< Karin Magana 10 >
1 Karin maganar Solomon. Ɗa mai hikima yakan kawo wa mahaifinsa farin ciki, amma wawan ɗa kan sa wa mahaifiyarsa baƙin ciki.
[the] proverbs of Solomon. A son wise he makes glad a father and a son a fool [is] [the] grief of mother his.
2 Dukiyar da aka samu a hanyar da ba tă dace ba, ba ta da albarka, amma adalci kan ceci mutum daga mutuwa.
Not they profit treasures of wickedness and righteousness it delivers from death.
3 Ubangiji ba ya barin mai adalci da yunwa amma yakan lalace burin mugu.
Not he allows to hunger Yahweh [the] appetite of [the] righteous and [the] craving of wicked [people] he rejects.
4 Ragwanci kan sa mutum yă zama matalauci, amma aiki tuƙuru kan ba da dukiya.
[is] poor [one who] works A palm of laxness and [the] hand of diligent [people] it gains riches.
5 Shi da ya tattara hatsi da rani ɗa ne mai hikima, amma shi da yakan yi barci a lokacin girbi ɗa ne wanda ya zama abin kunya.
[one who] gathers In the summer [is] a son [who] acts prudently [one who] sleeps at the harvest [is] a son [who] acts shamefully.
6 Albarka kan zauna a kan mai adalci kamar rawani, amma rikici kan sha bakin mugu.
Blessings [belong] to [the] head of [the] righteous and [the] mouth of wicked [people] it conceals violence.
7 Tunawa da mai adalci albarka ne amma sunan mugu zai ruɓe.
[the] memory of [the] righteous [is] for A blessing and [the] name of wicked [people] it will rot.
8 Mai hikima a zuciya yakan yarda da umarni amma surutun wawa kan kai ga lalaci.
A wise [person] of heart he accepts commandments and a fool of lips he will be ruined.
9 Mai mutunci yana tafiya lafiya, amma shi da yake tafiya a karkatattun hanyoyi za a kama shi.
[one who] walks In integrity he walks security and [one who] perverts ways his he will become known.
10 Shi da ya ƙyifta ido da mugunta kan jawo baƙin ciki surutun wawa kuma kan zo da lalaci.
[one who] winks An eye he gives sorrow and a fool of lips he will be ruined.
11 Bakin adali maɓulɓulan rai ne, amma kalmar mugun takan ɓoye makircinsa.
[is] a fountain of Life [the] mouth of a righteous [person] and [the] mouth of wicked [people] it conceals violence.
12 Ƙiyayya kan haddasa wahala, amma ƙauna kan rufe dukan laifofi.
Hatred it stirs up contentions and over all transgressions it covers love.
13 Ana samun hikima a leɓunan masu fahimi, amma bulala domin bayan marasa azanci ne.
On [the] lips of a discerning [person] it is found wisdom and a rod [is] for [the] back of [one] lacking of heart.
14 Mai hikima kan yi ajiyar sani, amma bakin wawa kan gayyaci lalaci.
Wise [people] they store up knowledge and [the] mouth of a fool [is] destruction near.
15 Dukiyar masu arziki yakan zama mafakar birninsu, amma talauci shi ne lalacin matalauci.
[the] wealth of A rich [person] [is] a town of strength his [is the] ruin of poor [people] poverty their.
16 Hakkin adalai kan kawo musu rai, amma albashin mugaye kan kawo musu hukunci.
[the] reward of [the] righteous [is] Life [the] yield of [the] wicked [is] sin.
17 Duk wanda ya mai da hankali ga horo kan nuna hanyar rai, amma duk wanda ya ƙyale gyara kan sa waɗansu su kauce.
[is] a path To life [one who] keeps discipline and [one who] neglects rebuke [is] leading astray.
18 Duk wanda ya ɓoye ƙiyayyarsa yana da ƙarya a leɓunansa, duk kuma wanda yake baza ƙarairayi wawa ne.
[one who] conceals Hatred [is] lips of falsehood and [one who] spreads an evil report he [is] a fool.
19 Sa’ad da magana ta yi yawa, ba a rasa zunubi a ciki, amma shi da ya ƙame harshensa mai hikima ne.
In a multitude of words not it ceases transgression and [one who] restrains lips his [is] acting prudently.
20 Harshen adali azurfa ce zalla, amma zuciyar mugu ba ta da wani amfani.
[is] silver Chosen [the] tongue of [the] righteous [the] heart of wicked [people] [is] like a little.
21 Leɓunan adalai kan amfane yawanci, amma wawa kan mutu saboda rashin azanci.
[the] lips of [the] righteous They feed many [people] and fools by lack of heart they die.
22 Albarkar Ubangiji kan kawo wadata, ba ya kuma ƙara wahala a kai.
[the] blessing of Yahweh it it makes rich and not he adds sorrow with it.
23 Wawa yakan ji daɗi halin mugunta, amma mutum mai fahimi kan ji daɗin hikima.
[is] like Sport for a fool to do wickedness and wisdom for a person of understanding.
24 Abin da mugu ke tsoro shi ne zai same shi; abin da adali ke bukata yakan sami biyan bukata.
[the] fear of A wicked [person] it it will come to him and [the] desire of righteous [people] someone will give.
25 Sa’ad da hadiri ya taso, yakan watsar da mugaye, amma adalai za su tsaya daram har abada.
When passes by a storm-wind and there not [is the] wicked and a righteous [person] [is] a foundation of perpetuity.
26 Kamar yadda ruwan tsami yake ga haƙora hayaƙi kuma ga idanu, haka malalaci yake ga wanda ya aike shi.
Like vinegar - to the teeth and like smoke to the eyes so the sluggard to [those who] send him.
27 Tsoron Ubangiji kan ƙara tsawon rai, amma akan gajartar da shekarun mugaye.
[the] fear of Yahweh it adds days and [the] years of wicked [people] they will be short.
28 Abin da adali yake sa rai yakan kai ga farin ciki, amma sa zuciyar mugu ba ya haifar da kome.
[the] hope of Righteous [people] [is] joy and [the] hope of wicked [people] it is lost.
29 Hanyar Ubangiji mafaka ce ga adalai amma lalaci ne ga waɗanda suke aikata mugunta.
[is] a refuge For integrity [the] way of Yahweh and destruction for [those who] do wickedness.
30 Ba za a taɓa tumɓuke masu adalci ba, amma mugaye ba za su ci gaba da kasance a ƙasar ba.
[the] righteous For ever not he will be shaken and wicked [people] not they will dwell in [the] land.
31 Bakin adalai kan fitar da hikima, amma za a dakatar da mugun harshe.
[the] mouth of A righteous [person] it will bear fruit wisdom and a tongue of perversities it will be cut off.
32 Leɓunan adalai sun san abin da ya dace, amma bakunan mugaye sun san abin da yake mugu ne kawai.
[the] lips of [the] righteous They know! pleasure and [the] mouth of wicked [people] perversities.