< Karin Magana 11 >

1 Ubangiji yana ƙyamar ma’aunan zamba, amma ma’aunin da suke daidai ne abin farin cikinsa.
False scales are an abomination to the LORD; But a perfect weight is his delight.
2 Sa’ad da girman kai ya zo, sai shan kunya ta zo, amma hikima kan zo tare da ƙasƙantar da kai.
When pride cometh, then cometh disgrace; But with the humble is wisdom.
3 Mutuncin masu aikata gaskiya takan bi da su, amma marasa aminci sukan hallaka ta wurin cin amanar da suke yi.
The integrity of the upright shall guide them; But the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.
4 Dukiya ba ta da amfani a ranar fushi, amma adalci kan yi ceto daga mutuwa.
Riches do not profit in the day of wrath; But righteousness delivereth from death.
5 Adalcin marasa laifi kan miƙe hanyarsu, amma akan ƙasƙantar da mugaye ta wurin muguntarsu.
The righteousness of the good man maketh his way plain; But the wicked falleth through his wickedness.
6 Adalcin masu aikata gaskiya kan cece su, amma rashin aminci tarko ne ga mugayen sha’awace-sha’awace.
The righteousness of the upright delivereth them; But transgressors are ensnared in their own mischief.
7 Sa’ad da mugu ya mutu, sa zuciyarsa kan hallaka; dukan abin da ya sa zuciya daga ikonsa ba ya amfana kome.
When the wicked man dieth, his hope cometh to an end; Yea, the expectation of the unjust cometh to an end.
8 Akan kuɓutar da mai adalci daga wahala, sai ta dawo wa mugu a maimako.
The righteous man is delivered from trouble, And the wicked cometh into it in his stead.
9 Da bakinsa marar sanin Allah kan hallaka maƙwabcinsa, amma ta wurin sani mai adalci kan kuɓuta.
By his mouth the vile man destroyeth his neighbor; But by the knowledge of the righteous are men delivered.
10 Sa’ad da adali ya yi nasara, birnin kan yi farin ciki; sa’ad da mugu ya hallaka, akwai sowa ta farin ciki.
When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth; And when the wicked perish, there is shouting.
11 Ta wurin albarkar mai aikata gaskiya birni kan ƙasaita, amma ta wurin bakin mugu akan hallaka birnin.
By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted; But it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.
12 Mutum da ba shi da azanci kan ki maƙwabci, amma mutum mai fahimi kan ƙame harshensa.
He who despiseth his neighbor is void of understanding; A man of discernment holdeth his peace.
13 Gulma yakan lalace yarda, amma mutum mai aminci kan kiyaye asiri.
He who goeth about as a tale-bearer revealeth secrets; But he who is of a faithful spirit concealeth a matter.
14 Saboda rashin jagora al’umma takan fāɗi, amma masu ba da shawara da yawa kan tabbatar da nasara.
Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in a multitude of counsellors there is safety.
15 Duk wanda ya ɗauki lamunin wani tabbatacce zai sha wahala, amma duk wanda ya ƙi ya sa hannu a ɗaukar lamuni ba ruwansa.
He that is surety for another shall smart for it; But he that hateth suretyship is sure.
16 Mace mai hankali na samu bangirma, amma azzalumai za su sami dukiya.
A graceful woman obtaineth honor, Even as strong men obtain riches.
17 Mutumin kirki kan ribance kansa, amma mugu kan kawo wa kansa wahala.
He that doeth good to himself is a man of kindness; But he that tormenteth his own flesh is cruel.
18 Mugun mutum kan sami albashin ƙarya amma shi da ya shuka adalci zai girbe lada tabbatacce.
The wicked toileth for deceitful wages; But he who soweth righteousness shall have a sure reward.
19 Mutum mai adalci da gaske yakan sami rai, amma shi da ya duƙufa ga aikata mugunta kan tarar da mutuwarsa.
As righteousness tendeth to life, So he who pursueth evil pursueth it to his death.
20 Ubangiji yana ƙyamar mutane masu muguwar zuciya amma yana jin daɗin waɗanda hanyoyinsu ba su da laifi.
The perverse in heart are the abomination of the LORD; But the upright in their way are his delight.
21 Ka tabbata da wannan. Mugaye ba za su tafi babu hukunci ba, amma waɗanda suke masu adalci za su tafi babu hukunci.
From generation to generation the wicked shall not go unpunished; But the posterity of the righteous shall be delivered.
22 Kamar zinariya a hancin alade haka kyan mace wadda ba ta da hankali.
As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, So is a beautiful woman who is without discretion.
23 Sha’awar adalai kan ƙare kawai a aikata alheri, amma sa zuciyar mugaye kan ƙarasa kawai a fushi.
The desire of the righteous is only good; But the expectation of the wicked is wrath.
24 Wani mutum kan bayar hannu sake, duk da haka yakan sami fiye; wani yakan riƙe abin da ba nasa ba, amma sai ya ƙarasa cikin talauci.
There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; And there is that withholdeth more than is right, yet he cometh to want.
25 Mutum mai kyauta zai azurta; shi da yakan taimake waɗansu, za a taimake shi.
The bountiful man shall be enriched, And he that watereth shall himself be watered.
26 Mutane kan la’anci mai ɓoye hatsi yana jira ya yi tsada, amma albarka kan zauna a kan wanda yake niyya ya sayar.
Him that keepeth back corn the people curse; But blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it.
27 Duk mai nema alheri kan sami alheri, amma mugu kan zo wa wanda yake nemansa.
He, who earnestly seeketh good, seeketh favor; But he that seeketh mischief, it shall come upon him.
28 Duk wanda ya dogara ga arzikinsa zai fāɗi, amma adali zai yi nasara kamar koren ganye.
He who trusteth in his riches shall fall; But the righteous shall flourish as a leaf.
29 Duk wanda ya kawo wahala wa iyalinsa zai gāji iska kawai, kuma wawa zai zama bawan masu hikima.
He that harasseth his household shall inherit wind; And the fool shall be the servant of the wise.
30 ’Ya’yan itacen adali itacen rai ne, kuma duk mai samun rayuka mai hikima ne.
The fruit of a righteous man is a tree of life; And the wise man winneth souls.
31 In masu adalci sun sami abin da ya dace da su a duniya, yaya zai zama ga marasa sanin Allah da kuma masu zunubi!
Behold, the righteous man is requited on the earth; Much more the wicked man and the sinner!

< Karin Magana 11 >