< Zabura 9 >

1 Don mai bi da kaɗe-kaɗe. Ga muryar “Mutuwar Ɗa.” Zabura ta Dawuda. Zan yabe ka, ya Ubangiji, da dukan zuciyata; zan faɗa dukan abubuwan banmamakinka.
For the end, a Psalm of David, concerning the secrets of the Son. I will give thanks to thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will recount all thy wonderful works.
2 Zan yi murna in kuma yi farin ciki a cikinka; zan rera yabo ga sunanka, ya Mafi Ɗaukaka.
I will be glad and exult in thee: I will sing to thy name, O thou Most High.
3 Abokan gābana sun ja da baya; suka yi tuntuɓe suka hallaka a gabanka.
When mine enemies are turned back, they shall be feeble and perish at thy presence.
4 Gama ka tabbata da gaskiyata da kuma abin da nake yi; ka zauna a kujerarka, kana yin shari’a da adalci.
For thou hast maintained my cause and my right; thou satest on the throne, that judgest righteousness.
5 Ka tsawata wa ƙasashe ka kuma hallakar da mugaye; ka shafe sunansu har abada abadin.
Thou hast rebuked the nations, and the ungodly one has perished; thou hast blotted out their name for ever, even for ever and ever.
6 Lalaci marar ƙarewa ya cimma abokan gābanmu, ka tuttumɓuke biranensu; yadda ma ba aka ƙara tunaninsu.
The swords of the enemy have failed utterly; and thou hast destroyed cities: their memorial has been destroyed with a noise,
7 Ubangiji yana mulki har abada; ya kafa kujerarsa don shari’a.
but the Lord endures for ever: he has prepared his throne for judgment.
8 Zai hukunta duniya da adalci; zai yi mulkin mutane cikin gaskiya.
And he will judge the world in righteousness, he will judge the nations in uprightness.
9 Ubangiji shi ne mafakan waɗanda ake danniya, mafaka a lokutan wahala.
The Lord also is become a refuge for the poor, a seasonable help, in affliction.
10 Waɗanda suka san sunanka za su dogara da kai, gama kai, Ubangiji, ba ka taɓa yashe waɗanda suke nemanka ba.
And let them that know thy name hope in thee: for thou, O Lord, hast not failed them that diligently seek thee.
11 Rera yabai ga Ubangiji, wanda yake zaune a kursiyi a Sihiyona; yi shela a cikin al’ummai abin da ya aikata.
Sing praises to the Lord, who dwells in Sion: declare his dealings among the nations.
12 Gama shi da yakan ɗauki fansa a kan mai kisa yakan tuna; ba ya ƙyale kukan masu wahala.
For he remembered them, [in] making inquisition for blood: he has not forgotten the supplication of the poor.
13 Ya Ubangiji, dubi yadda abokan gābana suna tsananta mini! Ka yi jinƙai ka kuma ɗaga ni daga ƙofofin mutuwa,
Have mercy upon me, O Lord; look upon my affliction [which I suffer] of mine enemies, thou that liftest me up from the gates of death:
14 don in furta yabanka cikin ƙofofin’Yar Sihiyona a can kuwa in yi farin ciki cikin cetonka.
that I may declare all thy praises in the gates of the daughter of Sion: I will exult in thy salvation.
15 Al’umma sun fāɗa cikin ramin da suka haƙa wa waɗansu; aka kama ƙafafunsu a ragar da suka ɓoye.
The heathen are caught in the destruction which they planned: in the very snare which they hid is their foot taken.
16 An san Ubangiji ta wurin gaskiyarsa; an kama mugaye da aikin hannuwansu. Haggayiyon. (Sela)
The Lord is known as executing judgments: the sinner is taken in the works of his hands. (A song of, Pause)
17 Mugaye za su koma kabari, dukan al’umman da suka manta da Allah. (Sheol h7585)
Let sinners be driven away into Hades, [even] all the nations that forget God. (Sheol h7585)
18 Amma har abada ba za a manta da mai bukata ba, ba kuwa sa zuciyar mai wahala zai taɓa hallaka.
For the poor shall not be forgotten for ever: the patience of the needy ones shall not perish for ever.
19 Ka tashi, ya Ubangiji, kada ka bar wani yă yi nasara; bari a hukunta al’ummai a gabanka.
Arise, O Lord, let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged before thee.
20 Ka buge su da rawar jiki, ya Ubangiji; bari al’ummai su sani su mutane ne kurum. (Sela)
Appoint, O Lord, a lawgiver over them: let the heathen know that they are men. (Pause)

< Zabura 9 >