< Mattiyu 25 >

1 Sa'annan mulkin sama zai zama kamar budurwai goma da suka dauki fitilunsu domin su taryi ango.
Then may the kingdom of heaven be compared to ten virgins, who went out with their lamps to meet the bridegroom.
2 Biyar daga cikin su masu hikima ne biyar kuma wawaye.
Of these, five were prudent and five foolish.
3 Sa'adda wawayen budurwai suka dauki fitilunsu, ba su dauki karin mai ba.
The foolish took their lamps, but carried no oil with them.
4 Amma budurwai masu hikimar suka dauki gorar mai tare da fitilunsu.
But the prudent, besides their lamps, carried oil in their vessels.
5 To da angon ya makara, dukkan su sai suka fara gyangyadi sai barci ya dauke su.
While the bridegroom tarried, they all became drowsy, and fell asleep.
6 Amma da tsakkar dare sai aka yi shela, 'Ga ango ya iso! Ku fito taryensa.
And at midnight a cry was raised, The bridegroom is coming, go out and meet him.
7 Sai dukka budurwan nan suka tashi suka gyaggyara fitilunsu.
Then all the virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.
8 Wawayen su ka ce da masu hikimar, 'Ku sammana kadan daga manku gama fitilunmu su na mutuwa.'
And the foolish said to the prudent, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are going out.
9 “Amma masu hikimar suka ce 'Tun da man ba zai ishe mu tare da ku ba, sai ku je gun ma su sayarwa ku sayo wa kanku.
But the prudent answered, saying, Lest there be not enough for us and you, go rather to them who sell, and buy for yourselves.
10 Sa'adda suka tafi sayan man, sai angon ya shigo, kuma wadanda suke a shirye su ka shiga tare da shi bukin auren, sai aka rufe kofar.
While they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready, went in with him to the marriage, and the door was shut.
11 Bayan dan lokaci kadan sauran budurwan suka dawo suna cewa, 'Mai gida, mai gida, bude mana kofar.'
Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, Master, Master, open to us.
12 Amma ya amsa ya ce, 'A gaskiya ina gaya maku, ni ban san ku ba.'
He answered, Indeed, I say to you, I know you not.
13 Don haka sai ku lura, don baku san rana ko sa'a ba.
Watch, therefore, because you know neither the day nor the hour.
14 Domin yana kama da wani mutum da zai tafi wata kasa. Ya kira barorinsa ya ba su dukiyar sa.
For the Son of Man is like one who intending to travel, called his servants, and committed to them his stock;
15 Ga wani ya ba shi talanti biyar, ga wani ya ba shi biyu, ga wani kuma ya ba shi talanti daya. kowa an bashi gwargwadon iyawarsa, sai wannan mutum ya yi tafiyar sa
to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to each according to his respective ability, and immediately set out.
16 nan da nan sai wanda ya karbi talanti biyar ya sa nasa a jari, ya sami ribar wasu talanti biyar.
Then he who had received the five talents, went and traded with them, and gained five others.
17 Haka ma wanda ya karbi talanti biyu ya sami ribar wasu biyu.
Likewise he who had received two, gained other two.
18 Amma bawan da ya karbi talanti dayan ya yi tafiyar sa, ya haka rami, ya binne kudin mai gidansa.
Whereas he who had received but one, digged a hole in the ground and hid his master's money.
19 To bayan tsawon lokaci sai ubangidan barorin nan ya dawo, domin yayi lissafin kudinsu.
After a long time, their master returned and reckoned with them.
20 Bawan da ya karbi talanti biyar, ya kawo nasa da ribar wasu biyar. Yace, 'Maigida, ka bani talanti biyar, gashi na samo ribar karin talanti biyar.'
Then he who had received the five talents, came and presented five other talents, saying, Sir, you delivered to me five talents; here they are, and five other talents which I have gained.
21 Maigidansa yace masa, 'Madalla, bawa na gari mai aminci! Ka yi aminci akan abu kadan. Zan sa ka akan abubuwa masu yawa. Ka shiga cikin farincikin maigidanka.'
His master answered, Well done, good and faithful servant, you have been faithful in a small matter, I will give you a more important trust. Partake you of your master's joy.
22 Bawan da ya karbi talanti biyun, ya zo yace, 'Maigida, ka ba ni talanti biyu. Gashi kuwa na sami karin ribar wasu biyun.'
He, also, who had received the two talents, advancing said, Sir, you delivered to me two talents: here they are, and two other talents which I have gained.
23 Ubangidansa yace masa, 'Madalla, kai bawa na gari mai aminci! Ka yi aminci akan abubuwa kadan. Zan saka akan abubuwa masu yawa. Ka shiga cikin farincikin maigidanka.'
His master answered, Well done, good and faithful servant, you have been faithful in a small matter, I will give you a more important trust. Partake you of your master's joy.
24 Sai bawan da ya karbi talanti daya ya zo yace, 'Maigida, na san kai mai tsanani ne. Kana girbi inda baka yi shuka ba, kuma kana tattarawa inda ba ka watsa ba.
Then came he also who had received the talent, and said, Sir, I know that you are a severe man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered;
25 Na ji tsoro, don haka sai na je na boye talantinka a rami. Duba, ga abinda yake naka.'
being therefore afraid, I hid your talent under ground; but now I restore you your own.
26 Amma ubangidansa ya amsa yace, kai mugu malalacin bawa, ka san cewa ni mai girbi ne inda ban shuka ba kuma ina tattarawa inda ban zuba ba.
His master answering, said to him, Malignant and slothful servant, did you know that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered?
27 To da ba sai ka kai kudina a banki ba, da bayan na dawo da sai in karbi abina da riba.
Should you not then have given my money to the bankers, that, at my return, I might have received it with interest?
28 Saboda haka ku kwace talantin daga gare shi ku baiwa mai talanti goman nan.
Take from him, therefore, the talent, and give it to him who has ten:
29 Gama ga wanda yake da shi za'a kara masa har ma a yalwace za'a kara bashi. Amma ga wanda bashi da komai abinda ke nasa ma za'a kwace.
for to every one that has, more shall be given, and he shall abound; but from him that has not, even that which he has shall be taken.
30 Ku jefa wannan mugun bawan marar amfani, cikin duhu mai zurfi, inda ake kuka da cizon hakora.'
And thrust out this unprofitable servant into darkness, where shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
31 Sa'adda Dan mutum zai zo cikin daukakarsa da dukan Mala'iku tare da shi, sa'annan zai zauna kursiyinsa na daukaka.
Now when the Son of Man shall come in his glory, accompanied by all the angels, and shall be seated on his glorious throne;
32 A gabansa za'a tattara dukkan al'ummai, zai rarraba mutanen daya'daya, kamar yadda makiyayi yake rarraba tumaki daga awaki.
then shall all the nations be assembled before him; and out of them he will separate the good from the bad, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
33 Zai sa tumakin a hannunsa na dama, amma awakin a hannunsa na hagu.
The sheep he will set at his right hand, and the goats at his left.
34 Sa'annan sarkin zai ce wa na hannun damarsa, 'Ku zo ku da Ubana ya albarkata, ku gaji mulkin da aka shirya maku kafin a kafa duniya.
Then will the King say to those at his right hand: Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
35 Gama na ji yunwa kuka bani abinci; Na ji kishi kuka bani ruwa; Na yi bakunci kun bani masauki;
for I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you lodged me; I was a stranger, and you lodged me;
36 Na yi huntanci kuka tufasar dani; Na yi ciwo kuka kula dani; Ina kurkuku kuka ziyarceni.'
I was naked, and you clothed me; I was sick and you assisted me; I was in prison, and you visited me.
37 Sa'annan masu adalcin za su amsa su ce, 'Ubangiji, yaushe muka ganka kana jin yunwa muka baka abinci? Ko kana jin kishi muka baka ruwan sha?
Then the righteous will answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see thee hungry, and feed thee; or thirsty, and give thee drink?
38 Kuma yaushe muka ganka kana bakunci har muka baka masauki? Ko kuma kana huntanci da muka tufatar da kai?
When did we see thee a stranger, and lodged thee; or naked, and clothed thee?
39 Yaushe kuma muka ganka kana ciwo ko a kurkuku har muka ziyarce ka?'
When did we see thee sick, or in prison, and visited thee?
40 Sa'annan Sarkin zai amsa masu yace, 'Hakika Ina gaya maku, duk abinda kuka yi wa daya mafi kakanta daga cikin 'yan'uwana a nan ni kuka yi wa.'
The King will reply to them, Indeed, I say to you, that inasmuch as you have done this to any the least of these my brethren, you have done it to me.
41 Sa'annan zai cewa wadanda suke hannunsa na hagu, 'Ku rabu da ni, ku la'anannu, ku tafi cikin wutar jahannama da aka shirya wa Shaidan da aljannunsa, (aiōnios g166, questioned)
Then he will say to those at his left hand, Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his messengers; (aiōnios g166)
42 domin ina jin yunwa baku bani abinci ba; ina jin kishi ba ku bani ruwa ba;
for I was hungry, but you gave me no food; thirsty, but you gave me no drink;
43 Ina bakunci amma baku bani masauki ba; ina huntanci, baku tufasar da ni ba; ina ciwo kuma ina kurkuku, baku kula da ni ba.'
I was a stranger, but you did not lodge me; naked, but you did not clothe me; sick, and in prison, but you did not visit me.
44 Sa'annan suma zasu amsa su ce, 'Ubangiji, yaushe muka ganka kana jin yunwa, ko kishin ruwa, ko kana bakunci, ko kana huntanci, ko ciwo, kuma a kurkuku, da bamu yi maka hidima ba?'
Then they also will answer, saying, Lord, when did we see thee hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not assist thee?
45 Sa'annan zai amsa ya ce masu, 'Ina gaya maku hakika abin da baku iya yiwa mafi karanta daga cikin wadannan ba, ba ku yi mani ba.'
Then he will reply to them, saying, Indeed, I say to you, that inasmuch as you did it not to any the least of these, you did it not to me.
46 Wadannan kuwa zasu tafi cikin madawwamiyar azaba amma adalai zuwa rai madawwami.” (aiōnios g166)
And these shall go into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life. (aiōnios g166)

< Mattiyu 25 >