< Zabura 94 >

1 Ya Ubangiji, Allahn da yake ramuwa, Ya Allah wanda yake ramuwa, ka haskaka.
O LORD! thou God of vengeance! O thou God of vengeance! shine forth!
2 Ka tashi, ya Alƙalin duniya; ka sāka wa masu girman kai abin da ya dace da su.
Rouse thyself, thou judge of the earth! Render a recompense to the proud!
3 Har yaushe mugaye, ya Ubangiji har yaushe mugaye za su yi ta murna?
How long, O LORD! shall the wicked, How long shall the wicked triumph?
4 Suna ta yin maganganun fariya; dukan masu aikata mugunta sun cika da fariya.
How long shall their lips pour forth insolence? How long shall all the evil-doers boast?
5 Suna murƙushe mutanenka, ya Ubangiji; suna danne gādonka.
O LORD! they trample upon thy people, And oppress thine inheritance!
6 Suna kashe gwauraye da kuma baƙi; suna kisan marayu.
They slay the widow, and the stranger, And murder the fatherless;
7 Suna ce, “Ubangiji ba ya gani; Allah na Yaƙub bai kula ba.”
And they say, “The LORD doth not see, The God of Jacob doth not regard!”
8 Ku mai da hankali, ku marasa azanci a cikin mutane; ku wawaye, yaushe za ku zama masu hikima?
Be instructed, ye most stupid of mankind! O when, ye fools, will ye be wise?
9 Shi da ya sa kunne ba don a ji ba ne? Shi da ya yi ido ba don yă gani ba ne?
He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? He that formed the eye, shall he not see?
10 Shi da yake yi wa al’ummai horo ba ya hukunci ne? Shi da yake koya wa mutum ba shi da sani ne?
He that chastiseth nations, shall not he punish? He that teacheth man knowledge, shall not he know?
11 Ubangiji ya san tunanin mutum; ya san cewa tunaninsu banza ne.
The LORD knoweth the thoughts of men, That they are vanity.
12 Mai albarka ne mutumin da ka yi masa horo, ya Ubangiji, mutumin da ka koyar daga dokarka;
Happy the man, O LORD! whom thou correctest, Whom by thy teaching thou makest wise;
13 kana ba shi sauƙi a lokacin wahala, sai har an haƙa rami wa mugaye.
To give him peace in the days of adversity, Until a pit be digged for the wicked!
14 Gama Ubangiji ba zai ƙi mutanensa ba; ba zai taɓa yashe gādonsa ba.
For the LORD will not forsake his people, Nor abandon his own inheritance.
15 Za a sāke kafa hukunci a kan adalci, kuma dukan masu adalci a zuciya za su bi shi.
For judgment shall return to justice, And all the upright in heart shall follow it.
16 Wane ne zai yi gāba da mugaye domina? Wane ne zai ɗauki matsayi ya yi gāba da masu aikata mugunta domina?
Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will stand up for me against the evil-doers?
17 Da ba don Ubangiji ya yi mini taimako ba, da tuni na zauna shiru a wurin mutuwa.
If the LORD had not been my help, I had well nigh dwelt in the land of silence.
18 Sa’ad da na ce, “Ƙafata na santsi,” ƙaunarka, ya Ubangiji, ta riƙe ni.
When I think that my foot is slipping, Thy goodness, O LORD! holdeth me up.
19 Sa’ad da alhini ya yi yawa a cikina, ta’aziyyarka ta kawo farin ciki wa raina.
In the multitude of anxieties within me, Thy consolations revive my soul.
20 Zai yiwu kursiyin da ya cika da lalaci yă haɗa kai da kai, wanda yake kawo azaba ta wurin abin da ya zartar?
Shall with thee be allied the throne of iniquity, Which deviseth mischief against law?
21 Sun yi ƙungiya tare a kan mai adalci suka yanke wa marar laifi hukuncin mutuwa.
They band together against the life of the righteous, And condemn innocent blood.
22 Amma Ubangiji ya zama kagarata, Allahna kuma dutsen da nake samun mafaka.
But the LORD is my fortress, And my God the rock of my refuge.
23 Zai sāka musu saboda zunubansu yă kuma hallaka su saboda muguntarsu; Ubangiji Allahnmu zai hallaka su.
He will bring upon them their own iniquity; Yea, through their own wickedness he will cut them off; Yea, the LORD, our God, will cut them off.

< Zabura 94 >