< Ƙidaya 10 >

1 Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa,
And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
2 “Ka ƙera kakaki guda biyu na azurfa, ka kuma yi amfani da su don kira taron jama’a wuri ɗaya, don kuma ka riƙa sanar da su lokacin tashi daga sansani.
Make thee two trumpets of siluer: of an whole piece shalt thou make the, that thou mayest vse them for the assembling of the Congregation, and for the departure of the campe.
3 Sa’ad da aka busa su biyu, dukan jama’a za su taru a gabanka a ƙofar Tentin Sujada.
And when they shall blowe with them, all the Congregation shall assemble to thee before the doore of the Tabernacle of the Cogregation.
4 In ɗaya ne kaɗai aka busa, sai shugabannin kabilan Isra’ila, su taru a gabanka.
But if they blowe with one, then the princes, or heades ouer the thousandes of Israel shall come vnto thee.
5 Sa’ad da aka ji karar busar kakaki, sai sansanin da yake a gabashi, su kama hanya.
But if ye blow an alarme, then the campe of the that pitch on the East part, shall go forward.
6 A kara ta biyu, sansanin da yake a kudanci, su kama hanya. Busan kakaki zai zama alama ta kama hanya.
If ye blowe an alarme the second time, then the hoste of them that lie on the Southside shall march: for they shall blowe an alarme when they remoue.
7 In don a tara jama’a ne, sai a busa kakaki, amma ba da irin alama ɗaya ba.
But in assembling the Congregation, ye shall blowe without an alarme.
8 “’Ya’yan Haruna, firistoci ne, za su busa kakaki. Wannan za tă zama dawwammamiyar farilla gare ku da kuma tsararraki masu zuwa.
And the sonnes of Aaron the Priest shall blowe the trumpets, and ye shall haue them as a lawe for euer in your generations.
9 Duk lokacin da za ku tafi yaƙi a ƙasarku, in akwai waɗansu da suke matsa muku, za ku yi amfani da waɗannan kakaki ta wurin hura su, alama ce, cewa za a je yaƙi. Sa’an nan Ubangiji Allahnku zai tuna da ku, yă cece ku daga maƙiyanku.
And when ye goe to warre in your lande against the enemie that vexeth you, ye shall blowe an alarme with the trumpets, and ye shall bee remembred before the Lord your God, and shalbe saued from your enemies.
10 Haka ma in kuna cikin jin daɗinku, musamman lokacin da kuke bukukkuwanku, kamar Bikin Sabon Wata da dai kowane Bikinku, za ku hura waɗannan kakaki lokacin da kuke miƙa hadayunku na ƙonawa, da hadayunku na salama, za su kuma zama muku abin tunawa a gaban Allahnku. Ni ne Ubangiji Allahnku.”
Also in the day of your gladnesse, and in your feast dayes, and in the beginning of your moneths, ye shall also blow the trumpets ouer your burnt sacrifices, and ouer your peace offrings, that they may be a remembrance for you before your God: I am the Lord your God.
11 A rana ta ashirin ga wata na biyu, a shekara ta biyu, sai girgijen ya tashi daga tabanakul na Shaida.
And in the seconde yeere, in the seconde moneth, and in the twentieth day of the moneth the cloude was taken vp from the Tabernacle of the Testimonie.
12 Sai Isra’ilawa suka tashi daki-daki daga Hamadar Sinai, suna tafiya daga wuri zuwa wuri, har sai da girgijen ya tsaya a Hamadar Faran.
And ye children of Israel departed on their iourneys out of the desart of Sinai, and the cloud rested in the wildernesse of Paran.
13 Suka kama hanya, a wannan lokaci, bisa umarnin Ubangiji, ta wurin Musa.
So they first tooke their iourney at the comandement of the Lord, by ye hand of Moses.
14 Ɓangarorin sansanin Yahuda suka fara tashi, bisa ga ƙa’idar da aka yi, aka kuma umarta. Nashon ɗan Amminadab ne shugaba.
In the first place went the standerd of the hoste of the children of Iudah, according to their armies: and Nahshon the sonne of Amminabad was ouer his band.
15 Netanel ɗan Zuwar ne shugaban ɓangaren kabilar Issakar,
And ouer the band of the tribe of the children of Issachar was Nethaneel ye sonne of Zuar.
16 Eliyab ɗan Helon kuma shi ne shugaban ɓangaren kabilar Zebulun.
And ouer the band of the tribe of the children of Zebulun was Eliab the sonne of Helon.
17 Sa’an nan aka saukar da tabanakul ƙasa, Gershonawa da mutanen Merari da suke ɗauke da shi suka kama hanya.
When the Tabernacle was taken downe, then the sonnes of Gershon, and the sonnes of Merari went forward bearing the Tabernacle.
18 Sai ɓangarori sansanin Ruben suka biyo, bisa ga ƙa’idar da aka yi, aka kuma umarta. Elizur ɗan Shedeyur ne shugaba.
After, departed the standerd of the hoste of Reuben, according to their armies, and ouer his band was Elizur the sonne of Shedeur.
19 Shelumiyel ɗan Zurishaddai ne shugaban ɓangaren kabilar Simeyon,
And ouer the band of the tribe of ye children of Simeon was Shelumiel the sonne of Shurishaddai.
20 Eliyasaf ɗan Deyuwel kuma shi ne shugaban ɓangaren kabilar Gad.
And ouer the bande of the tribe of ye children of Gad was Eliasaph the sonne of Deuel.
21 Sai Kohatawa suka kama hanya, ɗauke da kayayyaki masu tsarki, domin kafin su kai wurin da za a kafa sansani, a riga an kafa tabanakul.
The Kohathites also went forward and bare the Sanctuarie, and the former did set vp the Tabernacle against they came.
22 Biye da waɗannan kuma sai ɓangaren sansanin kabilar Efraim suka biyo bisa ga ƙa’ida da aka yi, aka kuma umarta. Elishama ɗan Ammihud ne shugaba.
Then the standerd of the hoste of the children of Ephraim went forward according to their armies, and ouer his bande was Elishama the sonne of Ammiud.
23 Gamaliyel ɗan Fedazur ne shugaban ɓangaren kabilar Manasse,
And ouer the band of the tribe of ye sonnes of Manasseh was Gamliel the sonne of Pedazur.
24 Abidan ɗan Gideyoni kuma shi ne shugaban ɓangaren kabilar Benyamin.
And ouer the band of ye tribe of the sonnes of Beniamin was Abidan the sonne of Gideoni.
25 A ƙarshe, a matsayi masu gadin bayan dukan ɓangarori, sai ɓangaren sansanin Dan suka tashi bisa ga ƙa’idar da aka yi, aka kuma umarta. Ahiyezer ɗan Ammishaddai ne shugaba.
Last, the standerd of the hoste of the children of Dan marched, gathering all ye hostes according to their armies: and ouer his bande was Ahiezer the sonne of Ammishaddai.
26 Fagiyel ɗan Okran ne shugaban ɓangaren kabilan Asher,
And ouer the bande of the tribe of the children of Asher was Pagiel the sonne of Ocran.
27 Ahira ɗan Enan kuma shi ne shugaban kabilar Naftali.
And ouer the bande of the tribe of the children of Naphtali was Ahira ye sonne of Enan.
28 Wannan shi ne tsarin tafiyar ɓangarorin Isra’ilawa, sa’ad da sukan kama hanya.
These were the remouings of the children of Israel according to their armies, whe they marched.
29 Sai Musa ya ce wa Hobab ɗan Reyuwel Bamidiyane surukinsa, “Yanzu fa, muna shirin tashi ne daga nan, domin mu tafi inda Ubangiji ya ce, ‘Zan ba ku.’ Ka zo tare da mu, za mu kuwa yi maka alheri, gama Ubangiji ya yi wa Isra’ilawa alkawari abubuwa masu kyau.”
After, Moses said vnto Hobab ye sonne of Reuel the Midianite, ye father in law of Moses, We go into the place, of which ye Lord said, I will giue it you: Come thou with vs, and we wil doe thee good: for ye Lord hath promised good vnto Israel.
30 Ya amsa, ya ce “A’a, ba zan tafi ba; zan koma ƙasata da kuma wurin mutanena.”
And he answered him, I will not goe: but I will depart to mine owne countrey, and to my kindred.
31 Amma Musa ya ce, “Ina roƙonka kada ka rabu da mu. Ka san inda ya kamata mu kafa sansani a hamada, za ka kuma zama idanunmu.
Then he sayd, I pray thee, leaue vs not: for thou knowest our camping places in the wildernesse: therefore thou mayest be our guide.
32 In ka zo tare da mu, za mu raba duk abin alherin Ubangiji ya ba mu tare da kai.”
And if thou go with vs, what goodnes the Lord shall shew vnto vs, the same will we shewe vnto thee.
33 Saboda haka suka kama hanya daga dutsen Ubangiji, suka yi tafiya kwana uku. Akwatin alkawarin Ubangiji ya ja gabansu a waɗannan kwanaki uku, don yă samo musu masauƙi.
So they departed from the mount of the Lord, three dayes iourney: and the Arke of the couenant of the Lord went before them in the three dayes iourney, to searche out a resting place for them.
34 A duk lokacin da suka tashi daga sansani, girgijen Ubangiji ya inuwantar da su da rana.
And the cloude of the Lord was vpon the by day, when they went out of the campe.
35 Duk kuma sa’ad da akwatin ya kama hanya, sai Musa ya ce, “Ka tashi, ya Ubangiji! Ka sa maƙiyanka su warwatse; masu ƙinka kuma su gudu a gabanka.”
And when the Arke went forwarde, Moses saide, Rise vp, Lord, and let thine enemies bee scattered, and let them that hate thee, flee before thee.
36 Duk sa’ad da akwatin ya sauka kuma, sai Musa ya ce, “Ka komo, ya Ubangiji, a wurin dubban da ba a iya ƙidayawa na iyalan Isra’ila.”
And when it rested, hee sayde, Returne, O Lord, to the many thousands of Israel.

< Ƙidaya 10 >