< Zabura 31 >
1 Don mai bi da kaɗe-kaɗe. Zabura ta Dawuda. A gare ka, ya Ubangiji, na nemi mafaka; kada ka bari in taɓa shan kunya; ka cece ni cikin rahamarka.
“For the leader of the music. A psalm of David.” In thee, O LORD! do I trust; let me never be put to shame; According to thy goodness deliver me!
2 Ka juye kunnenka gare ni, ka zo da sauri ka cece ni; ka zama dutsen mafakata, mafaka mai ƙarfi na cetona.
Bow down thine ear to me; help me speedily! Be to me a strong rock, a high fortress, for my deliverance!
3 Da yake kai ne dutsena da kuma kagarata, saboda sunanka ka bi da ni ka kuma jagorance ni.
For thou art my rock and my high fortress; Be thou also my guide, and lead me, for thy name's sake!
4 Ka’yantar da ni daga tarkon da aka sa mini, gama kai ne mafakata.
Draw me out of the net which they have secretly laid for me, For thou art my strength!
5 Cikin hannuwanka na miƙa ruhuna; ka cece ni, ya Ubangiji Allah na gaskiya.
Into thy hand I commit my life; Thou wilt deliver me, O LORD, thou God of truth!
6 Na ƙi waɗanda suke manne wa gumakan banza; na dogara ga Ubangiji.
I hate those who regard lying vanities, And put my trust in the LORD.
7 Zan yi murna in kuma yi farin ciki a cikin ƙaunarka, gama ka ga azabata ka kuma san wahalar raina.
I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy, That thou hast looked upon my trouble, And hast had regard to my distress;
8 Ba ka ba da ni ga abokin gāba ba amma ka sa ƙafafuna a wuri mai sarari.
That thou hast not given me up to the hands of my enemies, But hast set my feet in a wide place.
9 Ka yi mini jinƙai, ya Ubangiji, gama ina cikin damuwa; idanuna sun gaji da baƙin ciki, raina da jikina sun tafke tilis.
Have mercy upon me, O LORD! for I am in trouble! My face is consumed with grief; Yea, my spirit and my body.
10 Baƙin ciki ya rufe raina shekaruna sun cika da nishi; ƙarfina ya karai saboda azaba, ƙasusuwana kuma sun gaji tiƙis.
For my life is wasted with sorrow, And my years with sighing; My strength faileth by reason of my affliction, And my bones are consumed on account of all my enemies.
11 Saboda dukan abokan gābana, Na zama tamƙar abin reni na maƙwabtana; na zama abin tsoro ga abokaina, waɗanda suka gan ni a titi sukan gudu daga gare ni.
I have become the scorn of my neighbors, And the terror of my acquaintance; They who see me abroad flee from me.
12 An manta da ni sai ka ce na mutu; na zama kamar fasasshen kasko.
I am forgotten like a dead man out of mind; I am like a broken vessel.
13 Gama nakan ji raɗe-raɗen mutane masu yawa; akwai tsoro a kowane gefe; suna ƙulla maƙarƙashiya a kaina suna shirya su ɗauke raina.
I hear the slander of many; fear is on every side; For they take counsel together against me; They devise to take away my life.
14 Amma na dogara gare ka, ya Ubangiji; na ce, “Kai ne Allahna.”
But I trust in thee, O Jehovah! I say, “Thou art my God!”
15 Lokutana suna a hannuwanka; ka cece ni daga abokan gābana da kuma daga waɗanda suke fafara ta.
My destiny is in thy hand; Deliver me from the power of my enemies and persecutors!
16 Bari fuskarka ta haskaka a kan bawanka; ka cece ni da ƙaunarka marar ƙarewa.
Let thy face shine upon thy servant, And save me through thy mercy!
17 Kada ka bari in sha kunya, ya Ubangiji, gama na yi kuka gare ka; amma bari mugaye su sha kunya su kuma kwanta shiru a cikin kabari. (Sheol )
Let me not be put to shame, O LORD! for I have called upon thee; Let the wicked be put to shame; Let them be silenced in the grave! (Sheol )
18 Bari a rufe leɓunan ƙarairayinsu, gama da fariya da reni suna magana da girman kai a kan adalai.
Let lying lips be put to silence, Which speak proud things against the righteous, With haughtiness and contempt!
19 Alherinka da girma yake, wanda ka ajiye domin waɗanda suke tsoronka, wanda ka mayar a gaban mutane a kan waɗanda suke neman mafaka daga gare ka.
O how great is thy goodness, which thou treasurest up for them that fear thee; Which thou showest to them that trust in thee, before the sons of men!
20 Cikin inuwar kasancewarka ka ɓoye su daga makircin mutane; a wurin zamanka ka kiyaye su lafiya daga harsuna masu zagi.
Thou hidest them in the secret place of thy presence from the machinations of men; Thou shelterest them in thy pavilion from the violence of tongues.
21 Yabo ya tabbata ga Ubangiji, gama ya nuna ƙaunarsa mai banmamaki gare ni sa’ad da aka yi mini kwanto kewaye da birni.
Praised be the LORD; for he hath shown me his wonderful kindness, As in a fortified city!
22 Cikin tsorona na ce, “An yanke ni daga gabanka!” Duk da haka ka ji kukata na neman jinƙai sa’ad da na kira gare ka don taimako.
I said in my distress, “I am cut off from before thine eyes;” But thou didst hear the voice of my supplication, When I cried unto thee.
23 Ku ƙaunaci Ubangiji, dukanku tsarkakansa! Ubangiji yakan adana amintattu, amma masu girman kai yakan sāka musu cikakke.
O love the LORD, all ye his servants; For the LORD preserveth the faithful, And requiteth the proud in full measure!
24 Ku yi ƙarfin hali ku kuma ƙarfafa, dukanku masu sa bege a kan Ubangiji.
Be of good courage; let your hearts be strong, All ye who trust in the LORD!