< Ƙidaya 5 >

1 Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa,
And Jehovah spake unto Moses, saying,
2 “Ka umarci Isra’ilawa su kori duk wanda yake da ciwon fatan jiki, ko mai ɗiga na kowane iri, ko wanda ya ƙazantu ta wurin taɓa gawa, daga cikin sansani.
Command the children of Israel, that they put out of the camp every leper, and every one that hath an issue, and whosoever is unclean by the dead:
3 Ka kori maza da mata ma; ka kai su bayan sansani domin kada su ƙazantar da sansani inda nake zama a cikinsu.”
both male and female shall ye put out, without the camp shall ye put them; that they defile not their camp, in the midst whereof I dwell.
4 Isra’ilawa suka yi haka; suka kore su daga sansanin. Suka aikata yadda dai Ubangiji ya umarci Musa.
And the children of Israel did so, and put them out without the camp; as Jehovah spake unto Moses, so did the children of Israel.
5 Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa,
And Jehovah spake unto Moses, saying,
6 “Gaya wa Isra’ilawa, ‘Sa’ad da namiji ko mace ya yi wa ɗan’uwansa laifi ta kowace hanya, ta yin haka, ya yi rashin aminci ga Ubangiji, mutumin kuwa ya yi laifi ke nan
Speak unto the children of Israel, When a man or woman shall commit any sin that men commit, so as to trespass against Jehovah, and that soul shall be guilty;
7 kuma dole yă furta zunubin da ya yi. Dole yă yi biya cikakkiyar diyya saboda laifinsa, yă ƙara kashi ɗaya bisa biyar a kai, yă kuma bayar da shi duka ga wanda ya yi wa laifin.
then he shall confess his sin which he hath done: and he shall make restitution for his guilt in full, and add unto it the fifth part thereof, and give it unto him in respect of whom he hath been guilty.
8 Amma in mutumin da aka yi wa laifin ba shi da ɗan’uwa na kusa da za a biya diyya saboda laifin, sai diyyar tă zama ta Ubangiji, dole kuma a ba wa firist, haɗe da ragon da za a yi kafara da shi.
But if the man have no kinsman to whom restitution may be made for the guilt, the restitution for guilt which is made unto Jehovah shall be the priest’s; besides the ram of the atonement, whereby atonement shall be made for him.
9 Dukan tsarkakakkun abubuwan da Isra’ilawa suka kawo wa firist za su zama nasa.
And every heave-offering of all the holy things of the children of Israel, which they present unto the priest, shall be his.
10 Kowace tsarkakakkiyar kyauta da mutum ya kawo nasa ne, sai dai abin da ya ba wa firist, zai zama na firist.’”
And every man’s hallowed things shall be his: whatsoever any man giveth the priest, it shall be his.
11 Sai Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa,
And Jehovah spake unto Moses, saying,
12 “Yi magana da Isra’ilawa, ka ce musu, ‘In matar wani ta kauce, ta kuma yi rashin aminci gare shi
Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man’s wife go aside, and commit a trespass against him,
13 ta wurin kwana da wani dabam, wannan kuwa ya kasance a ɓoye ga mijinta, rashin tsarkinta kuwa bai tonu ba (da yake babu shaida, ba a kuma kama ta tana yi ba),
and a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of her husband, and be kept close, and she be defiled, and there be no witness against her, and she be not taken in the act;
14 in kuma kishi ya sha kan mijinta kuma tana da ƙazanta, ko kuwa idan yana kishi yana kuma zatonta ko ma ba ta da ƙazanta
and the spirit of jealousy come upon him, and he be jealous of his wife, and she be defiled: or if the spirit of jealousy come upon him, and he be jealous of his wife, and she be not defiled:
15 mijin zai kai matansa a gaban firist, yă kuma kawo hadayar abubuwan da ake bukata; abubuwa kamar, garin sha’ir garwa ɗaya, amma kada yă zuba mai a kan garin sha’ir, kada kuma yă sa turaren wuta a kansa, domin hadaya ce ta miji mai tuhumar matarsa da aka kawo domin gaskiya tă fito fili.
then shall the man bring his wife unto the priest, and shall bring her oblation for her, the tenth part of an ephah of barley meal; he shall pour no oil upon it, nor put frankincense thereon; for it is a meal-offering of jealousy, a meal-offering of memorial, bringing iniquity to remembrance.
16 “‘Firist zai kawo ta, yă sa tă tsaya a gaban Ubangiji.
And the priest shall bring her near, and set her before Jehovah:
17 Sa’an nan zai ɗebi ruwa mai tsarki a tulun laka, yă zuba ƙurar da ya ɗebo daga daɓen tabanakul a cikin ruwan.
and the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel; and of the dust that is on the floor of the tabernacle the priest shall take, and put it into the water.
18 Bayan da firist ya sa matan ta tsaya a gaban Ubangiji, sai yă kunce gashin kanta, yă kuma sa hadaya ta gari don tunawa a hannuwanta, hadayar gari ce ta kishi, yayinda shi kansa zai riƙe ruwa mai ɗaci, mai jawo la’ana.
And the priest shall set the woman before Jehovah, and let the hair of the woman’s head go loose, and put the meal-offering of memorial in her hands, which is the meal-offering of jealousy: and the priest shall have in his hand the water of bitterness that causeth the curse.
19 Sa’an nan firist zai sa tă yi rantsuwa, yă kuma ce mata, “In ba wani mutumin da ya kwana da ke kuma ba ki kauce kin ƙazantar da kanki yayinda kike auren mijinki ba, kada wannan ruwa mai ɗaci, mai jawo la’ana, yă cuce ki.
And the priest shall cause her to swear, and shall say unto the woman, If no man have lain with thee, and if thou have not gone aside to uncleanness, being under thy husband, be thou free from this water of bitterness that causeth the curse.
20 Amma in kin kauce yayinda kike auren mijinki, kika kuma ƙazantar da kanki ta wurin kwana da wani dabam da ba mijinki ba,”
But if thou have gone aside, being under thy husband, and if thou be defiled, and some man have lain with thee besides thy husband:
21 (a nan firist zai sa macen a ƙarƙashin la’anar rantsuwa cewa) “bari Ubangiji yă sa mutanenki su la’ance ki, su kuma yi Allah wadai da ke, sa’ad da Ubangiji ya sa cinyarki ta shanye, cikinki kuma ya kumbura.
then the priest shall cause the woman to swear with the oath of cursing, and the priest shall say unto the woman, Jehovah make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when Jehovah doth make thy thigh to fall away, and thy body to swell;
22 Bari wannan ruwa mai jawo la’ana, yă shiga jikinki saboda cikinki yă kumbura, cinyarki kuma yă shanye.” “‘Sai macen tă ce, “Amin. Bari yă zama haka.”
and this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, and make thy body to swell, and thy thigh to fall away. And the woman shall say, Amen, Amen.
23 “‘Firist zai rubuta waɗannan la’anoni a littafi, sa’an nan yă wanke su cikin ruwa mai ɗaci.
And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out into the water of bitterness:
24 Sai yă sa macen tă sha ruwa mai ɗaci, mai jawo la’ana, wannan ruwa kuwa zai shiga cikinta yă kawo mata wahala mai zafi.
and he shall make the woman drink the water of bitterness that causeth the curse; and the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her [and become] bitter.
25 Firist zai karɓi hadaya ta gari don kishi daga hannuwanta, yă kaɗa shi a gaban Ubangiji sa’an nan yă kawo a bagade.
And the priest shall take the meal-offering of jealousy out of the woman’s hand, and shall wave the meal-offering before Jehovah, and bring it unto the altar:
26 Sa’an nan firist zai ɗiba hatsi na hadaya cike da hannunsa don hadayar tunawa, yă kuma ƙone a bagade; bayan haka sai yă sa macen tă sha ruwan.
and the priest shall take a handful of the meal-offering, as the memorial thereof, and burn it upon the altar, and afterward shall make the woman drink the water.
27 In ta ƙazantar da kanta ta kuma ci amanar mijinta, to, yayinda aka sa tă sha ruwa mai jawo la’ana, ruwan zai shiga cikinta, yă jawo mata wahala mai zafi; cikinta zai kumbura, cinyarta kuma yă shanye, tă kuwa zama la’ananniya a cikin mutanenta.
And when he hath made her drink the water, then it shall come to pass, if she be defiled, and have committed a trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her [and become] bitter, and her body shall swell, and her thigh shall fall away: and the woman shall be a curse among her people.
28 Amma fa, in macen ba tă ƙazantar da kanta ba, ba tă kuma da ƙazanta, za a kuɓutar da ita daga laifin, za tă kuma iya haihuwa.
And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed.
29 “‘Wannan dai, ita ce dokar kishi sa’ad da mace ta kauce, ta kuma ƙazantar da kanta yayinda take aure da mijinta,
This is the law of jealousy, when a wife, being under her husband, goeth aside, and is defiled;
30 ko kuma sa’ad da mijin yana kishi domin yana shakkar matarsa. Firist zai sa tă tsaya a gaban Ubangiji, yă kuma yi amfani da wannan doka gaba ɗaya a kanta.
or when the spirit of jealousy cometh upon a man, and he is jealous of his wife; then shall he set the woman before Jehovah, and the priest shall execute upon her all this law.
31 Mijin zai zama marar laifi daga kowane laifi, amma matar za tă ɗauki muguntarta, idan ta yi laifin.’”
And the man shall be free from iniquity, and that woman shall bear her iniquity.

< Ƙidaya 5 >