< Karin Magana 6 >
1 Ɗana, in ka shirya tsaya wa maƙwabcinka don yă karɓi bashi, in ka sa hannunka don ɗaukar lamunin wani,
My son, If thou hast become surety for thy friend, if thou hast struck thy hand for a stranger;
2 in maganarka ta taɓa kama ka, ko kalmomin bakinka sun zama maka tarko,
If thou art ensnared through the words of thy mouth, if thou art caught through the words of thy mouth:
3 to, sai ka yi haka, ɗana don ka’yantar da kanka; da yake ka shiga hannuwan maƙwabcinka, ka tafi ka ƙasƙantar da kanka; ka roƙi maƙwabcinka!
[Then] do this by all means, my son, and deliver thyself, because thou art come into the power of thy friend, Go hasten to him, and urge thy friend.
4 Ka hana kanka barci, ko gyangyaɗi a idanunka ma.
Grant not any sleep to thy eyes, nor slumber to thy eyelids.
5 Ka’yantar da kanka, kamar barewa daga hannun mai farauta, kamar tsuntsu daga tarkon mai kafa tarko.
Deliver thyself as a roebuck from the hand [of the hunter], and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.
6 Ku tafi wurin kyashi, ku ragwaye; ku lura da hanyoyinsa ku zama masu hikima!
Go to the ant, thou sluggard; look on her ways, and become wise.
7 Ba shi da jagora ba shugaba ko mai mulki,
She, that hath no prince, officer, or ruler,
8 duk da haka yakan yi tanade-tanadensa da rani ya kuma tattara abincinsa a lokacin girbi.
Provideth in the summer her provision, gathereth in harvest-time her food.
9 Har yaushe za ku kwanta a can, ku ragwaye? Yaushe za ku farka daga barcinku?
How long, O sluggard, wilt thou lie down? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?
10 Ɗan barci, ɗan gyangyaɗi, ɗan naɗin hannuwa don a huta,
“A little [more] sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands in lying down;”
11 talauci kuwa zai zo kamar’yan hari rashi kuma kamar ɗan fashi.
But then will thy poverty come like a rover, and thy want as a man armed with a shield.
12 Sakare da mutumin banza wanda yana yawo da magana banza a baki,
A Godless person is a man of injustice, who walketh with a distorted mouth.
13 wanda yake ƙyifce da ido, yana yi alama da ƙafafunsa yana kuma nuni da yatsotsinsa,
He blinketh with his eyes, he scrapeth with his feet, he pointeth with his fingers;
14 wanda yake ƙulla mugunta da ruɗu a cikin zuciyarsa, kullum yana tā-da-na-zaune-tsaye
Perverseness is in his heart, he contriveth evil at all times; he scattereth abroad discord.
15 Saboda haka masifa za tă fāɗa farat ɗaya; za a hallaka shi nan da nan, ba makawa.
Therefore shall suddenly come his calamity: unawares shalt he be broken without a remedy.
16 Akwai abubuwa shida da Ubangiji ya ƙi, abubuwa bakwai da suke abin ƙyama gare shi,
Six things there are which the Lord hateth; and seven are an abomination unto his spirit:
17 duban reni, harshe mai ƙarya, hannuwa masu zub da jinin marar laifi,
Haughty eyes, a tongue of falsehood, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 zuciyar da take ƙulla mugayen dabaru, ƙafafun da suke sauri zuwa aikata mugunta,
A heart that contriveth plans of injustice, feet that hasten to run after evil,
19 mai shaidar ƙarya wanda yake zuba ƙarairayi, da kuma mutumin da yake tā-da-na-zaune-tsaye a cikin’yan’uwa.
A false witness that eagerly uttereth lies, and him that scattereth abroad discord among brethren.
20 Ɗana, ka kiyaye umarnan mahaifinka kada kuma ka ƙyale koyarwar mahaifiyarka.
Keep, O my son, the commandment of thy father, and reject not the teaching of thy mother:
21 Ka ɗaura su a zuciyarka har abada; ka ɗaura su kewaye da wuyanka.
Bind them upon thy heart continually, tie them about thy throat.
22 Sa’ad da kake tafiya, za su bishe ka; sa’ad da kake barci, za su lura da kai; sa’ad da ka farka, za su yi maka magana.
When thou walkest, it shall lead thee; when thou liest down, it shall watch over thee; and when thou art awake, it shall converse with thee.
23 Gama waɗannan umarnai fitila ne, wannan koyarwa haske ne, kuma gyare-gyaren horo hanyar rayuwa ce,
For the commandment is a lamp, and the law is light; and the way of life are the admonitions of correction:
24 suna kiyaye ka daga mace marar ɗa’a daga sulɓin harshen mace marar aminci.
To guard thee against a bad woman, from the flattery of an alien tongue.
25 Kada ka yi sha’awarta a cikin zuciyarka kada ka bar ta tă ɗauki hankalinka da idanunta.
Covet not her beauty in thy heart, and let her not conquer thee with her eyelids.
26 Gama karuwa takan mai da kai kamar burodin kyauta, mazinaciya kuma takan farauci ranka.
For by means of a harlot [one is brought down] to the last loaf of bread: and an adulterous woman will even hunt for the precious life,
27 Mutum zai iya ɗiba wuta ya zuba a cinyarsa ba tare da rigunansa sun ƙone ba?
Can a man gather up fire in his lap, and shall his clothes not be burnt?
28 Mutum zai iya yin tafi a garwashi wuta mai zafi ba tare da ƙafafunsa sun ƙone ba?
Can a man walk along upon hot coals, and shall his feet not be burnt?
29 Haka yake da wanda ya kwana da matar wani; babu wanda ya taɓa ta da zai tafi babu hukunci.
So it is with him that goeth in to his neighbor's wife: no one that toucheth her shall remain unpunished.
30 Mutane ba sa ƙyale ɓarawo in ya yi sata don yă ƙosar da yunwarsa sa’ad da yake jin yunwa.
Men do not despise the thief, if he steal, to gratify his craving when he is hungry:
31 Duk da haka in aka kama shi, dole yă biya sau bakwai ko da yake abin zai ci dukan arzikin gidansa.
And if he be found, he must pay sevenfold; all the wealth his house must he give.
32 Amma mutumin da ya yi zina ba shi da hankali; duk wanda ya yi haka yana hallaka kansa ne.
But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh sense: he that is the destroyer of his soul, will alone do this.
33 Dūka da kunya ne za su zama rabonsa, kuma kunyarsa za tă dawwama.
Plague and disgrace will he meet with; and his reproach will not be blotted out.
34 Gama kishi kan tā da hasalar miji, kuma ba zai ji tausayi ba sa’ad da yake ramawa.
For jealousy is the fury of a husband, and he will not spare on the day of vengeance.
35 Ba zai karɓi duk wata biya ba; zai ƙi cin hanci, kome yawansu.
He will not regard the appearance of any ransom; and he will not be content, though thou give ever so many bribes.