< Karin Magana 2 >

1 Ɗana, in ka yarda da kalmomina ka kuma ajiye umarnaina a cikinka,
My son, if you would accept my words, and conceal my commandments within you,
2 kana kasa kunne ga abin da yake na hikima, kana kuma yin ƙoƙari ka fahimce shi,
so that your ears may listen to wisdom, then bend your heart in order to know prudence.
3 in kuma ka kira ga tsinkaya ka kuma kira da ƙarfi don ganewa,
For if you would call upon wisdom and bend your heart to prudence,
4 in ka neme shi yadda ake neman azurfa ka kuma neme shi kamar yadda ake neman ɓoyayyiyar dukiya,
if you will seek her like money, and dig for her as if for treasure,
5 to, za ka gane tsoron Ubangiji ka kuma sami sanin Allah.
then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and you will discover the knowledge of God.
6 Gama Ubangiji yana ba da hikima, daga bakinsa kuma, sani da ganewa sukan fito.
For the Lord bestows wisdom, and out of his mouth, prudence and knowledge.
7 Yana riƙe da nasara a ma’aji don masu yin gaskiya, shi ne mafaka ga waɗanda tafiyarsu ba ta da laifi,
He will preserve the salvation of the righteous, and he will protect those who walk in simplicity:
8 gama yana tsare abin da masu adalci suke bukata yana kuma tsare hanyar amintattunsa.
serving the paths of justice, and guarding the ways of sanctity.
9 Sa’an nan za ku fahimci abin da yake daidai da abin da yake na adalci da abin da yake gaskiya, da kowace hanya mai kyau.
Then you shall understand justice and judgment, and equity, and every good path.
10 Gama hikima za tă shiga cikin zuciyarka, sani kuma zai faranta maka rai.
If wisdom is to enter into your heart, and if knowledge is to become pleasing to your soul,
11 Tsinkaya za tă tsare ka, ganewa kuma za tă yi maka jagora.
then counsel must guard you, and prudence must serve you,
12 Hikima za tă cece ka daga hanyoyin mugayen mutane, daga kalmomin mutane masu ɓatanci,
so that you may be rescued from the evil way, and from the man who speaks perversities,
13 waɗanda suke barin miƙaƙƙun hanyoyi don su yi tafiya a hanyoyi masu duhu,
from those who leave the straight path to walk in dark ways,
14 waɗanda suke jin daɗin yin abin da ba shi da kyau suna kuma farin ciki a mugayen ɓatanci,
who rejoice when they have done evil, and who exult in the most wicked things.
15 waɗanda hanyoyinsu karkatattu ne waɗanda kuma suke cuku-cuku a hanyoyinsu.
Their ways are perverse, and their steps are infamous.
16 Zai kiyaye ku kuma daga mazinaciya, daga mace mai lalata, mai ƙoƙarin kama ka da daɗin bakinta,
So may you be rescued from the foreign woman, and from the outsider, who softens her speech,
17 wadda ta bar mijin ƙuruciyarta ta kuma ƙyale alkawarin da ta yi a gaban Allah.
and who leaves behind the Guide of her youth,
18 Gama gidanta yana kai ga mutuwa hanyarta kuma ga ruhohin matattu.
and who has forgotten the covenant of her God. For her household inclines toward death, and her paths toward Hell. (questioned)
19 Duk wanda ya ziyarce ta ba ya ƙara komowa ba zai ƙara komowa ga hanyar rai.
All those who enter to her will not return again, nor will they take hold of the paths of life.
20 Don haka dole ku yi tafiya a hanyoyin mutanen kirki ku kuma yi ta bi hanyoyin adalai.
So may you walk in the good way, and keep to the difficult paths of the just.
21 Gama masu aikata gaskiya za su zauna a cikin ƙasar, marasa laifi kuma za su kasance a cikinta;
For those who are upright shall live upon the earth, and the simple shall continue upon it.
22 amma za a fid da mugaye daga ƙasar, za a tumɓuke marasa aminci kuma daga gare ta.
Yet truly, the impious shall perish from the earth, and those who act unjustly shall be taken away from it.

< Karin Magana 2 >