< Yaƙub 1 >

1 Yakubu, bawan Allah, da kuma Ubangiji Yesu Almasihu, zuwa ga kabilun nan goma sha biyu da suke warwatse: ina gaishe ku.
James, a Servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, greets the Twelve Tribes that are living abroad.
2 Ku dauke su duka da farin ciki, 'yan'uwana, duk sa'adda kuke fuskantar jarabobi.
My Brothers, whatever may be the temptations that beset you from time to time, always regard them as a reason for rejoicing,
3 Ku sani cewa gwajin banskiyar ku ta kan haifi jimiri.
knowing, as you do, that the testing of your faith develops endurance.
4 Bari jimiri ya cika aikin sa, domin ku kai ga cikakken girma kuma ku kammalu, domin kada ku rasa komai.
And let endurance do its work perfectly, so that you may be altogether perfect, and in no respect deficient.
5 Amma idan waninku yana bukatar hikima, sai ya roki Allah, wanda yake bayarwa a yalwace, ba tare da gori ba ga duk wanda ya roke shi, zai kuwa ba shi.
If one of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask wisdom from the God who gives freely to every one without reproaches, and it will be given to him.
6 Amma fa sai ya roka da banskiya ba tare da shakka ba, don mai shakka kamar rakumin ruwan teku yake, wanda iska take korarwa tana tunkudawa.
But let him ask with confidence, never doubting; for the man who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven hither and thither at the mercy of the wind —
7 Tilas ne wannan mutum kada ya yi tunanin zai karbi wani abu a wurin Ubangiji.
Such a man must not expect that he will receive anything from the Lord,
8 Irin wannan mutumin mai zuciya biyu ne, mara tsai da hankali a dukan hanyoyin sa.
vacillating as he is, irresolute at every turn.
9 Bari dan'uwa matalauci ya yi takama da matsayin sa babba,
Let a Brother in humble circumstances be proud of his exalted position, but a rich Brother of his humiliation;
10 amma mutum mai arziki kuma a kaskantaccen matsayin sa, gama zai shude kamar furen ciyawa na jeji.
for the rich man will pass away ‘like the flower of the grass.’
11 Domin rana na bullowa da zafi mai konarwa kuma ya busar da ciyawa. Furen ya fadi, kuma kyaun sa ya lalace. Haka ma, mai arziki zai bushe yana cikin tsakiyar tafiyarsa.
As the sun rises, and the hot wind blows, ‘the grass withers, its flower fades,’ and all its beauty is gone. So is it with the rich man. In the midst of his pursuits he will come to an untimely end.
12 Albarka ta tabbata ga mutum mai jurewa da gwaji. Domin in ya jure gwajin, zai sami rawanin rai, wanda aka yi alkawarin sa ga wadanda ke kaunar Allah.
Blessed is the man who remains firm under temptation, for, when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of Life, which the Lord has promised to those who love him.
13 Kada wani ya ce idan aka gwada shi, ''Wannan gwaji daga wurin Allah ne,'' domin ba a gwada Allah da mugunta, shi kan sa kuwa ba ya gwada kowa.
Let no one say, when he is tempted, “It is God who is tempting me!” For God, who cannot be tempted to do wrong, does not himself tempt any one.
14 Amma kowanne mutum yakan sami gwaji daga muguwar sha'awar sa, wadda take janye shi kuma ta rinjaye shi.
A man is in every case tempted by his own passions — allured and enticed by them.
15 Bayan da muguwar sha'awar ta dauki ciki, sai ta haifi zunubi. Kuma bayan da zunubi ya yi girma, yakan haifi mutuwa.
Then Passion conceives and gives birth to Sin, and Sin, on reaching maturity, brings forth Death.
16 Kada fa ku yaudaru, 'yan'uwana kaunatattu.
Do not be deceived, my dear Brothers.
17 Kowace kyakkyawar baiwa, da kowace cikakkiyar baiwa daga sama take. Ta sauko ne daga wurin Uban haskoki. Wanda babu sauyawa ko wata alamar sakewa kamar yadda inuwa ke yi.
Every good thing given us, and every perfect gift, is from above, and comes down to us from the Maker of the Lights in the heavens, who is himself never subject to change or to eclipse.
18 Allah ya zabi ya haife mu ta wurin maganar gaskiya, domin mu zama kamar nunar fari na dukan halittar sa.
Because he so willed, he gave us Life, through the Message of the Truth, so that we should be, as it were, an earnest of still further creations.
19 Kun san wannan, 'yan'uwana kaunatattu: bari kowanne mutum ya yi hanzarin kasa kunne, da jinkirin yin magana, da kuma jinkirin yin fushi.
Mark this, my dear Brothers — Let every one be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry;
20 Domin fushin mutum ba ya aikata adalcin Allah.
for the anger of man does not forward the righteous purpose of God.
21 Saboda haka, sai ku yar da kowanne irin aikin kazanta da yalwar mugunta. A cikin tawali'u ku karbi dassashiyar maganar, wadda ke iya ceton rayukan ku.
Therefore, have done with all filthiness and whatever wickedness still remains, and in a humble spirit receive that Message which has been planted in your hearts and is able to save your souls.
22 Ku zama masu aikata maganar, kada ku zama masu jin ta kawai, kuna yaudarar kanku.
Put that Message into practice, and do not merely listen to it — deceiving yourselves.
23 Domin duk wanda ya ke mai jin maganar ne kawai, ba mai aikatawa ba, kamar mutum yake mai duba fuskarsa a madubi.
For, when any one listens to it and does not practice it, he is like a man looking at his own face in a mirror.
24 Yakan dubi kansa sai ya tafi, nan da nan kuwa sai ya manta da kamannin sa.
He looks at himself, then goes on his way,
25 Amma duk mai duba shari'ar da bin ka'idar nan ta 'yanci, ya kuma nace biyayya da ita, ba zai zama kamar wanda zai ji ya manta ba, wannan mutum zai zama da albarka a cikin abin da yake yi.
but he who looks carefully into the perfect Law, the Law of Freedom, and continues to do so, not listening to it and then forgetting it, but putting it into practice — that man will be blessed in what he does.
26 Idan wani yana zaton shi mai addini ne, amma bai kame bakinsa ba, yana yaudarar zuciyarsa ne, addinin mutumin nan na banza ne.
When a man appears to be religious, yet does not bridle his tongue, but imposes upon his own conscience, that man’s religious observances are valueless.
27 Addini sahihi kuma marar aibi a gaban Allahnmu da Ubanmu, shine a kula da gwauraye da marayu a cikin kuntatar su, kuma mutum ya kebe kansa ya zama marar aibi daga duniya.
That religious observance which is pure and spotless in the eyes of God our Father is this — to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself uncontaminated by the world.

< Yaƙub 1 >