< 1 Korintiyawa 4 >

1 Ga yadda za ku dauke mu, kamar bayin Almasihu da kuma masu rikon asiran Allah.
So, people ought to consider us [apostles] (OR, Apollos and me) to be [merely] servants of Christ. God has given to us [(exc) the work of] telling others the message that God has now revealed to us.
2 Hade da wannan, ana bukatar wakilai su zama amintattu.
With respect to doing that, those who are given work are required {give others some work to do require them} to do that work faithfully.
3 Amma a gare ni, karamin abu ne ku yi mani shari'a, ko a wata kotu irin ta mutane. Gama bani yi wa kaina shari'a.
I am not concerned whether you or [the judges in] some court decide whether I have done my work faithfully or not. I do not even judge myself [about that].
4 Ban sani ko akwai wani zargi a kaina ba, amma wannan bai nuna cewa bani da laifi ba. Ubangiji ne mai yi mani shari'a.
I do not think that I have done anything wrong, but that does not prove that I have done nothing wrong. The Lord is the one who judges me.
5 Sabili da haka, kada ku yanke shari'a kafin lokaci, kafin Ubangiji ya dawo. Zai bayyana dukkan boyayyun ayyuka na duhu, ya kuma tona nufe-nufen zuciya. San nan kowa zai samu yabonsa daga wurin Allah.
So, stop evaluating any of us [(exc)] before the time [when God judges everyone] [MTY]! Do not judge us before the Lord comes. He is the one who will reveal the sinful things that people have done secretly. He will even reveal what people have thought. At that time God will praise each person as [each one of them deserves].
6 Yan'uwa, ina dora wadannan ka'idoji a kaina da Afollos domin ku, yadda ta wurin mu za ku koyi ma'anar maganar nan cewa, “kada ku zarce abin da aka rubuta.” Ya zama haka domin kada waninku ya kumbura yana nuna fifiko ga wani akan wani.
My fellow believers, I have [told you] all these things as illustrations of myself and Apollos. I have done this for your sake, in order that you may learn [to live according to] the saying, “Do not act contrary to what is {what they have} written [in the Scriptures].” If you follow that rule, you will not be proud of one [spiritual leader] and despise another.
7 Gama wa yaga bambanci tsakanin ku da wasu? Me kuke da shi da ba kyauta kuka karba ba? Idan kyauta kuka karba, don me kuke fahariya kamar ba haka ba ne?
(No one has made any of you superior to others!/Why do any of you think that you are superior to others?) [RHQ] [All the abilities] that you have, you received [from God]. [RHQ] So if you received them all [from God], (you should not boast [thinking], “I got these abilities [from myself], [not from God]!”/why do you boast [thinking], “I got these abilities [from myself], [not from God]?”) [RHQ]
8 Kun rigaya kun sami dukkan abubuwan da kuke bukata! Kun rigaya kun zama mawadata! Kun rigaya kun fara mulki- kuma ba tare da mu ba! Hakika, marmarina shine ku yi mulki, domin mu yi mulki tare da ku.
[It is disgusting that you act as though] [IRO] you have already received everything that you need [spiritually]. You act as though [IRO] you were [spiritually] rich (OR, you had received all [the spiritual gifts you need]). You act as though [IRO] you had already begun to rule as kings with Christ. Well, I wish that you really were ruling [with him], in order that we [apostles] might also rule with you!
9 A tunanina, mu manzanni, Allah ya sa mu a jerin karshe kamar mutanen da aka zartar wa hukuncin mutuwa. Mun zama abin kallo ga duniya, ga mala'iku, ga mutane kuma.
But it seems as though God has put us [apostles] on display, [like prisoners] at the end [of the victor’s parade]. We [(exc)] are like men who have been condemned to die, who have been put in the arena where everyone can see [the wild animals] killing them. And not only people, but even angels all over the world [are watching us, as people] watch those who are performing a play [in a theater].
10 Mun zama marasa wayo sabili da Almasihu, amma ku masu hikima ne a cikin Almasihu. Mu raunana ne, amma ku masu karfi ne. Ana ganin mu marasa daraja, ku kuwa masu daraja.
Many people consider us to be [IRO] fools because [we preach about] Christ, but you proudly [think [IRO] that] you are wise because (of your close relationship with/you belong to) Christ. Many people [consider us] [IRO] to be unimpressive, but you [proudly think that you] impress others. People respect you, but they do not respect us.
11 Har zuwa wannan sa'a, muna masu yunwa da kishi, marasa tufafi masu kyau, mun sha kazamin duka, kuma mun zama marasa gidaje.
Up to this present time we have often been hungry. We have often been thirsty. We have ragged clothes. Often we have been beaten {others have beaten us}. We [have traveled so much that we] have no regular homes to live in.
12 Mun yi fama sosai, muna aiki da hanuwanmu. Sa'adda an aibata mu, muna sa albarka. Sa'adda an tsananta mana, muna jurewa.
We work very hard [to earn a living]. When we are cursed [by people] {When [people] curse us}, we [ask God to] bless them. When we are persecuted {When [people] cause us to suffer}, we endure it.
13 Sa'adda an zage mu, muna magana da nasiha. Mun zama, kuma har yanzu an dauke mu a matsayin kayan shara na duniya da abubuwa mafi kazamta duka.
When we are slandered [by people] {When [people] slander us}, we reply kindly to them. Up to now, [unbelievers consider us to be worthless] [MET], [as though we were] just garbage.
14 Ban rubuta wadannan abubuwa domin in kunyata ku ba, amma domin in yi maku gyara kamar kaunatattun yayana.
I am writing this to you, not to make you feel ashamed, but instead to warn you as [though you were] my own dear children.
15 Ko da kuna da masu riko dubu goma a cikin Almasihu, ba ku da ubanni da yawa. Gama ni na zama ubanku cikin Almasihu Yesu ta wurin bishara.
I say that because as [an apostle of] Christ Jesus I [was the first one who] proclaimed the good message to you. As a result, I was the one who enabled you to have eternal life. So even if there were thousands of Christians who instruct you [MET], I am the only one who became [like] a father to you.
16 Don haka, ina kira gare ku da ku zama masu koyi da ni.
So I urge you to [live for Christ] the way I do.
17 Shiyasa na aiko Timoti wurin ku, kaunatacce da amintaccen dana cikin Ubangiji. Zai tunashe ku hanyoyina cikin Almasihu, kamar yadda nake koyar da su ko'ina da kowace Ikilisiya.
In order to [help you do that], I have sent/will be sending Timothy to you. I love him [as though he were] my son. He serves the Lord faithfully. He will remind you of the way I conduct my life [as one who] (has a close relationship with/belongs to) the Lord. The way I conduct my life is the same as how I teach [others to live] in all the congregations [to whom I have spoken].
18 Amma yanzu, wadansun ku sun zama masu fahariya, suna yin kamar ba zan zo wurinku ba.
Some of you have become proud, thinking that I will not come there [to rebuke your congregation about what they are doing].
19 Amma zan zo gare ku ba da dadewa ba, idan Ubangiji ya nufa. Sannan zan san fiye da maganar masu fahariya, amma kuma zan ga ikonsu.
But if the Lord wants me to come, I will come to you soon. Then I will not [pay any attention to] what those proud people say. Instead, I will find out [whether they have God’s] power.
20 Gama Mulkin Allah ba magana kadai ya kunsa ba, amma ya kunshi iko.
Remember that God [judges whether or not we are letting him] rule [our lives], not by [listening to how we] talk, but [by seeing whether his] power [is present] ([among us/in our lives]).
21 Me kuke so? In zo wurin ku da sanda ne ko kuwa da kauna da ruhun nasiha?
So which do you prefer? Do you want me to come to you and punish you [because you have not changed your ways], or shall I come to you and act lovingly and gently toward you [because you have done what I told you to do]?

< 1 Korintiyawa 4 >