< Zakariya 3 >

1 Sa’an nan ya nuna mini Yoshuwa babban firist a tsaye a gaban mala’ikan Ubangiji, Shaiɗan kuma yana tsaye a damansa don yă tuhume shi.
And the Lord showed me Jesus the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and the Devil stood on his right hand to resist him.
2 Ubangiji ya ce wa Shaiɗan, “Ubangiji ya tsawata maka, Shaiɗan! Ubangiji wanda ya zaɓi Urushalima, ya tsawata maka! Ashe, mutumin nan ba shi ne sandar da take ƙonewa da aka ciro daga cikin wuta ba?”
And the Lords said to the Devil, The Lord rebuke you, O Devil, even the Lord that has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you: behold! is not this as a brand plucked from the fire?
3 Yanzu an sa wa Yoshuwa tufafi masu dauda sa’ad da yake tsaye a gaban mala’ikan.
Now Jesus was clothed in filthy raiment, and stood before the angel.
4 Mala’ikan ya ce wa waɗanda suke tsaye a gabansa, “Ku cire masa tufafinsa masu dauda.” Sai ya ce wa Yoshuwa, “Duba, na ɗauke zunubanka, zan sa maka tufafi masu tsada.”
And [the Lord] answered and spoke to those who stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy raiment from him: and he said to him, Behold, I have taken away your iniquities: and clothe you him with a long robe,
5 Sai na ce, “Sa masa rawani mai tsabta a kansa.” Aka sa masa rawani mai tsabta a kansa aka kuma sa masa tufafi yayinda mala’ikan Ubangiji yake tsaye a wurin.
and place a pure mitre upon his head. So they placed a pure mitre upon his head, and clothed him with garments: and the angel of the Lord stood [by].
6 Mala’ikan Ubangiji ya yi wa Yoshuwa wannan gargaɗi.
And the angel of the Lord testified to Jesus, saying,
7 “Ga abin da Ubangiji Maɗaukaki ya ce, ‘In za ka yi tafiya a hanyoyina ka kuma kiyaye abubuwan da nake so, za ka zama shugaban haikalina, ka kuma lura da ɗakunan shari’ata, zan kuma ba ka wuri cikin waɗannan da suke tsaye a nan.
Thus says the Lord Almighty; If you will walk in my ways, and take heed to my charges, then shall you judge my house: and if you will diligently keep my court, then will I give you men to walk in the midst of these that stand [here].
8 “‘Ka saurara, ya babban firist Yoshuwa, kai da abokanka da suke zaune a gabanka, ku da kuke alamun abubuwan da za su zo. Zan kawo bawana, wanda yake Reshe.
Hear now, Jesus the high priest, you, and your neighbors that are sitting before [you]: for they are diviners, for, behold, I bring forth my servant The Branch.
9 Dubi dutsen da na ajiye a gaban Yoshuwa! Akwai idanu bakwai a kan wannan dutse guda, zan kuma yi rubutu a kansa,’ in ji Ubangiji Maɗaukaki, ‘zan kuma kawar da zunubin ƙasan nan a rana ɗaya.
For [as for] the stone which I have set before the face of Jesus, on the one stone are seven eyes: behold, I am digging a trench, says the Lord Almighty, and I will search out all the iniquity of that land in one day.
10 “‘A wannan rana kowannenku zai gayyaci maƙwabcinsa yă zauna a ƙarƙashin itacen inabi da kuma na ɓaure,’ in ji Ubangiji Maɗaukaki.”
In that day, says the Lord Almighty, you shall call together every man his neighbor under the vine and under the fig tree.

< Zakariya 3 >