< Zabura 118 >

1 Ku gode wa Ubangiji, gama nagari ne shi; ƙaunarsa madawwamiya ce har abada.
Alleluia. Confess to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy is forever.
2 Bari Isra’ila yă ce, “Ƙaunarsa madawwamiya ce har abada.”
Let Israel now say: For he is good, for his mercy is forever.
3 Bari gidan Haruna yă ce, “Ƙaunarsa madawwamiya ce har abada.”
Let the house of Aaron now say: For his mercy is forever.
4 Bari waɗanda suke tsoron Ubangiji su ce, “Ƙaunarsa madawwamiya ce har abada.”
Let those who fear the Lord now say: For his mercy is forever.
5 Cikin azabata na yi kuka ga Ubangiji, ya kuwa amsa ta wurin’yantar da ni.
In my tribulation, I called upon the Lord. And the Lord heeded me with generosity.
6 Ubangiji yana tare da ni; ba zan ji tsoro ba. Me mutum zai yi mini?
The Lord is my helper. I will not fear what man can do to me.
7 Ubangiji yana tare da ni; shi ne mai taimakona. Zan yi nasara a kan abokan gābana.
The Lord is my helper. And I will look down upon my enemies.
8 Ya fi kyau in nemi mafaka a wurin Ubangiji da in dogara ga mutum.
It is good to trust in the Lord, rather than to trust in man.
9 Ya fi kyau in nemi mafaka a wurin Ubangiji da in dogara ga sarakuna.
It is good to hope in the Lord, rather than to hope in leaders.
10 Dukan al’ummai sun kewaye ni, amma a cikin sunan Ubangiji na hallaka su.
All the nations have surrounded me. And, in the name of the Lord, I have been avenged over them.
11 Sun kewaye ni a kowane gefe, amma a cikin sunan Ubangiji na hallaka su.
Surrounding me, they closed in on me. And, in the name of the Lord, I have been avenged over them.
12 Sun rufe ni kamar ƙudan zuma, amma suka mutu nan da nan kamar ƙayayyuwa masu cin wuta; a cikin sunan Ubangiji na hallaka su.
They surrounded me like a swarm, and they burned like fire among the thorns. And, in the name of the Lord, I have been avenged over them.
13 An ture ni baya na kusa fāɗuwa, amma Ubangiji ya taimake ni.
Having been pushed, I was overturned so as to fall. But the Lord took me up.
14 Ubangiji ne ƙarfina da waƙata; ya zama mai cetona.
The Lord is my strength and my praise. And he has become my salvation.
15 Sowa ta farin ciki da nasara sun fito a cikin tentunan adalai, “Hannun dama na Ubangiji ya aikata manyan abubuwa!
A voice of exultation and salvation is in the tabernacles of the just.
16 An ɗaga hannun dama na Ubangiji sama; hannun dama na Ubangiji ya aikata manyan abubuwa!”
The right hand of the Lord has wrought virtue. The right hand of the Lord has exalted me. The right hand of the Lord has wrought virtue.
17 Ba zan mutu ba amma zan rayu, zan kuwa yi shelar abin da Ubangiji ya yi.
I will not die, but I will live. And I will declare the works of the Lord.
18 Ubangiji ya hore ni sosai, amma bai ba da ni ga mutuwa ba.
When chastising, the Lord chastised me. But he has not delivered me over to death.
19 Buɗe mini ƙofofin adalci; zan shiga in kuma yi godiya ga Ubangiji.
Open the gates of justice to me. I will enter them, and I will confess to the Lord.
20 Wannan ne ƙofar Ubangiji inda adalai za su shiga.
This is the gate of the Lord. The just will enter by it.
21 Zan yi maka godiya, domin ka amsa mini; ka zama mai cetona.
I will confess to you because you have heard me. And you have become my salvation.
22 Zabura Dutsen da magina suka ƙi ya zama mai amfani;
The stone which the builders have rejected, this has become the head of the corner.
23 Ubangiji ne ya yi haka, kuma abu mai daraja ne a idanunmu.
By the Lord has this been done, and it is a wonder before our eyes.
24 Wannan ita ce ranar da Ubangiji ya yi; bari mu yi farin ciki mu kuma yi murna a cikinta.
This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us exult and rejoice in it.
25 Ya Ubangiji, ka cece mu; Ya Ubangiji, ka ba mu nasara.
O Lord, grant salvation to me. O Lord, grant good prosperity.
26 Mai albarka ne shi mai zuwa cikin sunan Ubangiji. Daga gidan Ubangiji muna sa muku albarka.
Blessed is he who arrives in the name of the Lord. We have blessed you from the house of the Lord.
27 Ubangiji shi ne Allah ya kuma sa haskensa ya haskaka a kanmu. Da kwanoni a hannunmu, muka shiga jerin gwanon biki ku kai su ƙahoni na bagade.
The Lord is God, and he has enlightened us. Establish a solemn day amid a dense crowd, even to the horn of the altar.
28 Kai ne Allahna, zan kuwa yi maka godiya; kai ne Allahna, zan kuwa ɗaukaka ka.
You are my God, and I will confess to you. You are my God, and I will exalt you. I will confess to you, for you have heeded me. And you have become my salvation.
29 Ku gode wa Ubangiji, gama nagari ne shi; ƙaunarsa madawwamiya ce har abada.
Confess to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy is forever.

< Zabura 118 >