< Karin Magana 15 >
1 Amsa da tattausar harshe kan kwantar da fushi, amma magana da kakkausan harshe kan kuta fushi.
A soft answere putteth away wrath: but grieuous wordes stirre vp anger.
2 Harshen mai hikima kan yi zance mai kyau a kan sani, amma bakin wawa kan fitar da wauta.
The tongue of the wise vseth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fooles babbleth out foolishnesse.
3 Idanun Ubangiji suna a ko’ina, suna lura da masu aikata mugunta da masu aikata alheri.
The eyes of the Lord in euery place beholde the euill and the good.
4 Harshen da ya kawo warkarwa shi ne itacen rai, amma harshe mai ƙarya kan ragargaza zuciya.
A wholesome tongue is as a tree of life: but the frowardnes therof is the breaking of ye minde.
5 Wawa yakan ƙi kulawa da horon da mahaifinsa yake masa, amma duk wanda ya yarda da gyara kan nuna azanci.
A foole despiseth his fathers instruction: but he that regardeth correction, is prudent.
6 Gidan adali yana da dukiya mai yawa, amma albashin mugaye kan kawo musu wahala.
The house of the righteous hath much treasure: but in the reuenues of the wicked is trouble.
7 Leɓunan masu hikima sukan baza sani; ba haka zukatan wawaye suke ba.
The lippes of the wise doe spread abroade knowledge: but ye heart of the foolish doth not so.
8 Ubangiji yana ƙyamar hadayar mugaye, amma addu’ar masu aikata gaskiya kan sa ya ji daɗi.
The sacrifice of the wicked is abomination to the Lord: but the prayer of the righteous is acceptable vnto him.
9 Ubangiji yana ƙin hanyar mugaye amma yana ƙaunar waɗanda suke neman adalci.
The way of the wicked is an abomination vnto the Lord: but he loueth him that followeth righteousnes.
10 Horo mai tsanani yana jiran duk wanda ya bar hanya; wanda ya ƙi gyara zai mutu.
Instruction is euill to him that forsaketh the way, and he that hateth correction, shall die.
11 Mutuwa da Hallaka suna nan a fili a gaban Ubangiji, balle fa zukatan mutane! (Sheol )
Hell and destruction are before the Lord: how much more the hearts of the sonnes of men? (Sheol )
12 Mai yin ba’a yakan ƙi gyara; ba zai nemi shawara mai hikima ba.
A scorner loueth not him that rebuketh him, neither will he goe vnto the wise.
13 Zuciya mai farin ciki kan sa fuska tă yi haske, amma ciwon zuciya kan ragargaza rai.
A ioyfull heart maketh a chearefull countenance: but by the sorow of the heart the minde is heauie.
14 Zuciya mai la’akari kan nemi sani, amma bakin wawa wauta ce ke ciyar da shi.
The heart of him that hath vnderstanding, seeketh knowledge: but the mouth of the foole is fedde with foolishnes.
15 Dukan kwanakin mutumin da ake danniya fama yake yi, amma zuciya mai farin ciki yana yin biki kullum.
All the dayes of the afflicted are euill: but a good conscience is a continuall feast.
16 Gara a kasance da kaɗan da tsoron Ubangiji da a kasance da arziki mai yawa game da wahala.
Better is a litle with the feare of the Lord, then great treasure, and trouble therewith.
17 Gara a ci abincin kayan ganye inda akwai ƙauna da a ci kiwotaccen saniya inda ƙiyayya take.
Better is a dinner of greene herbes where loue is, then a stalled oxe and hatred therewith.
18 Mutum mai zafin rai kan kawo faɗa, amma mutum mai haƙuri kan kwantar da faɗa.
An angrie man stirreth vp strife: but hee that is slowe to wrath, appeaseth strife.
19 An tare hanyar rago da ƙayayyuwa, amma hanyar mai aikata gaskiya buɗaɗɗiyar hanya ce.
The way of a slouthfull man is as an hedge of thornes: but the way of the righteous is plaine.
20 Ɗa mai hikima kan kawo farin ciki wa mahaifinsa, amma wawa yakan rena mahaifiyarsa.
A wise sonne reioyceth the father: but a foolish man despiseth his mother.
21 Wauta kan sa mutum marar azanci ya yi farin ciki, amma mai basira kan kiyaye abin da yake yi daidai.
Foolishnes is ioy to him that is destitute of vnderstanding: but a man of vnderstanding walketh vprightly.
22 Shirye-shirye sukan lalace saboda rashin neman shawara, amma tare da mashawarta masu yawa za su yi nasara.
Without cousel thoughts come to nought: but in the multitude of counsellers there is stedfastnesse.
23 Mutum yakan yi farin ciki a ba da amsar da take daidai, kuma ina misali a yi magana a lokacin da ya dace!
A ioy commeth to a man by the answere of his mouth: and how good is a word in due season?
24 Hanyar rai na yin jagora ya haura wa masu hikima don ta kiyaye shi daga gangarawa zuwa kabari. (Sheol )
The way of life is on high to the prudent, to auoyde from hell beneath. (Sheol )
25 Ubangiji yakan rushe gidan mai girman kai amma yakan kiyaye iyakokin gwauruwa daidai.
The Lord will destroye the house of the proude men: but hee will stablish the borders of the widowe.
26 Ubangiji yana ƙyamar tunanin mugaye, amma waɗanda suke da tunani masu tsabta yakan ji daɗinsu.
The thoughts of ye wicked are abomination to the Lord: but the pure haue pleasant wordes.
27 Mutum mai haɗama kan kawo wahala ga iyalinsa, amma wanda yake ƙin cin hanci zai rayu.
He that is greedie of gaine, troubleth his owne house: but he that hateth giftes, shall liue.
28 Zuciyar mai adalci takan auna amsoshinta, amma bakin mugu yakan fitar da mugunta.
The heart of the righteous studieth to answere: but the wicked mans mouth babbleth euil thinges.
29 Ubangiji yana nesa da mugaye amma yakan ji addu’ar adalai.
The Lord is farre off from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous.
30 Fuska mai fara’a takan kawo farin ciki ga zuciya, kuma labari mai daɗi na kawo lafiya ga ƙasusuwa.
The light of the eyes reioyceth the heart, and a good name maketh the bones fat.
31 Duk wanda ya mai da hankali sa’ad da ake tsawata masa ba zai kasance dabam a cikin masu hikima ba.
The eare that hearkeneth to the correction of life, shall lodge among the wise.
32 Duk waɗanda suka ƙi horon sun rena kansu ke nan, amma duk waɗanda sun yarda da gyara sukan ƙara basira.
Hee that refuseth instruction, despiseth his owne soule: but he that obeyeth correction, getteth vnderstanding.
33 Tsoron Ubangiji yakan koya wa mutum hikima, kuma sauƙinkai kan zo kafin girmamawa.
The feare of the Lord is the instruction of wisdome: and before honour, goeth humilitie.