< Zabura 2 >
1 Me ya sa ƙasashe suke haɗa baki mutane kuma suke ƙulla shawarwarin banza?
Why are the nations in tumultuous agitation, and [why] do the peoples meditate a vain thing?
2 Sarakunan duniya sun ɗauki matsayi masu mulki sun taru gaba ɗaya suna gāba da Ubangiji da kuma Shafaffensa.
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the princes plot together, against Jehovah and against his anointed:
3 Suna cewa, “Bari mu tsittsinke sarƙoƙinsu, mu kuma’yantar da kamammu daga kangin bautar Allah.”
Let us break their bonds asunder, and cast away their cords from us!
4 Mai zama a kursiyi a sama yana dariya; Ubangiji yana musu ba’a.
He that dwelleth in the heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision.
5 Sa’an nan ya tsawata musu cikin fushinsa ya kuma razanar da su cikin hasalarsa, yana cewa,
Then will he speak to them in his anger, and in his fierce displeasure will he terrify them:
6 “Na kafa Sarkina a kan kursiyi a kan Sihiyona, dutsena mai tsarki.”
And I have anointed my king upon Zion, the hill of my holiness.
7 Sarki ya yi shelar umarnin Ubangiji. Ubangiji ya ce mini, “Kai Ɗana ne; yau na zama Mahaifinka.
I will declare the decree: Jehovah hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; I this day have begotten thee.
8 Ka tambaye ni zan kuwa sa al’ummai su zama gādonka, iyakokin duniya su zama mallakarka.
Ask of me, and I will give thee nations for an inheritance, and for thy possession the ends of the earth:
9 Za ka yi mulkinsu da sandan ƙarfe; za ka farfashe su kucu-kucu kamar tukunyar laka.”
Thou shalt break them with a sceptre of iron, as a potter's vessel thou shalt dash them in pieces.
10 Saboda haka, ku sarakuna, ku yi wayo; ku shiga hankalinku, ku masu mulkin duniya.
And now, O kings, be ye wise, be admonished, ye judges of the earth.
11 Ku bauta wa Ubangiji da tsoro ku kuma yi farin ciki kuna rawar jiki.
Serve Jehovah with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
12 Ku sumbaci Ɗan, don kada yă yi fushi ku hallaka a abubuwan da kuke yi, gama fushinsa zai iya kuna farat ɗaya. Masu farin ciki ne dukan waɗanda suke neman mafaka daga gare shi.
Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish in the way, though his anger burn but a little. Blessed are all who have their trust in him.