< Zabura 133 >

1 Waƙar haurawa. Ta Dawuda. Abu mai kyau ne, mai daɗi kuma sa’ad da’yan’uwa suna zaman lafiya!
It is very good and very pleasant for God’s people to gather together harmoniously.
2 Yana kamar mai mai darajar da aka zuba a kai, yana gangarawa a gemu, yana gangarawa a gemun Haruna, har zuwa wuyan rigunansa.
It is [as delightful as] the precious/expensive ([olive] oil/perfume) that runs down from [the Supreme Priest] Aaron’s head onto his beard [when he is anointed] and runs down onto the collar of his robes.
3 Yana kamar raɓar Hermon da take zubowa a kan Dutsen Sihiyona. Gama a can Ubangiji ya tabbatar da albarkarsa, har ma rai na har abada.
Gathering together harmoniously [is as delightful] as the dew [that falls] on Hermon [Mountain] and the dew that falls on the hills near Zion [Hill]. Yahweh has promised to bless [his people there in Jerusalem] [by giving them] everlasting (OR, a long-lasting) life.

< Zabura 133 >