< Zabura 42 >

1 Don mai bi da kaɗe-kaɗe. Maskil ne na’Ya’yan Kora maza. Kamar yadda barewa take marmarin ruwan rafuffuka, haka raina yake marmarinka, ya Allah.
[For the Chief Musician. A contemplation by the sons of Korah.] As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants after you, God.
2 Raina yana ƙishin Allah, Allah mai rai. Yaushe zan tafi in sadu da Allah ne?
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?
3 Hawayena ne sun zama abincina dare da rana, yayinda mutane suke ce da ni dukan yini, “Ina Allahnka ɗin?”
My tears have been my food day and night, while they continually ask me, "Where is your God?"
4 Waɗannan abubuwa ne nakan tuna sa’ad da nake faɗin abin da yake a raina, yadda dā nakan tafi tare da taron jama’a, ina bishe su a jere zuwa gidan Allah, da sowa ta farin ciki da kuma godiya a cikin taron biki.
These things I remember, and pour out my soul within me, how I used to go in the tent of the Majestic One, to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise, a multitude keeping a holy day.
5 Me ya sa kake baƙin ciki, ya raina? Me ya sa ka damu a cikina? Ka dogara ga Allah, gama zai sāke yabe shi, Mai Cetona da kuma Allahna.
Why are you in despair, my soul? Why are you disturbed within me? Hope in God. For I will again give him thanks, my saving presence and my God.
6 Raina yana baƙin ciki a cikina; saboda haka zan tuna da kai daga ƙasar Urdun, a ƙwanƙolin Hermon, daga Dutsen Mizar.
My soul is in despair within me. Therefore I remember you from the land of the Jordan, the heights of Hermon, from the hill Mizar.
7 Zurfi kan kira zurfi cikin rurin matsirgar ruwanka; dukan raƙuma da igiyoyi sun sha kaina.
Deep calls to deep at the noise of your waterfalls. All your breakers and waves have swept over me.
8 Da rana Ubangiji yakan nuna ƙaunarsa, da dare waƙarsa tana tare da ni, addu’a ga Allah na raina.
YHWH will command his loving kindness in the daytime. In the night his song shall be with me: a prayer to the God of my life.
9 Na ce wa Allah Dutsena, “Me ya sa ka manta da ni? Me zai sa in yi ta yawo ina makoki, a danne a hannun abokin gāba?”
I will ask God, my Rock, "Why have you forgotten me? Why do I go mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?"
10 Ƙasusuwana suna jin jiki da wahala yayinda maƙiyana suna mini ba’a, suna ce mini dukan yini, “Ina Allahnka ɗin?”
As with a sword in my bones, my adversaries taunt me, while they continually ask me, "Where is your God?"
11 Me ya sa kake baƙin ciki, ya raina? Me ya sa ka damu a cikina? Ka dogara ga Allah, gama zai sāke yabe shi, Mai Cetona da kuma Allahna.
Why are you in despair, my soul? Why are you disturbed within me? Hope in God. For I will again give him thanks, my saving presence and my God.

< Zabura 42 >