< Markus 14 >
1 Idin Ketarewa da bukin gurasa mara yisti sauran kwana biyu kenan, sai shugabanin firistoci da malaman attaura suka nemi yadda zasu kama Yesu a asirce domin su kashe shi.
It was now two days before the Passover and the feast of Unleavened Bread, and the High Priests and Scribes were bent on finding how to seize Him by stratagem and put Him to death.
2 Suna cewa amma “Ba a lokacin idin ba, domin kada su haddasa hargitsi a tsakanin mutane”.
But they said, "Not on the Festival-day, for fear there should be a riot among the people."
3 Yesu yana Betanya a gidan Saminu kuturu, yana shirin liyafa kenan sai ga wata mace dauke da kwalbar turare mai tamanin kwarai, ta shafa masa a kansa.
Now when He was at Bethany, in the house of Simon the Leper, while He was at table, there came a woman with a jar of pure, sweet-scented ointment very costly: she broke the jar and poured the ointment over His head.
4 wasu dake tare da Yesu suka husata, suna kwalbarta da cewa
But there were some who said indignantly among themselves, "Why has the ointment been thus wasted?
5 “Ai wannan turare ne mai tsada, ina laifin a sayar a raba wa talakawa kudin? ina dalilin wannan almubazaranci?
For that ointment might have been sold for fifteen pounds or more, and the money have been given to the poor." And they were exceedingly angry with her.
6 Sai Yesu yace masu “Ku kyaleta, don me kuke tsauta mata,
But Jesus said, "Leave her alone: why are you troubling her? She has done a most gracious act towards me.
7 ai Idan kuna da niyyar taimakon talakawa ko matalauta, suna nan tare da ku ko a yaushe amma ni bazan kasance da ku kullum ba.
For you always have the poor among you, and whenever you choose you can do acts of kindness to them; but me you have not always.
8 Macen nan tayi aiki nagari domin shirya jikina ga jana'iza.
What she could she did: she has perfumed my body in preparation for my burial.
9 hakika, Ina gaya maku, duk inda za'a yi bishara a duniya baza a mance da matan nan da hidimar da ta tayi mini ba.”
And I solemnly tell you that wherever in the whole world the Good News shall be proclaimed, this which she has done shall also be told in remembrance of her."
10 Da jin haka sai Yahuza Iskariyoti, daya daga cikin manzannin ya ruga zuwa wurin baban firist domin ya bashe shi a garesu,
But Judas Iscariot, already mentioned as one of the Twelve, went to the High Priests to betray Jesus to them.
11 Da mayan firistoci suka ji haka suka yi murna matuka tare da alkawarin kudi ga Yahuza, shi kuwa sai ya fara neman zarafin da zai mika Yesu a gare su.
They gladly listened to his proposal, and promised to give him a sum of money. So he looked out for an opportunity to betray Him.
12 A ranar farko ta bukin gurasa marar yisti da kuma hadayar ragon Idin ketarewa, almajiransa suka ce masa “Ina zamu shirya liyafar domin idin ketarewa?
On the first day of the feast of Unleavened Bread--the day for killing the Passover lamb--His disciples asked Him, "Where shall we go and prepare for you to eat the Passover?"
13 Ya aiki biyu daga cikin almajiransa da cewa “Ku shiga cikin birnin, zaku tarar da wani mutum dauke da tullun ruwa.
So He sent two of His disciples with instructions, saying, "Go into the city, and you will meet a man carrying a pitcher of water: follow him,
14 Duk gidan da ya shiga ku bishi, sai ku cewa mai gidan, malam yace “ina bukatar masauki domin hidimar idin ketarewa tare da almajiraina?”'
and whatever house he enters, tell the master of the house, 'The Rabbi asks, Where is my room where I can eat the Passover with my disciples?'
15 Zai kuwa nuna maku babban bene gyararre. Sai ku yi mana shiri a can.”
Then he will himself show you a large room upstairs, ready furnished: there make preparation for us."
16 Da shigar almajiran cikin birnin, sai kome ya kasance yadda ya fada, su kuwa suka yi shirye shiryen idin ketarewar.
So the disciples went out and came to the city, and found everything just as He had told them; and they got the Passover ready.
17 Da maraice ta yi, sai ya tare da sha biyun.
When it was evening, He came with the Twelve.
18 Yayin da suke zazzaune a teburin suna cin abincin, sai Yesu ya ce “Hakika ina gaya maku wani da ke ci tare da ni a nan zai bashe ni”.
And while they were at table Jesus said, "I solemnly tell you that one of you will betray me--one who is eating with me."
19 Sai suka damu suka tambaye shi daya bayan daya suna cewa “Hakika bani bane ko?”
They were filled with sorrow, and began asking Him, one by one, "Not I, is it?"
20 Yesu ya amsa masu da cewa “Daya daga cikin sha biyu ne, wanda ke sa hannu tare da ni yanzu cikin tasar”.
"It is one of the Twelve," He replied; "he who is dipping his fingers in the dish with me.
21 Dan Mutum zai tafi ne yadda nassi ya umarta game da shi amma kaiton wanda zai bashe shi! “zai, fiye masa, dama ba a haife shi ba”.
For the Son of Man is going His way as it is written about Him; but alas for the man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It had been a happy thing for that man, had he never been born."
22 Lokacin da suke cin abincin, Yesu ya dauki gurasa ya sa albarka, ya gutsuttsura ta, sai ya basu yana cewa “Wannan jikinana ne”.
Also during the meal He took a Passover biscuit, blessed it, and broke it. He then gave it to them, saying, "Take this, it is my body."
23 Ya kuma dauki koko, yayi godiya, ya basu, su kuwa suka sha daga kokon.
Then He took the cup, gave thanks, and handed it to them, and they all of them drank from it.
24 Ya ce “Wannan jinina ne na alkawari da an zubar ga yawancin mutane”.
"This is my blood," He said, "which is to be poured out on behalf of many--the blood which makes the Covenant sure.
25 Hakika, bazan kara sha daga wannan ruwan inabi ba sai a ranar da zan sha sabo cikin mulkin Allah.”
I solemnly tell you that never again will I taste the produce of the vine till I shall drink the new wine in the Kingdom of God."
26 Bayan sun raira wakar yabo ga Allah, sai suka tafi wurin dutsen zaitun.
After singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.
27 Yesu ya ce masu dukkan ku zaku yi tuntube harma ku fadi saboda ni gama rubuce take cewa “Zan buge makiyayin, tumakin kuwa za su watse;
Then said Jesus to them, "All of you are about to stumble and fall, for it is written, 'I will strike down the Shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered in all directions.'
28 Amma bayan tashina, zai yi gaba in riga ku zuwa Galili.
But after I have risen to life again I will go before you into Galilee."
29 Bitrus ya ce masa “ko dukkansu sun fadi, faufau banda ni”.
"All may stumble and fall," said Peter, "yet I never will."
30 Yesu yace masa “Hakika ina gaya maka, cikin wannan dare kafin carar zakara ta biyu zaka yi musun sani na sau uku”.
"I solemnly tell you," replied Jesus, "that to-day--this night--before the cock crows twice, you yourself will three times disown me."
31 Amma Bitrus ya sake cewa “Koda za'a kasheni tare da kai ba zan yi musun sanin ka ba”. Dukkan su kuwa suka yi wannan Alkawari.
"Even if I must die with you," declared Peter again and again, "I will never disown you." In like manner protested also all the disciples.
32 Suka isa wani wuri da ake kira Getsamani, sai Yesu ya ce wa almajiransa “Ku dakata anan domin zan je inyi addu'a”.
So they came to a place called Gethsemane. There He said to His disciples, "Sit down here till I have prayed."
33 Sai ya dauki Bitrus, da Yakubu, da Yahaya. Ya fara jin wahala mutuka tare da damuwa kwarai.
Then He took with Him Peter and James and John, and began to be full of terror and distress,
34 Sai ya ce masu “Raina na shan wahala harma kamar in mutu. Ku dakata a nan, ku zauna a fadake”.
and He said to them, "My heart is oppressed with anguish to the very point of death: wait here and keep awake."
35 Da Yesu yayi gaba kadan, sai ya fadi kasa yayi addu'a yana cewa idan mai yiwuwa ne “A dauke masa wannan sa'a daga gare shi.
Going forward a short distance He threw Himself upon His face and prayed repeatedly that, if it was possible, He might be spared that time of agony;
36 Ya ce “Ya Abba Uba, kome mai yuwane gare ka, ka dauke mini kokon wahalan nan, duk da haka ba nufina ba sai dai naka”.
and He said, "Abba! my Father! all things are possible for Thee: take this cup of suffering away from me: and yet not what I desire, but what Thou desirest."
37 Da komowarsa ya same su suna barci, sai ya ce wa Bitrus, Siman barci kake? Ashe, ba za ka iya zama a fadake ko da sa'a daya ba?
Then He came and found them asleep, and He said to Peter, "Simon, are you asleep? Had you not strength to keep awake a single hour?
38 Ku zauna a fadake, kuyi addu'a kada ku fada cikin jaraba. Lalle ruhu na da niyya amma jiki raunana ne.
Be wakeful, all of you, and keep on praying, that you may not come into temptation: the spirit is right willing, but the body is frail."
39 Sai ya sake komawa, yayi addu'a, yana maimaita kalmominsa na farko.
He again went away and prayed, using the very same words.
40 Har wa yau kuma ya sake dawowa, ya same su suna barci don barci ya cika masu idanu kwarai, sun kuwa kasa ce masa kome.
When He returned He again found them asleep, for they were very tired; and they knew not how to answer Him.
41 Ya sake komowa karo na uku yace masu “har yanzu barci kuke yi kuna hutawa? Ya isa haka! Lokaci yayi, an bada Dan Mutum ga masu zunubi”.
A third time He came, and then He said, "Sleep on and rest. Enough! the hour has come. Even now they are betraying the Son of Man into the hands of sinful men.
42 Ku tashi mutafi kun ga, ga mai bashe ni nan ya kusato.”
Rouse yourselves, let us be going: my betrayer is close at hand."
43 Nan da nan, kafin ya rufe baki sai ga Yahuza, daya daga cikin sha biyun da taron jama'a rike da takkuba da kulake. Manyan firistoci da malaman attaura da shugabanni suka turo su.
Immediately, while He was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, came and with him a crowd of men armed with swords and cudgels, sent by the High Priests and Scribes and Elders.
44 Mai bashe shi din nan ya riga ya kulla da su cewa “Wanda zan yi wa sumba shine mutumin, ku kama shi ku tafi da shi a tsare.
Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them. "The one I kiss," he said, "is the man: lay hold of him, and take him safely away."
45 Da isowarsa kuwa, sai ya zo wurin Yesu ya ce “Ya malam!”. Sai ya sumbace shi.
So he came, and going straight to Jesus he said, "Rabbi!" and kissed Him with seeming affection;
46 Su kuwa suka kama shi, suka tafi da shi.
whereupon they laid hands on Him and held Him firmly.
47 Amma daya daga cikin na tsaye ya zaro takobinsa ya kai wa bawan babban firist sara, ya yanke masa kunne.
But one of those who stood by drew his sword and struck a blow at the High Priest's servant, cutting off his ear.
48 Sai Yesu ya ce “kun fito kamar masu kama yan fashi da takkuba da kulake, domin ku kama ni?
"Have you come out," said Jesus, "with swords and cudgels to arrest me, as if you had to fight with a robber?
49 Lokacin da nake koyarwa a Haikali, kowace rana da ku, baku kama ni ba. Amma anyi haka ne domin a cika abinda Nassi ya fada.”
Day after day I used to be among you in the Temple teaching, and you never seized me. But this is happening in order that the Scriptures may be fulfilled.'
50 Daga nan duk wadanda suke tare da Yesu suka yashe shi, suka tsere.
Then His friends all forsook Him and fled.
51 Wani saurayi, daga shi sai mayafi ya bi shi, suka kai masa cafka.
One youth indeed did follow Him, wearing only a linen cloth round his bare body. Of him they laid hold,
52 Shi kuwa ya bar masu mayafin ya gudu tsirara.
but he left the linen cloth in their hands and fled without it.
53 Daga nan suka tafi da Yesu wurin babban firist. a can suka tara dattawa duk da manyan firistoci da shugabanni da marubuta, suka taru a wurinsa.
So they led Jesus away to the High Priest, and with him there assembled all the High Priests, Elders, and Scribes.
54 Bitrus kuwa ya bi shi daga nesa har cikin gidan babban firist. Ya zauna tare da dogaran Haikalin, yana jin dumin wuta.
Peter followed Jesus at a distance, as far as the outer court of the High Priest's palace. But there he remained sitting among the officers, and warming himself by the fire.
55 Sai, manyan firistoci da duk 'yan majalisa Yahudawa suka nemi shaidar da za a tabbatar a kan Yesu, don su samu su kashe shi. Amma basu samu ba.
Meanwhile the High Priests and the entire Sanhedrin were endeavouring to get evidence against Jesus in order to put Him to death, but could find none;
56 Da yawa kuma suka yi masa shaidar Zur (Karya), amma bakin su bai zama daya ba.
for though many gave false testimony against Him, their statements did not tally.
57 Sai wadansu kuma suka taso suka yi masa shaidar zur (karya) suka ce.
Then some came forward as witnesses and falsely declared,
58 “Mun ji ya ce, wai zai rushe haikalin nan da mutane suka gina, ya sake gina wani cikin kwana uku, ba kuwa ginin mutum ba”.
"We have heard him say, 'I will pull down this Sanctuary built by human hands, and three days afterwards I will erect another built without hands.'"
59 Duk da haka, sai shaidar tasu bata zo daya ba.
But not even in this shape was their testimony consistent.
60 Sai babban firist ya mike a tsakanin su, ya tambayi Yesu yace “Ba ka da wata amsa game da shaidar da mutanen nan suke yi a kanka?
At last the High Priest stood up, and advancing into the midst of them all, asked Jesus, "Have you no answer to make? What is the meaning of all this that these witnesses allege against you?"
61 Amma yayi shiru abinsa, bai ce kome ba. Sai babban firist din ya sake tambayarsa “To, ashe kai ne Allmasihu Dan Madaukaki?
But He remained silent, and gave no reply. A second time the High Priest questioned Him. "Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?" he said.
62 Yesu ya ce “Nine. Za ku kuwa ga Dan Mutum zaune dama ga mai iko, yana kuma zuwa cikin gajimare”.
"I am," replied Jesus, "and you and others will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the divine Power, and coming amid the clouds of the sky."
63 Sai babban firist ya kyakketa tufafinsa yace “Wacce shaida kuma zamu nema?
Rending his garments the High Priest exclaimed, "What need have we of witnesses after that?
64 Kun dai ji sabon da yayi! Me kuka gani? Duk suka yanke masa hukunci akan ya cancanci kisa.
You all heard his impious words. What is your judgement?" Then with one voice they condemned Him as deserving of death.
65 Wadansu ma suka fara tottofa masa yau, suka daure masa idanu, suka bubbuge shi suna cewa “Yi annabci” Dogaran kuma suka yi ta marinsa.
Thereupon some began to spit on Him, and to blindfold Him, while striking Him with their fists and crying, "Prove that you are a prophet." The officers too struck Him with open hands as they took Him in charge.
66 Bitrus kuwa na kasa a filin gida, sai wata baranyar babban firist ta zo.
Now while Peter was below in the quadrangle, one of the High Priest's maidservants came,
67 Da ta ga Bitrus na jin dumi, ta yi masa kallon gaske ta ce “Kaima ai tare kake da banazaren nan Yesu”.
and seeing Peter warming himself she looked at him and said, "You also were with Jesus, the Nazarene."
68 Amma ya musa ya ce “Ni ban ma san abinda kike fada ba balle in fahimta”. Sai ya fito zaure. Sai zakara yayi cara.
But he denied it, and said, "I don't know--I don't understand--What do you mean?" And then he went out into the outer court. Just then a cock crowed.
69 Sai baranyar ta ganshi, ta sake ce wa wadanda ke tsaitsaye a wurin, “Wannan ma daya daga cikinsu ne”.
Again the maidservant saw him, and again began to say to the people standing by, "He is one of them."
70 Amma ya sake musawa, jim kadan sai na tsaitsayen suka ce wa Bitrus “Lalle kai ma dayansu ne don ba Galile ne kai”.
A second time he repeatedly denied it. Soon afterwards the bystanders again accused Peter, saying, "You are surely one of them, for you too are a Galilaean."
71 Sai ya fara la'anta kansa yana ta rantsuwa yana ce wa “Ban ma san mutumin nan da kuke fada ba”.
But he broke out into curses and oaths, declaring, "I know nothing of the man you are talking about."
72 Nan da nan sai zakara ya yi cara ta biyu, Bitrus kuwa ya tuna da maganar Yesu a gare shi cewa “Kafin zakara ya yi cara ta biyu, za ka yi musun sani na sau uku”. Da ya tuno haka, sai ya fashe da kuka.
No sooner had he spoken than a cock crowed for the second time, and Peter recollected the words of Jesus, "Before the cock crows twice, you will three times disown me." And as he thought of it, he wept aloud.