< Markus 10 >

1 Yesu ya bar wannan wurin, ya tafi yankin Yahudiya, wajen hayin kogin Urdun. Sai jama'a suka je wurinsa. Ya ci gaba da koya masu, kamar yadda ya zama al'adarsa.
Soon on His feet once more, He enters the district of Judaea and crosses the Jordan: again the people flock to Him, and ere long, as was usual with Him, He was teaching them once more.
2 Sai Farisawa su ka zo wurinsa, su ka ce, '' dai dai ne mutum ya saki matarsa?'' Wannan tambaya sun yi ta ne domin su gwada shi.
Presently a party of Pharisees come to Him with the question--seeking to entrap Him, "May a man divorce his wife?"
3 Ya amsa ya ce, menene Musa ya umarce ku?
"What rule did Moses lay down for you?" He answered.
4 Suka ce, ''Musa ya yarda mutum ya rubuta takardar saki ga matarsa, ya sallameta ta fita.''
"Moses," they said, "permitted a man to draw up a written notice of divorce, and to send his wife away."
5 “Domin taurin zuciyarku ne ya rubuta maku wannan dokar,” Yesu ya ce masu.
"It was in consideration of your stubborn hearts," said Jesus, "that Moses enacted this law for you;
6 Amman tun daga farkon halitta, 'Allah ya halicci namiji da ta mata.'
but from the beginning of the creation the rule was, 'Male and female did God make them.
7 Domin wannan dalilin ne mutum zai rabu mahaifinsa da mahaifiyarsa ya mannewa matarsa.
For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cling to his wife,
8 Su biyu kuwa sun zama jiki daya, ba biyu ba,
and the two shall be one'; so that they are two no longer, but 'one.'
9 Saboda haka abinda Allah ya hada kada mutum ya raba.”
What, therefore, God has joined together let not man separate."
10 Lokacin da suke cikin gida, sai almajiransa suka sake tambayarsa akan wannan magana.
Indoors the disciples began questioning Jesus again on the same subject.
11 Ya ce da su. Dukan wanda ya saki matarsa ya kuma auro wata matar yayi zina da ita kenan.
He replied, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman, commits adultery against the first wife;
12 Haka nan duk matar da ta saki mijinta ta auri wani ta yi zina da shi kenan.”
and if a woman puts away her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery."
13 Mutane suka kawo masa 'ya'yansu kanana don ya taba su, sai almajiransa suka kwabe su.
One day people were bringing young children to Jesus for Him to touch them, but the disciples interfered.
14 Da Yesu ya gani, ya ji haushi, ya ce masu. Ku bar yara kanana su zo wurina, kada ku hana su domin mulkin Allah na irinsu ne.
Jesus, however, on seeing this, was moved to indignation, and said to them, "Let the little children come to me: do not hinder them; for to those who are childlike the Kingdom of God belongs.
15 Gaskiya na ke fada maku duk mutumin da bai karbi mulkin Allah kamar karamin yaro ba, babu shakka ba zai shiga mulkin Allah ba.
In solemn truth I tell you that no one who does not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will by any possibility enter it."
16 Sai ya rungume su ya sa masu albarka.
Then He took them in His arms and blessed them lovingly, one by one, laying His hands upon them.
17 Lokacin da ya fara tafiya, sai wani mutum ya rugo wurinsa, ya durkusa a gabansa. Ya tambaye shi, yace ya ''Malam managarci, me zan yi domin in sami rai na har abada?'' (aiōnios g166)
As He went out to resume His journey, there came a man running up to Him, who knelt at His feet and asked, "Good Rabbi, what am I to do in order to inherit the Life of the Ages?" (aiōnios g166)
18 Amma Yesu ya ce masa. Don me ka ke kira na managarci? Babu wani managarci sai dai Allah kadai.
"Why do you call me good?" asked Jesus in reply; "there is no one truly good except One--that is, God.
19 Kasan dokokin. Kada ka yi kisan kai, kada ka yi zina, kada ka yi sata, kada ka yi shaidar zur, kada ka yi zamba, ka girmama mahaifinka da mahaifiyarka.”
You know the Commandments--'Do not murder;' 'Do not commit adultery;' 'Do not steal;' 'Do not lie in giving evidence;' 'Do not defraud;' 'Honour thy father and thy mother.'"
20 Sai mutumin ya ce masa Malam ai na kiyayye duk wadannan abubuwa tun ina yaro.
"Rabbi," he replied, "all these Commandments I have carefully obeyed from my youth."
21 Yesu ya dube shi duban kauna ya ce masa. Abu daya ka rasa. Shi ne ka je ka sayar da duk mallakarka ka ba mabukata, za ka sami wadata a sama. Sa'annan ka zo ka bi ni.
Then Jesus looked at him and loved him, and said, "One thing is lacking in you: go, sell all you possess and give the proceeds to the poor, and you shall have riches in Heaven; and come and be a follower of mine."
22 Da ya ji haka sai ransa ya baci, ya tafi yana bakin ciki, don shi mai arziki ne kwarai.
At these words his brow darkened, and he went away sad; for he was possessed of great wealth.
23 Yesu ya dubi almajiransa ya ce. ''Yana da wuya masu arziki su shiga mulkin Allah!''
Then looking round on His disciples Jesus said, "With how hard a struggle will the possessors of riches enter the Kingdom of God!"
24 Almajiransa suka yi mamakin maganarsa. Sai Yesu ce masu, ya ku ya'ya'na yana da wuya kamar me a shiga mulkin Allah.
The disciples were amazed at His words. Jesus, however, said again, "Children, how hard a struggle is it for those who trust in riches to enter the Kingdom of God!
25 Zai zama da sauki ga rakumi yabi ta kafar allura da mai arziki ya shiga mulkin Allah.
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God."
26 Sai suka cika da mamaki sosai, su kace wa juna, ''to idan haka ne wanene zai iya tsira kenan?''
They were astonished beyond measure, and said to one another, "Who then can be saved?"
27 Yesu ya dube su ya ce masu. Ga mutane a bu ne mai wuyar gaske, amma a wurin Allah komai yiwuwa ne.
Jesus looking on them said, "With men it is impossible, but not with God; for everything is possible with God."
28 Bitrus ya ce masa, ''to gashi mu mun bar kome, mun bika''.
"Remember," said Peter to Him, "that we forsook everything and have become your followers."
29 Yesu ya ce. Gaskiya na ke fada maku, babu wanda zai bar gidansa, da yan'uwansa maza da mata, da mahaifiya ko mahaifi, ko 'ya'ya ko gona, saboda da ni da kuma bishara,
"In solemn truth I tell you," replied Jesus, "that there is no one who has forsaken house or brothers or sisters, or mother or father, or children or lands, for my sake and for the sake of the Good News,
30 sa'annan ya rasa samun nikinsu dari a zamanin yanzu, na gidaje, da yan'uwa mata da maza' da iyaye mata da 'ya'ya da gonaki, game da tsanani, a duniya mai zuw kuma ya sami rai madawwami. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
but will receive a hundred times as much now in this present life--houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, lands--and persecution with them--and in the coming age the Life of the Ages. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 Da yawa wadanda suke na farko za su koma na karshe, na karshe kuma za su zama na farko.
But many who are now first will be last, and the last, first."
32 Suna tafiya Urushalima, Yesu kuwa na gabansu. Almajiransa sun yi mamaki, mutane da ke biye da su kuwa sun tsorata. Yesu kuwa ya sake kebe sha biyun nan, ya fara fada masu abin da zai same shi.
They were still on the road going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was walking ahead of them; they were full of wonder, and some, though they followed, did so with fear. Then, once more calling to Him the Twelve, He began to tell them what was about to happen to Him.
33 “Kun ga, za mu Urushalima za a bada Dan mutum ga manyan Firistoci da malan Attaura, za su kuma yi masa hukuncin kisa su kuma bada shi ga al'ummai.
"See," He said, "we are going up to Jerusalem, where the Son of Man will be betrayed to the High Priests and the Scribes. They will condemn Him to death, and will hand Him over to the Gentiles;
34 Za su yi masa ba a, su tofa masa yau, su yi masa bulala, su kashe shi, bayan kwana uku kuwa zai tashi.”
they will insult Him in cruel sport, spit on Him, scourge Him, and put Him to death; but on the third day He will rise to life again."
35 Yakubu da Yahaya, 'ya'yan Zabadi, suka zo wurin sa, suka ce, ''Malam muna so kayi mana duk abin da mu ka roke ka''
Then James and John, the sons of Zabdi, came up to Him and said, "Rabbi, we wish you would grant us whatever request we make of you."
36 Ya ce masu. ''Me ku ke so in yi maku?''
"What would you have me do for you?" He asked.
37 Suka ce, ''ka yardar mana, a ranar daukakarka, mu zauna daya a damanka, daya kuma a hagunka.''
"Allow us," they replied, "to sit one at your right hand and the other at your left hand, in your glory."
38 Yesu ya ce masu. ''Ba ku san abinda ku ke roka ba. Kwa iya sha daga kokon da zan sha? Ko kuma za a yi maku baftismar da za a yi mani?''
"You know not," said He, "what you are asking. Are you able to drink out of the cup from which I am to drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am to be baptized?"
39 Suka fada masa, ''Zamu iya.'' Yesu ya ce masu, '' kokon da zan sha, da shi zaku sha, baftismar da za ayi mani kuma da ita za a yi maku.''
"We are able," they replied. "Out of the cup," said Jesus, "from which I am to drink you shall drink, and with the baptism with which I am to be baptized you shall be baptized;
40 Amma zama a damata, ko a haguna, ba na wa ba ne da zan bayar, ai na wadanda a ka shiryawa ne.”
but as to sitting at my right hand or at my left, that is not mine to give: it will be for those for whom it is reserved."
41 Da sauran almajiran nan goma suka ji, suka fara jin haushin Yakubu da Yahaya.
The other ten, hearing of it, were at first highly indignant with James and John.
42 Yesu kuma ya kira su wurinsa ya ce masu, '' kun sani wadanda aka san su da mulkin al'ummai sukan nuna masu iko, hakimansu kuma sukan gasa masu iko.
Jesus, however, called them to Him and said to them, "You are aware how those who are deemed rulers among the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men make them feel their authority;
43 Amma ba haka zai kasance a tsakaninku ba. Duk wanda ya ke son zama babba a cikinku, lalle ne ya zama baranku.
but it is not to be so among you. No, whoever desires to be great among you must be your servant;
44 Duk wanda ya ke so ya shugabance ku lalle ne ya zama bawan kowa.
and whoever desires to be first among you must be the bondservant of all.
45 Saboda haka ne Dan mutum ya zo ba domin a bauta masa ba, sai dai domin shi yayi bautar, ya kuma ba da ransa fansa saboda da mutane da yawa.”
For the Son of Man also did not come to be waited upon, but to wait on others, and to give His life as the redemption-price for a multitude of people."
46 Sa'adda suka iso Yariko, yana fita daga Yariko kenan, shi da almajiransa, da wani babban taro, sai ga wani makaho mai bara, mai suna Bartimawas dan Timawas yana zaune a gefen hanya.
They came to Jericho; and as He was leaving that town--Himself and His disciples and a great crowd--Bartimaeus (the son of Timaeus), a blind beggar, was sitting by the way-side.
47 Da ya ji Yesu Banazare ne, ya fara daga murya yana cewa, ''Ya Yesu, Dan Dauda, kaji tausayina''
Hearing that it was Jesus the Nazarene, he began to cry out, "Son of David, Jesus, have pity on me."
48 Mutane da yawa suka kwabe shi, cewa yayi shiru. Sai ya kara daga murya kwarai da gaske, yana cewa, Ya Dan Dauda ka yi mani jinkai, ka ji tausayina!”
Many angrily told him to leave off shouting; but he only cried out all the louder, "Son of David, have pity on me."
49 Yesu ya tsaya ya ce, ku kirawo shi. Su kuwa suka kirawo makahon suka ce masa. ''Albishrinka, ta so! Yana kiranka.''
Then Jesus stood still. "Call him," He said. So they called the blind man. "Cheer up," they said; "rise, he is calling you."
50 Makahon ya yar da mayafinsa, ya zaburo wurin Yesu.
The man flung away his outer garment, sprang to his feet, and came to Jesus.
51 Yesu ya tambaye shi, ya ce, '' me ka ke so in yi maka?'' Makahon ya ce, ''Malam in sami gani.''
"What shall I do for you?" said Jesus. "Rabboni," replied the blind man, "let me recover my sight."
52 Yesu ya ce masa. ''Yi tafiyarka, bangaskiyarka ta warkar da kai.'' Nan take idanunsa suka bude, ya bi Yesu, suka tafi tare.
"Go," said Jesus, "your faith has cured you." Instantly he regained his sight, and followed Him along the road.

< Markus 10 >