< Romawa 14 >

1 Ku karɓi wanda bangaskiyarsa ba tă yi ƙarfi ba, amma fa kada ku hukunta shi a kan abubuwan da ake da shakka a kai ba.
Him that is weake in the fayth receave vnto you not in disputynge and troublynge his conscience.
2 Bangaskiyar mutum ta yarda masa yă ci kome, amma wanda bangaskiyarsa ba tă yi ƙarfi ba, yakan ci kayan lambu ne kawai.
One beleveth that he maye eate all thinge. Another which is weake eateth earbes.
3 Mutumin da yake cin kowane irin abinci, kada yă rena wanda ba ya cin, wanda kuma ba ya cin kowane irin abinci, kada yă ga laifin mutumin da yake ci, domin Allah ya riga ya karɓe shi.
Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not. And let not him whiche eateth not iudge him that eateth. For God hath receaved him.
4 Kai wane ne har da za ka ga laifin bawan wani? Ko bawan yă yi aiki mai kyau, ko yă kāsa, ai, wannan ruwan maigidansa ne. Za a ma tsai da shi, domin Ubangiji yana da ikon tsai da shi.
What arte thou that iudgest another manes servaut? Whether he stonde or faule that pertayneth vnto his master: ye he shall stonde. For God is able to make him stonde.
5 Wani yakan ɗauki wata rana da daraja fiye da sauran ranaku; wani kuma yana ganin dukan ranakun ɗaya ne. Ya kamata kowa yă kasance da tabbaci a cikin zuciyarsa.
This man putteth difference bitwene daye and daye. Another man counteth all dayes alyke. Se that no man waver in his awne meanynge.
6 Wannan mai ɗaukan rana ɗaya da muhimmanci fiye da sauran, yana yin haka ne ga Ubangiji. Wannan mai cin nama, yana yin haka ne ga Ubangiji, gama yakan yi godiya ga Allah; wannan da ba ya ci kuwa, yana yin haka ne ga Ubangiji yana kuwa yin godiya ga Allah.
He that observeth one daye more then another doth it for ye lordes pleasure. And he that observeth not one daye moare then another doeth it to please ye lorde also. He that eateth doth it to please the lorde for he geveth god thankes.
7 Gama ba waninmu da yake rayuwa wa kansa kaɗai, kuma ba waninmu da kan mutu don kansa kaɗai.
And he yt eateth not eateth not to please ye lorde wt all and geveth god thankes.
8 In muna rayuwa, muna rayuwa ne ga Ubangiji; in kuma muna mutuwa, muna mutuwa ne ga Ubangiji. Saboda haka, ko muna a raye ko muna a mace, mu na Ubangiji ne.
For none of vs lyveth his awne servaut: nether doeth anye of vs dye his awne servaunt. Yf we lyve we lyve to be at ye lordes will. And yf we dye we dye at ye lordes will. Whether we lyve therfore or dye we are the lordes.
9 Saboda wannan ne Kiristi ya mutu, ya kuma sāke rayuwa domin yă zama Ubangiji na matattu da na masu rai.
For Christ therfore dyed and rose agayne and revived that he myght be lorde both of deed and quicke.
10 Kai kuwa, don me kake ganin laifin ɗan’uwanka? Ko kuma don me kake rena ɗan’uwanka? Gama duk za mu tsaya a gaban kujerar shari’ar Allah.
But why doest thou then iudge thy brother? Other why doest thou despyse thy brother? We shall all be brought before the iudgement seate of Christ.
11 A rubuce yake cewa, “‘Muddin ina raye,’ in ji Ubangiji, ‘kowace gwiwa za tă durƙusa a gabana; kowane harshe kuma zai furta wa Allah.’”
For it is written: as truely as I lyve sayth ye lorde all knees shall bowe to me and all tonges shall geve a knowledge to God.
12 Don haka kowannenmu zai ba da lissafin kansa ga Allah.
So shall every one of vs geve accomptes of him selfe to God.
13 Saboda haka bari mu daina ba wa juna laifi. A maimakon, sai kowa yă yi niyya ba zai sa dutsen tuntuɓe ko abin sa fāɗuwa a hanyar ɗan’uwansa ba.
Let vs not therfore iudge one another eny more. But iudge this rather that no man put a stomblynge blocke or an occasion to faule in his brothers waye.
14 A matsayina na mai bin Ubangiji Yesu na tabbata ƙwarai cewa babu abincin da yake marar tsabta don kansa. Amma in wani ya ɗauka wani abu marar tsabta ne, to, a gare shi marar tsabta ne.
For I knowe and am full certified in the Lorde Iesus that ther is nothinge comen of it selfe: but vnto him that iudgeth it to be comen: to him is it comen.
15 In kana ɓata wa ɗan’uwanka zuciya saboda abincin da kake ci, ba halin ƙauna kake nunawa ba ke nan. Kada abincin da kake ci yă zama hanyar lalatar da ɗan’uwanka wanda Kiristi ya mutu dominsa.
If thy brother be greved with thy meate now walkest thou not charitablye. Destroye not him with thy meate for whom Christ dyed.
16 Kada ka bar abin da ka ɗauka a matsayi kyakkyawa yă zama abin zargi ga waɗansu.
Cause not youre treasure to be evyll spoken of.
17 Gama mulkin Allah ba batun ci da sha ba ne, sai dai na adalci, salama, da kuma farin ciki cikin Ruhu Mai Tsarki,
For the kyngdome of God is not meate and drinke: but rightewesnes peace and ioye in the holy goost.
18 duk kuwa wanda yake bauta wa Kiristi a haka yana faranta wa Allah rai ne, yardajje kuma ga mutane.
For whosoever in these thinges serveth Christ pleaseth well God and is commended of men.
19 Saboda haka sai mu yi iya ƙoƙari mu aikata abin da zai kawo salama da kuma ingantawa ga juna.
Let vs folowe tho thinges which make for peace and thinges wherwith one maye edyfie another.
20 Kada ku lalatar da aikin Allah saboda abinci. Dukan abinci mai tsabta ne, sai dai ba daidai ba ne mutum yă ci abin da zai sa wani yă yi tuntuɓe.
Destroye not ye worke of god for a lytell meates sake. All thinges are pure: but it is evyll for that man which eateth with hurte of his conscience.
21 Ya fi kyau kada ka ci nama ko ka sha ruwan inabi ko kuma ka yi wani abin da zai sa ɗan’uwanka yă fāɗi.
It is good nether to eate flesshe nether to drincke wyne nether eny thinge wherby thy brother stombleth ether falleth or is made weake.
22 Bari duk ra’ayin da kake da shi game da wannan sha’ani yă kasance tsakaninka da Allah. Mai albarka ne wanda zuciyarsa ba tă ba shi laifi game da abin da shi da kansa ya ɗauka cewa daidai ne ba.
Hast thou fayth? have it with thy selfe before god. Happy is he yt condempneth not him selfe in that thinge which he aloweth.
23 Amma wanda yake da shakka yakan jawo wa kansa hukunci ne in ya ci, domin yana ci ne ba bisa ga bangaskiya ba; kuma duk abin da bai zo daga bangaskiya ba zunubi ne.
For he yt maketh conscience is dampned yf he eate: because he doth it not of fayth. For whatsoever is not of fayth that same is synne.

< Romawa 14 >