< Zabura 65 >

1 Don mai bi da kaɗe-kaɗe. Zabura ta Dawuda. Wata waƙa. Yabo ya dace da kai, ya Allah, a Sihiyona; a gare ka za mu cika alkawuranmu
For the end, a Psalm [and] Song of David. Praise becomes thee, O God, in Sion; and to thee shall the vow be performed.
2 Ya kai wanda yake jin addu’a a gare ka dukan mutane za su zo.
Hear my prayer; to thee all flesh shall come.
3 Sa’ad da zunubai suka sha ƙarfinmu, ka gafarta laifofinmu.
The words of transgressors have overpowered us; but do thou pardon our sins.
4 Masu albarka ne waɗanda ka zaɓa ka kawo kusa don su zauna a filayenka! Mun cika da abubuwa masu kyau na gidanka, na haikalinka mai tsarki.
Blessed [is he] whom thou hast chosen and adopted; he shall dwell in thy courts; we shall be filled with the good things of thy house; thy temple is holy.
5 Ka amsa mana da ayyuka masu banmamaki na adalci, Ya Allah Mai Cetonmu, begen dukan iyakar duniya da kuma na tekuna masu nesa,
[Thou art] wonderful in righteousness. Hearken to us, O God our Saviour; the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of them [that are] on the sea afar off:
6 wanda ya yi duwatsu ta wurin ikonka, bayan ka kintsa kanka da ƙarfi,
who dost establish the mountains in thy strength, being girded about with power;
7 wanda ya kwantar da rurin tekuna, rurin raƙumansu, da kuma tumbatsar al’ummai.
who troublest the depth of the sea, the sounds of its waves.
8 Waɗanda suke zama can da nesa sukan ji tsoron manyan ayyukanka; inda safe ke haskaka yamma kuma ta shuɗe kakan sa a yi waƙoƙin farin ciki.
The nations shall be troubled, and they that inhabit the ends [of the earth] shall be afraid of thy signs; thou wilt cause the outgoings of morning and evening to rejoice.
9 Kana kula da ƙasa kana kuma yi mata banruwa; kana azurta ta a yalwace. Rafuffukan Allah sun cika da ruwa don su ba mutane hatsi, don haka ne ka ƙaddara.
Thou hast visited the earth, and saturated it; thou hast abundantly enriched it. The river of God is filled with water; thou hast prepared their food, for thus is the preparation [of it].
10 Ka kwarara ta da ruwa ka kuma baje kunyoyinta; ka sa ta yi laushi da yayyafi ka kuma albarkaci tsire-tsirenta.
Saturate her furrows, multiply her fruits; [the crop] springing up shall rejoice in its drops.
11 Saboda alherinka, ya Allah, an sami kaka mai albarka, amalankenka kuwa sun cika har suna zuba.
Thou wilt bless the crown of the year [because] of thy goodness; and thy plains shall be filled with fatness.
12 Makiyayan hamada sun cika har suna zuba; tuddai sun rufu da murna.
The mountains of the wilderness shall be enriched; and the hills shall gird themselves with joy.
13 Wurin dausayin kiwo sun rufu da garkuna kwari kuma sun cika da hatsi; suna sowa don farin ciki.
The rams of the flock are clothed [with wool], and the valleys shall abound in corn; they shall cry aloud, yea they shall sing hymns.

< Zabura 65 >