< Ƙidaya 14 >

1 A daren nan, sai dukan jama’ar suka tā da murya, suka yi kuka da ƙarfi.
That night, all the Israeli people cried loudly.
2 Dukan Isra’ilawa suka yi gunaguni a kan Musa da Haruna, dukan taron kuwa suka ce musu, “Da ma mun mutu a Masar! Ko kuma a wannan hamada ma!
The next day they all complained to Aaron and Moses/me. All the men said, “We wish that we had died in Egypt, or in this desert!
3 Don me Ubangiji yana kawo mu wannan ƙasa yă bar mu kawai mu mutu da takobi? A kuma kwashe matanmu da’ya’yanmu ganima. Ashe, bai fi mana mu koma Masar ba?”
Why is Yahweh bringing us to this land, where we men will be killed with swords? And our wives and children will be taken away [to be slaves]. [Instead of going to Canaan]. It would be better for us to return to Egypt!”
4 Sai suka ce wa junansu, “Mu naɗa wa kanmu shugaba, mu koma Masar.”
Then [some of] them said to each other, “We should choose a leader who will take us back to Egypt!”
5 Sai Musa da Haruna suka fāɗi rubda ciki a gaban jama’ar Isra’ilawa da suka taru a can.
Then Aaron and Moses/I bowed down [to pray] in front of all the Israeli people who had gathered there.
6 Yoshuwa ɗan Nun da Kaleb ɗan Yefunne waɗanda suke tare da masu leƙo asirin ƙasar, suka yayyage tufafinsu
Joshua and Caleb, two of the men who had explored the land, tore their clothes [because they were very dismayed].
7 suka ce wa dukan taron Isra’ilawa, “Ƙasar da muka ratsa, muka kuma leƙi asirinta, tana da kyau sosai.
They said to the Israeli people, “The land that we explored is very good.
8 In Ubangiji ya ji daɗinmu, zai kai mu ƙasan nan, ƙasar da take zub da madara da zuma, yă kuwa ba mu ita.
If Yahweh is pleased with us, he will lead us into that very fertile [IDM] land, and he will give it to us.
9 Sai dai kada ku tayar wa Ubangiji. Kada kuma ku ji tsoron mutane ƙasar, domin za mu gama da su. Kāriyarsu ta gama, amma Ubangiji yana nan tare da mu. Kada ku ji tsoronsu.”
So do not rebel against Yahweh! And do not be afraid of the people in that land! We will (gobble them up/completely destroy them) [MET]! They do not have anyone who will protect them, but Yahweh will be with us [and help us]. So do not be afraid of them!”
10 Amma taron jama’a suka ce za su jajjefe su da duwatsu. Sai ɗaukakar Ubangiji ta bayyana a Tentin Sujada ga dukan Isra’ilawa.
Then all the Israeli people talked about [killing Caleb and Joshua by] throwing stones at them. But [suddenly] Yahweh’s glory appeared to them at the Sacred Tent.
11 Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa, “Har yaushe mutanen nan za su rena ni? Har yaushe za su ƙi gaskata da ni, duk da yawan mu’ujizan da nake yi a cikinsu?
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “How long will these people reject me [RHQ]? I am tired of them not believing in what I [can do], in spite of all the miracles I have performed among them [RHQ]!
12 Zan buge su duka da annoba, in hallaka su, amma zan mai da kai al’umma mai girma, da kuma ƙarfi fiye da su.”
So I will cause a (plague/widespread sickness) to strike them and get rid of them. But I will cause your [descendants] to become a great nation. They will be a nation that is much greater and stronger than these people are.”
13 Sai Musa ya ce wa Ubangiji, “Ai, Masarawa za su ji game da wannan! Da ikonka ka fitar da mutanen nan daga cikinsu.
But Moses/I replied to Yahweh, “[Please do not do that, because] the people of Egypt will hear about it! You brought these Israeli people from Egypt by your great power,
14 Za su kuwa gaya wa mutanen wannan ƙasa. Sun riga sun ji cewa kai, ya Ubangiji, kana tare da waɗannan mutane, kuma cewa kai, ya Ubangiji, an gan ka fuska da fuska, cewa girgijenka ya tsaya bisansu, cewa kana tafiya a gabansu cikin ginshiƙin girgije da rana, da ginshiƙin wuta kuma da dare.
and the people of Egypt will tell that to the [descendants of Canaan] who live in this land. Yahweh, they have already heard about you. They know that you have (been with/helped) these people and that they have seen you face-to-face. They have heard that your cloud is like a huge pillar that stays over them, and by using that cloud you lead them during the day, and the cloud becomes like a fire at night [to give them light].
15 In ka kashe dukan mutanen nan gaba ɗaya, al’ummai da suka ji wannan labari game da kai za su ce,
If you kill these people all at one time, the people-groups who have heard about your [power] will say,
16 ‘Ubangiji ya kāsa kai waɗannan mutane a ƙasar da ya yi alkawari da rantsuwa ne, shi ya sa ya kashe su a hamada.’
‘Yahweh was not able to bring them into the land that he promised to give to them, so he killed them in the desert.’
17 “Yanzu bari Ubangiji yă nuna ikonsa, kamar dai yadda ka furta.
“So Yahweh, now show that you are very powerful. You said,
18 ‘Ubangiji mai jinkiri fushi ne, mai yawan ƙauna, mai gafarta zunubi da tawaye. Duk da haka ba ya ƙyale mai laifi, babu horo. Yana horin’ya’ya saboda zunubin iyayensu har tsara ta uku, da ta huɗu.’
‘I do not quickly become angry; instead, I love people very much, and I forgive people for having sinned and having disobeyed my laws. But I will always punish [LIT] people who are guilty of doing what is wrong. When parents sin, I will punish them, but I will also punish their children and their grandchildren and their great-grandchildren and their great-great-grandchildren.’
19 Bisa ga ƙaunarka mai girma, ka gafarta zunubin mutanen nan, kamar dai yadda ka gafarta musu daga lokacin da suka bar Masar har zuwa yanzu.”
So, because you love people like that, forgive these people for the sins that they have committed, just like you have continued to forgive them ever since they left Egypt.”
20 Ubangiji ya amsa ya ce, “Na gafarta musu, yadda ka roƙa.
Then Yahweh replied, “I have forgiven them, as you requested me to.
21 Duk da haka, muddin ina raye, kuma muddin ɗaukakar Ubangiji ta cika dukan duniya,
But, just as certainly as I live and that people all over the world [can see] my (glory/glorious power), [I solemnly declare this: ]
22 ko ɗaya daga cikinsu da suka ga ɗaukakata da mu’ujizai da na yi a Masar, da kuma a cikin hamada, da suka ƙi yin mini biyayya, suka kuma gwada ni har sau goma,
All these people saw my glory and all the miracles that I performed in Egypt and in the desert, but they disobeyed me, and many times they tested [whether they could continue to do evil things without my punishing them].
23 ba ko ɗayansu da zai gan ƙasar da na yi alkawari da rantsuwa zan ba wa kakanninsu. Ba ko ɗaya da ya rena ni, da zai taɓa ganinta.
Because of that, not one of them will see the land that I promised their ancestors [that I would give to them]. No one who rejected me will see that land.
24 Amma domin Kaleb bawana ya kasance da ruhu dabam, ya kuma bi ni da zuciya ɗaya, zan kai shi cikin ƙasar da ya je, zuriyarsa kuwa za su gāje ta.
But Caleb, who serves me [well], is different from the others. He obeys me completely. So I will bring him into that land that he has already seen, and his descendants will inherit/possess some of it.
25 Da yake Amalekawa da Kan’aniyawa suna zama a kwarin, gobe sai ka koma baya, ka nufi wajen hamada ta hanyar Jan Teku.”
So, since the descendants of Amalek and Canaan who are living in the valleys [in Canaan are very strong], when you leave here tomorrow, [instead of traveling toward Canaan], go back along the road through the desert towards the Red Sea.”
26 Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa da Haruna,
Then Yahweh said to Aaron and Moses/me,
27 “Har yaushe wannan muguwar al’umma za tă yi gunaguni a kaina? Na ji koke-koken waɗannan Isra’ilawa masu gunaguni.
“How long will the wicked people of this nation keep complaining about me [RHQ]? I have heard everything that they have grumbled/complained against me.
28 Saboda haka ka gaya musu cewa, ‘Muddin ina raye, in ji Ubangiji, zan yi muku daidai da abin da na ji kuke faɗa.
So now tell them this: ‘Just as certainly as I, Yahweh, live, I will do exactly what you said would happen.
29 A cikin wannan hamadan, jikunanku za su fāɗi, kowanne a cikinku mai shekara ashirin ko fiye, wanda aka ƙirga shi cikin ƙidaya, wanda kuma ya yi gunaguni a kaina, da zai shiga wannan ƙasa.
[I will cause] all of you to die here in this desert! Because you grumbled about me, none of you who are more than 20 years old and who were counted when Moses counted everyone
30 Ba ko ɗaya daga cikinku da zai shiga ƙasar da na ɗaga hannu na rantse, za tă zama gidanku, sai dai Kaleb ɗan Yefunne da Yoshuwa ɗan Nun.
will enter the land that I solemnly promised to give to you. Only Caleb and Joshua will enter that land.
31 Amma game da’ya’yanku da kuka ce za a kwashe ganima, zan kawo su cikin ƙasar, su ji daɗin ƙasar wadda kuka ƙi.
You said that your children would be taken from you [to become slaves], but I will take them into the land, and they will enjoy living in the land that you (rejected/said that you could not conquer).
32 Amma ku, jikunanku za su fāɗi a wannan hamada.
But as for you [adults], you will die here in this desert.
33 ’Ya’yanku za su zama makiyaya a nan, shekaru arba’in suna shan wahala domin rashin amincinku, har sai mutum na ƙarshe a cikinku ya kwanta a hamada.
And like shepherds [wander around in the desert as they take care of their sheep], your children will wander around in this desert for 40 years. Because you adults were not loyal/faithful to me, your children will suffer until you all die in the desert.
34 Shekaru arba’in, shekara ɗaya a madadi kwana ɗaya cikin kwanakin arba’in da kuka ɗauka kuka leƙi asirin ƙasa, za ku sha wahala saboda zunubanku, ku kuma san abin da ake nufi da sa ni in yi gāba da ku.’
You will suffer for your sins for 40 years. That will be one year for each of the 40 days that the twelve men explored Canaan land. And I will be like an enemy to you.’
35 Ni, Ubangiji na faɗa, zan kuwa aikata waɗannan abubuwa a kan dukan muguwar jama’an nan da suka haɗa kai, suka tayar mini. Za su sadu da ƙarshensu a wannan hamada; a nan za su mutu.”
[This will certainly happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it! I will do these things to every one in this group who conspired against me. They (conspired against/decided together to reject) me here in the desert, and they will all die right here in this desert!”
36 Saboda haka mutanen da Musa ya aika, su leƙo asirin ƙasar, waɗanda suka komo, suka sa taron jama’a su yi gunaguni a kansa saboda sun kawo rahoto mai banrazana a kan ƙasar,
Then the ten men [who had explored Canaan and] who had urged the people to rebel against Yahweh by giving reports that discouraged the people
37 waɗannan mutanen da suka kawo rahoto mai banrazana a kan ƙasar, annoba ta buge su, suka kuwa mutu a gaban Ubangiji.
were immediately struck with a plague/disease that Yahweh sent, and they died.
38 Daga cikin mutanen da suka leƙo asirin ƙasar, Yoshuwa ɗan Nun, da Kaleb ɗan Yefunne ne, kaɗai suka rayu.
Of the twelve men who had explored Canaan, only Joshua and Caleb remained alive.
39 Da Musa ya gaya wa dukan Isra’ilawa wannan labari, sai suka yi baƙin ciki ƙwarai.
When Moses/I reported to the Israeli people what Yahweh had said, many of them were very sad.
40 Kashegari da sassafe suka haura ta wajen ƙasa mai tudu suka ce, “Mun yi zunubi, za mu tafi inda Ubangiji ya yi alkawari.”
So the people got up early the next morning and started to go toward the hilly area in Canaan. They said, “[We know that] we have sinned, but now we [are ready to] enter the land that Yahweh promised to give to us.”
41 Amma Musa ya ce, “Don me kuke rashin biyayya da umarnin Ubangiji? Wannan ba zai yiwu ba!
But Moses/I said, “Yahweh commanded you [to return to the desert, so] why are you now disobeying him [RHQ]? It will not (succeed/be possible).
42 Kada ku haura, domin Ubangiji, ba ya tare da ku. Magabtanku za su ci nasara a kanku,
Do not try to enter the land now! [If you try], your enemies will defeat you, because Yahweh will not (be with/help) you.
43 gama Amalekawa da Kan’aniyawa za su kara da ku a can. Domin kun juya daga Ubangiji, ba zai kasance da ku ba, za a kuma karkashe ku da takobi.”
When you begin to fight the descendants of Amalek and Canaan, they will slaughter you! Yahweh will abandon you, because you have abandoned him.”
44 Duk da haka, suka yi tsammani ba zai zama haka ba, sai suka haura ta wajen ƙasa mai tudu, Musa da akwatin alkawarin Ubangiji dai ba su gusa daga sansanin ba.
But even though Moses/I did not leave the camp, and the sacred chest that contained the Ten Commandments was not taken from the camp, the people began to go towards the hilly area in Canaan.
45 Sai Amalekawa da Kan’aniyawa mazaunan ƙasar tudu, suka gangaro suka auka musu, suka bubbuge su suka kokkore su har Horma.
Then the descendants of Amalek and Canaan who lived in that hilly area came down and attacked them and chased them as far [south] as [the town of] Hormah.

< Ƙidaya 14 >