeast in it/of Unleavened Bread), [we] disciples went to Jesus and asked, “Where do you want us to prepare [the meal for] the Passover [celebration] so that [we can] eat [it with] you?”
18 Yace, “Ku shiga cikin birnin zaku sami wani mutum sai kuce masa, 'Mallam yace, “lokaci na ya kusa. Zan ci idin ketarewa a gidanka, da almajiraina.”'''
[In reply], he [gave instructions to two disciples about where they should go. He] said [to them], “Go into [the city] to a man [with whom I have previously arranged this]. Tell him that the teacher says, ‘The time [MTY] [that I told you about] is near. I am going to celebrate the Passover [meal] with my disciples at your house, [and I have sent these two to prepare the meal].’”
19 Almajiran suka yi kamar yadda Yesu ya umarce su, suka shirya abincin idin ketarewar.
So the [two] disciples did as Jesus told them. They [went and] prepared the Passover [meal in that man’s house].
20 Da yamma ta yi, sai ya zauna domin ya ci tare da almajiransa goma sha biyu.
When it was evening, Jesus was eating the meal with [us] twelve disciples.
21 Sa'adda suke ci, yace, “Hakika ina gaya maku, daya daga cikin ku zai bada ni.”
While we were eating, he said [to us], “Listen carefully to this: One of you is going to enable [my enemies] to seize me.”
22 Suka yi bakin ciki, suka fara tambayarsa daya bayan daya, ''Na tabbata ba ni bane ko, Ubangiji?”
[We] were very sad. We began to say to him, one after the other, “Lord, (it is surely not I!/I’m not the one, am I?) [RHQ]”
23 Sai ya amsa, “Wanda ke sa hannu tare da ni cikin kwano daya shi ne zai bada ni.
He replied, “The one who will enable my enemies to seize me is one of you who is dipping bread [MTY] into [the sauce in] the dish along with me.
24 Dan mutum zai tafi, kamar yadda aka rubuta akan sa. Amma kaiton mutumin da ta wurin sa za'a bada Dan mutum! Gwamma da ba'a haifi mutumin nan ba.”
[It is certain that] I, the one who came from heaven, will [die], because that is what has been written {[the prophets] have written} about me. But there will be terrible punishment for the man who enables [my enemies] to seize me! It would be better for that man if he had never been born!”
25 Yahuza da zai bada shi yace, “Mallam ko ni ne?” Yace masa, “Ka fada da kanka.”
Then Judas, the one who was going to betray him, said, “Teacher, (surely it is not I!/I’m not the one, am I?) [RHQ]” Jesus replied, “Yes, you are the one.”
26 Yayin da suke ci, sai Yesu ya dauki gurasa, ya sa albarka, ya karya. Ya ba almajiran yace, “Ku karba, ku ci, wannan jiki nane.”
While we were eating, Jesus took [a small loaf of] bread and thanked God for it. He broke it [into pieces] and gave it to [us] disciples, and said, “Take this [bread and] eat [it]. [It represents] my body.”
27 Sai ya dauki kokon yayi godiya, Ya ba su yace, “Ku sha, dukanku.
Later he took a cup [of wine] and thanked [God for it]. Then he gave it to us, saying, “Drink some [of the wine in this cup], all of you.
28 “Gama wannan jinina ne na alkawari wanda aka zubar domin gafarar zunuban mutane da yawa.
[The wine in] this cup [represents] my blood, which will soon flow [from my body. With] my blood I [will sign] the new agreement [that God is making] to forgive the sins of many [people].
29 Amma ina gaya maku, ba zan kara shan ruwan inabin nan ba, sai ranar da zan sha shi sabo tare da ku a cikin mulkin Ubana.”
Note this carefully: I will not drink wine in this way any more until the time when I drink it with you with a new [meaning. That will happen] when my Father [enables me to begin] to rule as king.”
30 Da suka raira waka, sai suka ka tafi dutsen zaitun.
After we sang a hymn, we started out towards Olive [Tree] Hill.
31 Sai Yesu yace masu, “Dukan ku zaku yi tuntube a wannan dare sabili da ni, gama a rubuce yake, ''Zan bugi makiyayin, garken tumakin kuma za su watse.'
[On the way], Jesus told us, “This night all of you will desert me because of [what will happen to] me! [This is certain to happen] because [these words that God said] are written [in the Scriptures: ] ‘I will [cause] the shepherd to be killed, and [all] the sheep will be scattered {scatter}.’
32 Amma bayan an tashe ni, zan riga ku zuwa Galili.”
But after I have [died and] become alive again, I will go ahead of you to Galilee [district and meet you there].”
33 Amma Bitrus yace masa, “Ko dama duka zasu fadi sabili da kai, ni kam bazan fadi ba.”
Peter replied, “Perhaps all [the other disciples] will desert you [when they see what happens to you], but I [certainly] will never [leave you]!”
34 Yesu yace masa, ''Hakika ina gaya maka, a wannan daren kafin carar zakara, za ka yi musun sani na sau uku.”
Jesus replied to him, “The truth is that this very night, before the rooster crows, you will say three times that you do not know me!”
35 Bitrus yace masa, koda zan mutu tare da kai, bazan yi musunka ba.” Sai sauran almajiran suma suka fadi haka.
Peter said to him, “Even if they kill me [while I am defending you], I will never say that I do not know you!” All [the rest of us] disciples also said the same [thing].
36 Sa'anna Yesu ya tafi tare da su, wurin da ake kira Getsaimani sai yace wa almajiransa, ''Ku zauna a nan ni kuma zan je gaba in yi addu'a.”
Then Jesus went with us to a place that is called {that people call} Gethsemane. There he said to [most of] us, “Stay here while I go over there and pray.”
37 Ya dauki Bitrus da kuma 'ya'ya biyu na Zabadi tare da shi, sai ya fara damuwa da juyayi.
He took Peter, James, and John with him. He became extremely distressed.
38 Sai yace masu, “Raina na cikin damuwa sosai har ga mutuwa. Ku kasance anan kuna tsaro tare da ni.”
Then he said to them, “I [SYN] am very sorrowful, so much so that I [feel as if I were] about to die! Remain here and stay awake with me!”
39 Ya dan taka zuwa gaba kadan, sai ya fadi a fuskarsa, yayi addu'a. Yace, “Ya Ubana, in zai yiwu, bari kokon nan ya wuce ni. Duk da haka, ba nufina za'a bi ba, amma naka nufin.”
After going a little further, he threw himself face down [on the ground]. He prayed, “My Father, if it is possible [MTY], do not make me have to endure the suffering [that is coming] now. But do not do as I want. Instead, do as you want!”
40 Ya koma wurin almajiran ya same su suna barci, sai ya cewa Bitrus, “Kai, ba zaku yi tsaro tare da ni ba koda sa'a daya?
Then he returned to the [three] disciples and saw that they were sleeping. He [woke] Peter and said to him, “(I am disappointed that you [men fell asleep and] were not able to stay awake with me for just a short time!/Why were you men not able to stay awake with me for just one hour?) [RHQ]
41 Ku yi tsaro kuma, kuyi addu'a domin kada ku fada cikin jaraba. Ruhu dai ya yarda amma, jiki ba karfi.”
You must keep alert and pray so that you can resist when you are tempted {something tempts you}. You want [to do what I tell you], but you [SYN] are not strong enough [to actually do it].”
42 Sai ya koma karo na biyu yayi addu'a, Yace, “Ya Ubana, in wannan kokon ba zai wuce ba sai na sha shi, bari nufinka ya kasance.”
He went away a second time. He prayed, “My Father, if it is necessary for me to suffer [LIT], may what you want happen!”
43 Ya sake dawowa, ya same su suna barci, domin idanunsu sun yi nauyi.
When he returned to the [three disciples], he saw that they were asleep [again]. They could not keep their eyes open [IDM].
44 Sai ya sake barinsu ya tafi. Ya koma karo na uku yana addu'a yana fadin kalmomi iri daya.
So he left them and went away again. He prayed the third time, saying the same thing [that he had prayed before].
45 Sai Yesu ya koma wurin almajiran yace masu, “Har yanzu barci kuke kuna hutawa? Duba, lokaci ya kusato, kuma an bada Dan mutum ga hannun masu zunubi.
Then he returned to us disciples. He [woke] us [up and] said to us, “(I am disappointed that you are still sleeping and resting!/Why are you still sleeping and resting?) [RHQ] [Look] Someone is about to enable sinful [men] to seize [me], the one who came from heaven!
46 Ku tashi mu tafi. Duba, wanda zai badani ya kusato.”
Get up! Let’s go [to meet them] Here comes the one who is enabling them to seize me!”
47 Sa'adda yana cikin magana Yahuza, daya daga cikin sha biyun, ya zo. Babban taro ya zo tare da shi daga wurin manyan firistoci da dattawan jama'a. Suna rike da takubba da kulake.
While [Jesus] was still speaking, Judas [arrived. Even though he was] one of [us] twelve [disciples], he came [to enable Jesus’ enemies to seize him]. A large crowd carrying swords and clubs was with him. They had been sent by the chief priests and elders {the chief priests and [Jewish] elders had sent them}.
48 To mutumin da zai bada Yesu ya rigaya ya basu alama, cewa, ''Duk wanda na sumbata, shine. Ku kama shi.''
Judas had [previously] arranged to give them a signal, saying, “The man whom I will kiss is the one [you want]. Seize him!”
49 Nan da nan ya kaiga Yesu ya ce, “Gaisuwa, Mallam!” sai ya sumbace shi.
He immediately went to Jesus and said, “Greetings, Teacher!” Then he kissed Jesus [on the neck/cheek].
50 Yesu kuwa yace masa, “Aboki, kayi abin da ya kawo ka.” Sai suka iso suka sa hannuwansu kan Yesu suka kama shi.
Jesus replied, “Friend, is it [to kiss me] that you are here?” (OR, “Do what you have come for!”) Then [the men who came with Judas] stepped forward and seized Jesus.
51 Nan take, daya daga cikin wadanda suke tare da Yesu ya mika hannunsa, ya zare takobinsa, ya sare wa bawan babban firist din kunne.
Suddenly, one of the men who was with Jesus pulled his sword out [of its sheath]. He struck the servant of the high priest [to kill him], [but only] cut off his ear.
52 Sai Yesu yace, masa, “Ka maida takobinka cikin kubensa, domin duk wadanda suka dauki takobi su ma ta wurin takobi za su hallaka.
Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back in its sheath! All those who try to kill others with a sword will themselves be killed with a sword!
53 Ko kana tunanin ba zan iya kiran Ubana ba, ya kuma aiko da rundunar Mala'iku fiye da goma sha biyu?
Do you think that [RHQ] if I asked my Father, he would not immediately send more than (twelve armies of/72,000) angels to help me?
54 Amma to tayaya za'a cika nassi, cewa dole wannan ya faru?''
[But if I did that, what the prophets] have written in the Scriptures [about what will happen to the Messiah] would not be fulfilled {happen} [RHQ].”
55 A wannan lokacin Yesu yace wa taron, “Kun zo da takubba da kulake ku kama ni kamar dan fashi? Ina zaune kowace rana a haikali ina koyarwa, amma baku kama ni ba.
At that time Jesus said to the crowd [that was seizing him], “(It is ridiculous that you have come [here] to seize me with swords and clubs, as [if I were] a bandit!/Have you come here to seize me with swords and clubs, as if I were a bandit?) [RHQ] Day after day I sat in the Temple [courtyard], teaching [the people]. Why did you not arrest me [then]?
56 Amma duk wannan ya faru ne don a cika abinda annabawa suka rubuta.” Bayan haka sai dukkan almajiran suka bar shi suka gudu.
But all this is happening to fulfill what the prophets [have written in] the Scriptures [about me].” Then all of us disciples deserted Jesus and ran away.
57 Wadanda suka kama Yesu, suka kai shi wurin Kayafa babban firist, inda marubuta da duttawan jama'a suka taru.
The men who had seized Jesus took him [to the house where] Caiaphas, the high priest, [lived]. The men who taught the [Jewish] laws and the [Jewish] elders had already gathered [there].
58 Amma Bitrus ya bi shi daga nesa, har zuwa farfajiyar babban firist din. Ya shiga ya zauna da masu tsaro domin ya ga abinda zai faru.
Peter followed [Jesus] at a distance. He came to the high priest’s courtyard. He entered [the courtyard] and sat down with the guards to see what would happen.
59 A wannan lokaci manyan firistoci da duk 'yan majalisar suka fara neman shaidar karya akan Yesu, domin su samu su kashe shi.
The chief priests and the rest of the [Jewish] Council were trying to find people who would tell lies about Jesus so that they could [convince the Roman authorities to] execute him.
60 Amma ba su samu ko daya ba, ko dayake an samu shaidun karya dayawa da suka gabata. Amma daga baya sai wasu su biyu suka fito
But even though many people spoke lies about him, they did not find anyone [who said anything that was useful]. Finally two men came forward
61 sukace ''Wannan mutum yace zan iya rushe haikalin Allah, in kuma gina shi cikin kwana uku.'''
and said, “This man said, ‘I am able to destroy God’s Temple and to rebuild it within three days.’”
62 Babban Firist din ya tashi tsaye yace masa, “Ba zaka ce komai ba? Wace irin shaida ce ake yi akanka?”
Then the high priest stood up and said to Jesus, “Are you not going to reply? What [do you say about] these things that they are saying [to accuse] you?”
63 Amma Yesu yayi shiru. Babban Firist ya ce, “Na umarce ka da sunan Allah mai rai, ka gaya mana ko kai Almasihu ne, Dan Allah.''
But Jesus remained silent. Then the high priest said to him, “I command you to tell us [the truth], knowing that the all-powerful God [is listening to you]: Are you the Messiah, (the Son of God/the man who is also God)?”
64 Yesu ya amsa masa, “Ka fada da bakin ka. Amma ina gaya maka, daga yanzu zaka ga Dan mutun na zaune a hannun dama na iko, ya na zuwa akan gizagizai na sama.”
Jesus replied, “Yes, [it is as] you say. But I will also say this to all of you: Some day you will see [me], the one who came from heaven, sitting beside [MTY] Almighty [God], and ruling. You will also see me coming on the clouds [from] heaven!”
65 Sai babban firist din ya yayyaga rigarsa, yana cewa, “Yayi sabo! don me ku ke neman wata shaida kuma? Duba, yanzu kun ji sabon.
Then the high priest tore his outer garment. [That was the custom to show that he was shocked to hear Jesus say that he was equal to God]. Then he said, “This man has insulted God! He claims to be equal with God! (We certainly do not need anyone else to testify [against this man]!/Why should we seek any more people who will testify [against this man]?) [RHQ] You heard what he said!
66 Menene tunaninku?” Suka amsa sukace, “Ya cancanci mutuwa.”
What have you decided?” [The Jewish leaders] replied, “[According to our laws], he [is guilty and] deserves to be executed!”
67 Sai suka tofa masa yawu a fuska, suka kuma yi masa duka, suka kuma mammare shi da tafin hannuwansu,
Then [some of them] spat in his face. [Others] struck him with their fists. Others, [after they blindfolded him], slapped him
68 sukace, ''Ka yi mana anabci, kai Almasihu. Wanene wanda ya dokeka.
and said, “[Since you claim that] [IRO] [you are] the Messiah, tell us who hit you!”
69 To Bitrus kuwa na zaune a farfajiyar, sai wata yarinya baiwa ta zo wurinsa tana cewa, “Kaima kana tare da Yesu na Galili.”
Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard. A servant girl came up to him [and looked at him]. She said, “You also were with Jesus, [that man] from Galilee [district]!”
70 Amma ya yi musun haka a gaban su duka, yace, “Ban ma san abinda kike magana akai ba.”
But while everyone there was listening, he denied it. He said, “I do not know what you are talking about!”
71 Da ya fita zuwa bakin kofa, nan ma wata yarinyar baiwa ta gan shi tace wa wadanda suke wurin, “Wannan mutumin ma yana tare da Yesu Banazare.”
Then he went out to the gateway of the courtyard. Another servant girl saw him and said to the people who were standing nearby, “This man was with Jesus, [the man] from Nazareth.”
72 Sai yayi musun haka kuma, har da rantsuwa, yace, “Ban san mutumin nan ba.”
But [Peter] again denied it. He said, “May God punish me [if I am lying]! I [tell you], I do not even know that man!”
73 Bayan dan lokaci kadan wadanda suke a tsaye suka zo wurin Bitrus suka ce masa, “Hakika kai daya daga cikin su ne, gama harshen ka ya tonaka.”
After a little while, one of the people who were standing there approached Peter and said to him, “It is certain that you are one of those [who were with that man]. We can tell from your accent that you [are from Galilee.”]
74 Sai ya fara rantsuwa irin ta la'ana, yana cewa, ''Ban san wannan mutumin ba,” nan da nan zakara yayi cara.
Then Peter began to proclaim loudly that God should curse him [if he was lying]. He asked God in heaven to witness [that he was telling the truth] and said, “I do not know that man!” Immediately a rooster crowed.
75 Bitrus ya tuna da maganar da Yesu ya fada, “Kafin carar zakara zaka yi musun sani na sau uku.” Sai ya fita waje yayi kuka mai zafi.''
Then Peter remembered the words that Jesus had spoken [to him], “Before the rooster crows, you will say three times that you do not know me.” And Peter went [out of the courtyard], crying because he was very sad [about what he had done].

< Mattiyu 26 >