< Zabura 90 >

1 Addu’ar Musa Mutumin Allah. Ubangiji kai ne mazauninmu cikin dukan zamanai.
“BOOK IV. A prayer of Moses, the man of God.” LORD! thou hast been our dwelling-place In all generations!
2 Kafin a haifi duwatsu ko a fid da ƙasa da duniya, daga madawwami zuwa madawwami kai Allah ne.
Before the mountains were brought forth, Or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God!
3 Ka komar da mutane zuwa ƙura, kana cewa, “Ku koma ƙura, ya ku’ya’yan mutane.”
But man thou turnest again to dust, And sayst, “Return, ye children of men!”
4 Gama shekaru dubu a gabanka kamar kwana ɗaya ne da ya wuce, ko sa’a guda na dare.
For a thousand years are, in thy sight, As yesterday when it is past, And as a watch in the night.
5 Ka share mutane cikin barcin mutuwa; suna kama da sabuwa ciyawar safiya,
Thou carriest him away as with a flood; He is a dream; In the morning he springeth up like grass,
6 ko da yake da safe takan yi sabuwar huda da yamma sai ta bushe ta kuma yanƙwane.
Which flourisheth and shooteth up in the morning, And in the evening is cut down, and withered.
7 An cinye mu ta wurin fushinka mun kuma razana ta wurin hasalarka.
For we are consumed by thine anger, And by thy wrath are we destroyed.
8 Ka ajiye laifinmu a gabanka, asirin zunubanmu a hasken kasancewarka.
Thou settest our iniquities before thee, Our secret sins in the light of thy countenance.
9 Dukan kwanakinmu sun wuce ƙarƙashin fushinka; mun gama shekarunmu da nishi.
By reason of thine anger all our days vanish away; We spend our years like a thought.
10 Tsawon kwanakinmu shekaru saba’in ne, ko tamanin, in muna da ƙarfi; duk da haka tsawonsu wahaloli ne kawai da ɓacin rai, gama da sauri suke wucewa, ta mu kuma ta ƙare.
The days of our life are threescore years and ten, And, by reason of strength, may be fourscore years: Yet is the pride of them weariness and sorrow; For it vanisheth swiftly, and we fly away.
11 Wa ya san ƙarfin fushinka? Gama hasalarka tana da girma kamar tsoron da ya dace da kai.
Yet who attendeth to the power of thine anger? Who with due reverence regardeth thine indignation?
12 Ka koya mana yawan kwanakinmu daidai, don mu sami zuciyar hikima.
Teach us so to number our days, That we may apply our hearts to wisdom!
13 Ka ji mu, ya Ubangiji! Har yaushe zai ci gaba? Ka ji tausayin bayinka.
Desist, O LORD! How long—? Have compassion upon thy servants!
14 Ka ƙosar da mu da safe da ƙaunarka marar ƙarewa, don mu rera don yabo, mu kuma yi murna dukan kwanakinmu.
Satisfy us speedily with thy mercy, That we may rejoice and be glad all our days!
15 Faranta mana zuciya kamar yawan kwanakin da muka sha azaba, kamar yawan shekarun da muka ga wahala.
Make us glad according to the time in which thou hast afflicted us; According to the years in which we have seen adversity!
16 Bari a nuna ayyukanka ga bayinka, darajarka ga’ya’yansu.
Let thy deeds be known to thy servants, And thy glory to their children!
17 Bari alherin shugabanmu Allah yă kasance a kanmu; ka albarkaci mana aikin hannuwanmu, I, ka albarkaci aikin hannuwanmu.
Let the favor of the LORD our God be upon us, And establish for us the work of our hands; Yea, the work of our hands, establish thou it!

< Zabura 90 >