< Zabura 34 >

1 Ta Dawuda. Sa’ad da ya yi kamar ya haukace a gaban Abimelek, Wanda ya kore shi, ya kuwa tafi. Zan gode wa Ubangiji kullayaumi; yabonsa kullum za su kasance a leɓunana.
To David, when he changed his appearance in the sight of Abimelech, and so he dismissed him, and he went away. I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise will be ever in my mouth.
2 Raina zai yi fariya a cikin Ubangiji; bari waɗanda suke wahala su ji su kuma yi farin ciki.
In the Lord, my soul will be praised. May the meek listen and rejoice.
3 Ku ɗaukaka Ubangiji tare da ni; bari mu ɗaukaka sunansa tare.
Magnify the Lord with me, and let us extol his name in itself.
4 Na nemi Ubangiji, ya kuwa amsa mini; ya cece ni daga dukan tsoro.
I sought the Lord, and he heeded me, and he carried me away from all my tribulations.
5 Waɗanda suke dubansa sukan haskaka; fuskokinsu ba sa rufuwa da kunya.
Approach him and be enlightened, and your faces will not be confounded.
6 Wannan matalauci ya yi kira, Ubangiji kuwa ya ji shi; ya cece shi daga dukan wahalarsa.
This poor one cried out, and the Lord heeded him, and he saved him from all his tribulations.
7 Mala’ikan Ubangiji ya kafa sansani kewaye da waɗanda suke tsoronsa, ya kuwa cece su.
The Angel of the Lord will encamp around those who fear him, and he will rescue them.
8 Ku gwada ku gani cewa Ubangiji yana da kyau; mai albarka ne mutumin da yake neman mafaka a gare shi.
Taste and see that the Lord is sweet. Blessed is the man who hopes in him.
9 Ku ji tsoron Ubangiji, ku tsarkakansa, gama masu tsoronsa ba sa rasa kome.
Fear the Lord, all you his saints. For there is no destitution for those who fear him.
10 Zakoki za su iya rasa ƙarfi su kuma ji yunwa, amma waɗanda suke neman Ubangiji ba sa rasa abu mai kyau.
The rich have been needy and hungry, but those who seek the Lord will not be deprived of any good thing.
11 Ku zo,’ya’yana, ku saurare ni; zan koya muku tsoron Ubangiji.
Come forward, sons. Listen to me. I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
12 Duk waninku da yake ƙaunar rayuwa yana kuma so yă ga kwanaki masu kyau,
Which is the man who wills life, who chooses to see good days?
13 ka kiyaye harshenka daga mugunta da kuma leɓunanku daga faɗar ƙarairayi.
Prohibit your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit.
14 Juyo daga mugunta ku yi alheri; nemi salama ku kuma yi ƙoƙarin samunta.
Turn away from evil, and do good. Inquire about peace, and pursue it.
15 Idanun Ubangiji suna a kan masu adalci kuma kunnuwansa suna sauraran kukansu;
The eyes of the Lord are on the just, and his ears are with their prayers.
16 fuskar Ubangiji yana gāba da waɗanda suke aikata mugunta, don yă sa a manta da su a duniya.
But the countenance of the Lord is upon those who do evil, to perish the remembrance of them from the earth.
17 Adalai kan yi kuka, Ubangiji kuwa yakan ji su; yakan cece su daga dukan wahalarsu.
The just cried out, and the Lord heard them, and he freed them from all their tribulations.
18 Ubangiji yana kusa da waɗanda suka karai ya kuma cece waɗanda aka ragargaza a ruhu.
The Lord is near to those who are troubled in heart, and he will save the humble in spirit.
19 Adali zai iya kasance da wahala da yawa, amma Ubangiji yakan cece shi daga dukansu;
Many are the afflictions of the just, but from them all the Lord will free them.
20 yakan tsare dukan ƙasusuwansa, ba ko ɗayansu da zai karye.
The Lord preserves all of their bones, not one of them shall be broken.
21 Mugunta zai kashe mugu; za a hukunta abokan gāban adalai.
The death of a sinner is very harmful, and those who hate the just will fare badly.
22 Ubangiji yakan cece bayinsa; ba wanda yake neman mafaka a wurinsa da za a hukunta.
The Lord will redeem the souls of his servants, and none of those who hope in him will fare badly.

< Zabura 34 >