< Zabura 11 >
1 Don mai bi da kaɗe-kaɗe. Don busa. Ta Dawuda. A wurin Ubangiji ne nake samun mafaka. Yaya za ku ce mini, “Ka yi firiya kamar tsuntsu zuwa duwatsu.
To him that excelleth. A Psalme of Dauid. In the Lord put I my trust: howe say yee then to my soule, Flee to your mountaine as a birde?
2 Gama duba, mugaye sun tanƙware bakkunansu; sun kuma ɗana kibiyoyinsu don su harbi mutanen kirki a zuciya daga cikin duhu.
For loe, the wicked bende their bowe, and make readie their arrowes vpon the string, that they may secretly shoote at them, which are vpright in heart.
3 Sa’ad da aka tumɓuke tushe, me adali zai iya yi?”
For the foundations are cast downe: what hath the righteous done?
4 Ubangiji yana cikin haikalinsa mai tsarki; Ubangiji yana a kursiyinsa a sama. Yana kallon’ya’yan mutane; idanunsa suna bincike su.
The Lord is in his holy palace: the Lordes throne is in the heauen: his eyes wil consider: his eye lids will try the children of men.
5 Ubangiji yana bincike adalai, amma ransa yana ƙi mugaye da masu son rikici.
The Lord will try the righteous: but the wicked and him that loueth iniquitie, doeth his soule hate.
6 A kan mugaye zai zuba garwashin wuta mai zafi da kuma kibiritu; iska mai zafi zai zama rabonsu.
Vpon the wicked he shall raine snares, fire, and brimstone, and stormie tempest: this is the porcion of their cup.
7 Gama Ubangiji mai adalci ne, yana ƙaunar gaskiya masu adalci za su ga fuskarsa.
For the righteous Lord loueth righteousnes: his countenance doeth beholde the iust.