< Zefaniya 3 >

1 Taki ta ƙare, ke birnin mai danniya, mai’yan tawaye da kuma masu ƙazanta!
Woe to the provocatrix and the redeemed city, the dove.
2 Ba kya yi wa kowa biyayya, ba kya kuma yarda da kuskurenki. Ba kya dogara ga Ubangiji, ba kya kuma kusatowa kusa da Allahnki.
She has not heeded the voice, nor has she accepted discipline. She has not trusted in the Lord; she did not draw near to her God.
3 Sarakunanki ruri ne na zakoki, shugabanninki kyarketan dare ne, waɗanda ba sa rage kome don safe.
Her leaders are in her midst like roaring lions. Her judges are evening wolves; they leave nothing for the morning.
4 Annabawanki mahaukata ne mutanenki masu cin amana ne. Firistocinki suna ƙazantar da Wurin Mai Tsarki suna kuma keta dokoki.
Her prophets are crazed; men without faith. Her priests have polluted what is holy; they have acted unjustly against the law.
5 Ubangiji da yake cikinki mai adalci ne; ba ya yin abin da ba daidai ba. Kowace safiya yakan bayyana dokokinsa a fili, kowace sabuwar rana kuma ba ya kāsawa, duk da haka marasa adalci ba sa jin kunya.
The just Lord is in their midst; he will not do iniquity. In the morning, in the morning, he will bring his judgment into the light, and it will not be hidden. But the impious one has not known shame.
6 “Na daddatse al’ummai; an kuma rurrushe kagararsu. Na bar titunansu ba kowa, ba mai ratsawa a ciki. An ragargaza biranensu; ba wanda za a bari, babu ko ɗaya.
I have dispersed the nations, and their towers have been torn down. I have made their ways deserts, until there were none who passed through. Their cities have become desolate, with no man remaining, nor any inhabitant.
7 Na ce wa birnin, ‘Tabbatacce za ki ji tsorona ki kuma yarda da gyara!’ Ta haka ba za a datse wurin zamanki ba, ba kuwa dukan hukuncena za su hau bisa kansu ba. Amma har yanzu suna marmari su yi rashin gaskiya a duk abin da suke yi.
I said: Nevertheless, you will fear me; you will accept discipline. And her dwelling place will not perish, despite all the things about which I have visited her. Yet truly, they arose with the dawn and corrupted all their thoughts.
8 Saboda haka ku jira ni,” in ji Ubangiji; “a ranar da zan tsaya in ba da shaida, Na yanke shawara in tattara dukan al’ummai, in tattara mulkoki in kuma zuba fushina a kansu, da dukan zafin haushina. Za a mamaye dukan duniya da zafin fushina.
Because of this, expect me, says the Lord, in the day of my resurrection in the future, for my judgment is to gather together the Gentiles, and to collect the kingdoms, and to pour out over them my indignation, all the fury of my anger. For by the fire of my zeal, all the earth will be devoured.
9 “Sa’an nan zan tsarkake leɓunan mutanen, don dukansu su kira bisa ga sunan Ubangiji su kuma yi masa hidima kafaɗa da kafaɗa.
For then I will restore to the people a chosen lip, so that all may invoke the name of the Lord and may serve him with one shoulder.
10 Tun daga ƙetaren rafuffukan Kush masu yi mini sujada, mutanena da suke a warwatse, za su kawo mini hadayu.
From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, my supplicants, the sons of my diaspora, will carry a gift to me.
11 A wannan rana ba za ku sha kunya saboda laifofin da kuka yi mini, gama zan ɗauke wa wannan birni waɗanda suke farin ciki cikin girmankansu. Ba kuma za ka ƙara yin kallon reni a tuduna mai tsarki ba.
In that day, you will not be ashamed over all of your inventions, by which you have transgressed against me. For then I will take away from your midst your arrogant boasters, and you will no longer be exalted on my holy mountain.
12 Amma zan zauna a cikinki masu tawali’u da masu ƙasƙantar da kai, waɗanda suke dogara ga sunan Ubangiji.
And I will bequeath into your midst a poor and needy people, and they will hope in the name of the Lord.
13 Raguwar Isra’ila ba za su ƙara aikata abin da ba daidai ba, ba za su faɗa ƙarya ba, ba kuwa za a sami ruɗu a bakunansu ba. Za su ci su kuma kwanta kuma babu wanda zai ba su tsoro.”
The remnant of Israel will not do iniquity, nor speak lies, and a deceitful tongue will not be found in their mouth. For they will pasture and will recline, and there will be no one to strike them with terror.
14 Ki rera, ya Diyar Sihiyona; ki tā da murya, ya Isra’ila! Ki yi murna ki kuma yi farin ciki da dukan zuciyarki, Ya Diyar Urushalima!
Give praise, daughter of Zion. Shout joyfully, Israel. Rejoice and exult with all your heart, daughter of Jerusalem.
15 Ubangiji ya ɗauke hukuncinki, ya mai da abokan gābanki baya. Ubangiji, Sarkin Isra’ila, yana tare da ke; ba kuma za ki ƙara jin tsoron wani lahani ba.
The Lord has taken away your judgment; he has turned aside your foes. The king of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst; you shall no longer fear evil.
16 A wannan rana za su cewa Urushalima, “Kada ki ji tsoro, ya Sihiyona; kada ki bar hannuwanki su raunana.
In that day, it will be said to Jerusalem, “Do not be afraid,” and to Zion, “Do not let your hands be weakened.”
17 Ubangiji Allahnki yana tare da ke, mai iko ne don ceto. Zai yi matuƙar farin ciki da ke, zai rufe ki da ƙaunarsa, zai yi farin ciki da ke ta wurin rerawa.”
The Lord your God is the strength in your midst; he will save. He will rejoice over you with gladness. In his love, he will be silent. He will exult over you with praise.
18 “Zan cire taƙaici daga gare ki a ƙayyadaddun bukukkuwa; su kaya ne da kuma zargi a gare ki.
The triflers who withdrew from the law, I will gather together, because they were from you, so that you may no longer suffer disgrace over them.
19 A wannan lokaci zan jijji wa waɗanda suka danne ku; zan kuɓutar da guragu in kuma tattara waɗanda suke a warwatse. Zan sa a yabe su a kuma girmama su a kowace ƙasar da aka kunyatar da su.
Behold, I will execute all who have afflicted you in that time, and I will save those who are lame, and I will gather together her who had been cast out. And I will place them in praise and in renown, in all the land where they had been put to shame,
20 A wannan lokaci zan tattara ku; a wannan lokaci zan kawo ku gida, zan sa a yabe ku a kuma girmama ku a cikin dukan mutanen duniya a sa’ad da na maido da arzikinku a idanunku,” in ji Ubangiji.
in that time, when I will lead to you, and in the time when I will gather for you. For I will deliver you into renown and into praise, among all the peoples of the earth, when I will have converted your captivity before your very eyes, says the Lord.

< Zefaniya 3 >