< Zabura 71 >

1 A gare ka, ya Ubangiji, na nemi mafaka; kada ka taɓa sa in sha kunya.
Yahweh, I have come to you to (get refuge/be protected); never allow me to become ashamed [because of being defeated].
2 Ka kuɓutar da ni ka cece ni cikin adalcinka; ka juya kunnenka gare ni ka kuma cece ni.
Because you always do what is right, help me and rescue me; listen to me, and save me!
3 Ka zama dutsena da kagarata, inda kullum zan je. Ka ba da umarni a cece ni, gama kai ne dutsen ɓuyana da katangata.
Be [like an overhanging] rock [MET] under which I [can be] safe/protected; [be like] a strong fortress in which I am safe [DOU]. You [continually] command (OR, [Continually] command) [your angels] to rescue me.
4 Ka cece ni, ya Allahna, daga hannun mugaye, da kuma daga ikon mugaye da masu mugunta.
God, rescue me from wicked [people], from the power of unjust and evil men.
5 Gama kai ne abin sa zuciyata, ya Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka, ƙarfin zuciyata tun ina yaro.
Yahweh, my Lord, you are the one whom I confidently expect [to help me]; I have trusted in you since I was young.
6 Daga haihuwa na dogara gare ka; kai ka kawo ni daga cikin mahaifiyata. Kullayaumi zan yabe ka.
I have depended on you all my life; you have taken care of me [IDM] since the day that I was born, [so] I will always praise you.
7 Na zama kamar abin sa zuciya ga yawanci, amma kai ne katangata mai ƙarfi.
The manner in which I have conducted my life has been an example to many [people], because [they realize that] you have been my strong defender.
8 Bakina ya cika da yabonka, ina furta darajarka dukan yini.
I praise you all day long, and I proclaim that you are glorious/wonderful.
9 Kada ka yar da ni sa’ad da na tsufa; kada ka yashe ni sa’ad da ƙarfina ya ƙare.
Now, when I have become an old man, do not reject/abandon me; do not abandon me now, when I am not strong any more.
10 Gama abokan gābana suna magana a kaina; waɗanda suke jira su kashe ni suna haɗa baki tare.
My enemies say [that they want to kill] me; they plan together [how they can do that].
11 Suna cewa, “Allah ya yashe shi; mu fafare shi mu kama shi, gama ba wanda zai kuɓutar da shi.”
They say [about me], “God has abandoned him; so now we can pursue him and seize him, because there is no one who will rescue him.”
12 Kada ka yi nisa da ni, ya Allah; zo da sauri, ya Allahna, ka taimake ni.
God, do not stay far away from me; hurry to help me!
13 Bari masu zagina su hallaka da kunya; bari waɗanda suke so su cutar da ni su sha ba’a da kuma kunya.
Cause those who (accuse me/say that I have done things that are wrong) to be defeated and destroyed; cause those who want to harm me to be shamed and disgraced.
14 Amma game da ni, kullayaumi zan kasance da sa zuciya; zan yabe ka sau da sau.
But [as for me], I will continually and confidently expect [you to do great things for me], and I will praise you more and more.
15 Bakina zai ba da labarin adalcinka, zai yi maganar cetonka dukan yini, ko da yake ban san yawansa ba.
I will tell people that you do what is right; all day long I will tell people how you have saved me, although what you have done is more than I can fully understand.
16 Zan zo in furta in kuma yi shelar ayyukanka masu girma, ya Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka; zan yi shelar adalcinka, naka kaɗai.
Yahweh, my Lord, I will praise you for your mighty deeds; I will proclaim that only you always act justly.
17 Tun ina yaro, ya Allah, ka koya mini har wa yau ina furta ayyukanka masu banmamaki.
God, you have taught me [many/those things] ever since I was young, and I still tell people about your wonderful deeds.
18 Ko sa’ad da na tsufa da furfura, kada ka yashe ni, ya Allah, sai na furta ikonka ga tsara mai zuwa, ƙarfinka ga dukan waɗanda suke zuwa.
And now, God, when I am old and my hair is gray, do not abandon me. [Stay with me] while I continue to proclaim to my children and grandchildren [HYP] that you are [very] powerful!
19 Adalcinka ya kai sararin sama, ya Allah, kai da ka yi manyan abubuwa. Wane ne kamar ka, ya Allah?
God, you do many righteous deeds; [it is as though] they extend up to the sky. You have done great things; there is no one like you [RHQ].
20 Ko da yake ka sa na ga wahaloli, masu yawa da kuma masu ɗaci, za ka sāke mayar mini da rai; daga zurfafan duniya za ka sāke tā da ni.
You have caused me to have many troubles and to suffer much, [but] you will cause me to become strong again; when I am almost dead [HYP], you will keep me alive.
21 Za ka ƙara girmana ka sāke ta’azantar da ni.
You will cause me to be greatly honored and you will encourage/comfort me again.
22 Zan yabe ka da garaya saboda amincinka, ya Allah; zan rera yabo gare ka da molo, Ya Mai Tsarki na Isra’ila.
I will also praise you [while I play] my harp; I will praise you, my God, for faithfully [doing what you have promised to do]. I will play hymns to praise you, the holy God whom [we] Israelis [worship].
23 Leɓunana za su yi sowa don farin ciki sa’ad da na rera yabo gare ka, ni, wanda ka fansa.
I [SYN] will shout joyfully while I play [the harp] for you; with my entire inner being I will sing because you have rescued me.
24 Harshena zai ba da labarin ayyukanka masu adalci dukan yini, gama waɗanda suka so su cutar da ni sun sha kunya suka kuma rikice.
All day long I will tell people that you act righteously, because those who wanted to harm me will have been defeated and disgraced.

< Zabura 71 >