< Karin Magana 1 >

1 Karin maganar Solomon ɗan Dawuda, sarkin Isra’ila.
These are the (proverbs/wise sayings) that come from Solomon, the King of Israel, who was the son of [King] David.
2 Ga karin magana da za su taimake ka don samun hikima da horo; don ganewa kalmomi masu zurfi;
(These proverbs [PRS] can teach people/By studying these proverbs, people can learn) how to be wise and how to obey what these proverbs teach them. They will [also] help people to understand which teachings are wise.
3 don neman rayuwa ta horo da kuma ta hankali, kana yin abin da yake daidai, mai adalci da kuma wanda ya dace;
These proverbs [PRS] will teach you how to discipline/control yourselves, how to conduct your lives, and how to do what is right and just [DOU].
4 don sa marar azanci yă yi hankali, yă sa matasa su sani, su kuma iya rarrabewa,
They will show [people] who do not [yet] know much how to do things that are smart. They will show young people how to become wise and how to make good plans/decisions.
5 bari masu hikima su saurara, su kuma ƙara ga saninsu, bari masu tunani kuma su sami jagora,
Those who are wise should also pay attention [to these proverbs], in order to become more wise, and those who understand [these teachings] will receive good advice/guidance.
6 don su fahimci karin magana da kuma misalai, kalmomi da kuma kacici-kacici masu hikima.
Then they will be able to understand the meaning of proverbs and parables/metaphors, these wise sayings and (riddles/sayings that are difficult to understand).
7 Tsoron Ubangiji shi ne masomin ilimi, amma wawaye sun rena hikima da horo.
If [you want to be] wise, you must begin by revering Yahweh. [Only] foolish people despise wisdom and good advice/discipline.
8 Ɗana, ka saurari umarnin mahaifinka kada kuma ka ƙyale koyarwar mahaifiyarka.
My son, pay attention to what [I], your father, am teaching you. And do not reject what your mother teaches you.
9 Za su zama kayan ado don su inganta ka da kuma sarƙar wuya don su yi wa wuyanka ado.
What we teach you [will make you respected like having] a lovely turban around your head and [like] a [beautiful] necklace to put around your neck.
10 Ɗana, in masu zunubi sun jarabce ka, kada ka yarda.
My son, if sinners tempt/entice you [to do what is wrong], say “No” to them.
11 In suka ce, “Zo mu tafi; mu yi kwanton ɓauna, mu nemi wani mu kashe, mu fāɗa wa marasa laifi;
They may say, “Come with us! Join us! We will hide and then kill [MTY] someone [who passes by]. We will ambush some helpless/innocent people.
12 mu haɗiye su da rai gaba ɗaya kamar kabari, kamar waɗanda suke gangarawa zuwa rami; (Sheol h7585)
We will kill them [HYP] and get rid of them completely, [just] like [people who are buried in] graves are gone forever. While they are in good health, we will send them to the place where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
13 za mu sami dukiya masu daraja iri-iri, mu kuma cika gidajenmu da ganima;
And we will seize all the things that they own. We will fill our houses with these things!
14 ka haɗa kai da mu, za mu kuwa raba abin da muka sato”
[So], come with us! Join our group! We will share with you the things that we steal.”
15 ɗana, kada ka tafi tare da su, kada ka taka ƙafarka a hanyarsu;
My son, do not accompany them! Do not walk on the roads with them!
16 gama ƙafafunsu kan yi sauri ga yin zunubi, suna saurin yin kisankai.
They rush to do evil deeds! They hurry to murder [MTY] people.
17 Ba shi da amfani a kafa tarko a idanun dukan tsuntsaye!
It is useless to put out a (trap/net to catch a bird) because when a bird sees it, [it stays away from it].
18 Waɗannan irin mutane kansu suke kafa wa tarko; ba sa kama kome, sai rayukansu!
But those wicked people are not like the birds, [because they do not realize] that when they prepare to ambush someone to kill him, they will be killed themselves!
19 Dukan waɗanda suke neman ribar da ba a samu a hanya mai kyau; ƙarshen wannan yakan ɗauke rayukansu.
That is what happens to people who eagerly try to get things [by violently attacking others]. They will only destroy themselves!
20 Hikima tana kira da ƙarfi a kan titi, tana ɗaga muryarta a dandalin taron jama’a;
Wisdom [PRS] shouts to people in the streets, and calls out to people in the (plazas/town squares).
21 tana kira da ƙarfi a kan tituna masu surutu, tana yin jawabinta a hanyoyin shiga gari.
Wisdom calls out in noisy places, and at the entrances to cities.
22 “Har yaushe ku da kuke marasa azanci za ku ci gaba a hanyoyinku marasa azanci? Har yaushe ku masu ba’a za ku yi ta murna cikin ba’arku wawaye kuma ku ƙi ilimi?
[Wisdom says], “How long will you stupid people continue to enjoy doing foolish things [RHQ]? How long will you people who ridicule God enjoy doing that [RHQ]? How long will you foolish people refuse to know [what things are right] [RHQ]?
23 Da a ce kun saurari tsawatata, da na faɗa muku dukan abin da yake zuciyata in kuma sanar da ku tunanina.
If you pay attention to me when I rebuke you, I will tell you what I am thinking in my inner being; I will give you some good advice.
24 Amma da yake kun ƙi ni sa’ad da na yi kira ba kuma wanda ya saurara sa’ad da na miƙa hannuna,
But when I called to you, you refused to listen. I beckoned to you to come to me, but you ignored me.
25 da yake kun ƙi dukan shawarata ba ku kuma yarda da tsawatata ba,
I tried to advise you, but you refused to listen to me. I tried to correct you, but you rejected what I told you.
26 Zan yi muku dariya sa’ad da masifa ta same ku, zan yi muku ba’a sa’ad da bala’i ya same ku,
So [now], when you are experiencing troubles/disasters, I will laugh at you. When things happen that cause you to be afraid, I will make fun of you.
27 sa’ad da bala’i ya sha kanku kamar hadiri, sa’ad da masifa ta share ku kamar guguwa, sa’ad damuwa da wahala suka mamaye ku.
When calamities strike you like a big storm, when disasters hit you like a violent wind, when [all kinds of things] distress you and give you trouble, [I will ridicule you!]
28 “Sa’an nan za su kira gare ni amma ba zan amsa ba; za su neme ni amma ba za su same ni ba.
[Wisdom also says], “When foolish people call to me [to help them], I will not answer them. They will search for me diligently/everywhere, but they will not find me.
29 Da yake sun ƙi sani ba su kuwa zaɓi tsoron Ubangiji ba,
They refused to know [what things are right], and they decided not to revere Yahweh.
30 da yake ba su karɓi shawarata ba suka kuwa yi kunnen ƙashi ga tsawatata,
They would not accept my advice, and they did not pay attention when I tried to correct them.
31 za su sami sakayyar abubuwan da suka yi su kuma ƙoshi da sakayyar makircinsu.
So they will endure what will result [MET, DOU] from the evil way they have lived/behaved and the evil things they have planned to do.
32 Gama rashin hankalin marasa azanci zai kashe su, rashin kulawar wawaye kuma zai hallaka su;
Those who turn away from me are stupid/foolish; they will die because of doing that.
33 amma duk wanda ya saurare ni, zai zauna lafiya yă kuma kasance da rai kwance, ba tare da tsoron lahani ba.”
But those who pay attention to me will live peacefully and safely, and they will not be afraid that something will harm them.”

< Karin Magana 1 >