< Nahum 3 >

1 Kaiton birni mai zub da jini, wadda take cike da ƙarairayi, cike da ganima, wadda ba a rasa masu fāɗawa cikin wahala!
O city of blood, wholly false, full of unrighteousness; the prey shall not be handled.
2 Ku ji karar bulala da kwaramniyar ƙafafu, da sukuwar dawakai da girgizar kekunan yaƙi!
The noise of whips, and the noise of the rumbling of wheels, and of the pursuing horse, and of the bounding chariot,
3 Mahaya dawakai sun kunno kai, takuba suna walƙiya, māsu kuma suna ƙyali; ga ɗumbun da aka kashe ga tsibin matattu, gawawwaki ba iyaka, mutane suna tuntuɓe da gawawwaki,
and of the mounting rider, and of the glittering sword, and of the gleaming arms, and of a multitude of slain, and of heavy falling: and there was no end to her nations, but they shall be weak in their bodies
4 duk saboda yawan sha’awace-sha’awacen karuwa, mai daɗin baki, uwargidan maita, wadda ta ɓad da al’ummai ta wurin karuwancinta ta kuma ɓad da mutane ta wurin maitancinta.
because of the abundance of fornication: [she is] a fair harlot, and well-favoured, skilled in sorcery, that sells the nations by her fornication, and peoples by her sorceries.
5 “Ina gāba da ke,” in ji Ubangiji Maɗaukaki. “Zan kware fatarinki a idonki. Zan nuna wa al’ummai tsiraicinki, masarautai kuma kunyarki.
Behold, I am against thee, saith the Lord God Almighty, and I will uncover thy skirts in thy presence, and I will shew the nations thy shame, and the kingdoms thy disgrace.
6 Zan watsa miki ƙazanta, in yi miki wulaƙanci in kuma mai da ke abin reni.
And I will cast abominable filth upon thee according to thine unclean ways, and will make thee a public example.
7 Duk wanda ya gan ki zai gudu daga gare ki yana cewa, ‘Ninebe ta lalace, wa zai yi makoki domin ta?’ Ina zan sami wani wanda zai yi miki ta’aziyya?”
And it shall be [that] every one that sees thee shall go down from thee, and shall say, Wretched Nineve! who shall lament for her? whence shall I seek comfort for her?
8 Kin fi Tebes ne da take a bakin Nilu, da ruwa yake kewaye da ita? Rafi shi ne kāriyarta, ruwanta kuma katanga.
Prepare thee a portion, tune the chord, prepare a portion for Ammon: she that dwells among the rivers, water is round about her, whose dominion is the sea, and whose walls are water.
9 Kush da kuma Masar su ne ƙarfinta marar iyaka; Fut da Libiya suna cikin mataimakanta.
And Ethiopia is her strength, and Egypt; and there was no limit of the flight [of her enemies]; and the Libyans became her helpers.
10 Duk da haka an tafi da ita ta kuma tafi bauta. Aka fyaɗa ƙanananta da ƙasa aka yayyanka su gunduwa-gunduwa a kan kowane titi. Aka jefa ƙuri’a a kan manyan mutanenta, aka daure manyan mutanenta da sarƙoƙi.
Yet she shall go as a prisoner into captivity, and they shall dash her infants against the ground at the top of all her ways: and they shall cast lots upon all her glorious [possessions], and all her nobles shall be bound in chains.
11 Ke ma za ki bugu, za ki ɓuya. Ki kuma nemi mafaka daga wurin abokin gāba.
And thou shalt be drunken, and shalt be overlooked; and thou shalt seek for thyself strength because of [thine] enemies.
12 Dukan kagarunki suna kama da itatuwan ɓaure da’ya’yansu da suka nuna. Da an girgiza, sai ɓaure su zuba a bakin mai sha.
All thy strong-holds are as fig-trees having watchers: if they be shaken, they shall fall into the mouth of the eater.
13 Dubi mayaƙanki, duk mata ne! Ƙofofin ƙasarki a buɗe suke ga abokan gābanki, wuta ta cinye madogaransu.
Behold, thy people within thee are as women: the gates of thy land shall surely be opened to thine enemies: the fire shall devour thy bars.
14 Ki ja ruwa gama za a kewaye ki da yaƙi. Ki ƙara ƙarfin kagaranki! Ki kwaɓa laka, ki sassaƙa turmi ki gyara abin yin tubali!
Draw thee water for a siege, and well secure thy strong-holds: enter into the clay, and be thou trodden in the chaff, make [the fortifications] stronger than brick.
15 A can wuta za tă cinye ki; takobi zai sare ki, kuma kamar fāra, za a cinye ki. Ki riɓaɓɓanya kamar fāra, ki riɓaɓɓanya kamar fārin ɗango!
There the fire shall devour thee; the sword shall utterly destroy thee, it shall devour thee as the locust, and thou shalt be pressed down as a palmerworm.
16 Kin ƙara yawan masu kasuwancinki har sai da suka fi taurarin sama. Amma kamar fāra sun cinye ƙasar sa’an nan suka tashi, suka tafi.
Thou hast multiplied thy merchandise beyond the stars of heaven: the palmerworm has attacked [it], and has flown away.
17 Masu tsaronki suna kama da fāri ɗango, shugabanninki sun yi cincirindo kamar fārin ɗango da suka sauka a kan bango a rana mai sanyi, amma da rana ta fito, duk za su tashi su tafi, ba kuma wanda ya san inda suka nufa.
Thy mixed [multitude] has suddenly departed as the grasshopper, as the locust perched on a hedge in a frosty day; the sun arises, and it flies off, and knows not its place: woe to them!
18 Ya sarkin Assuriya, makiyayanka sun yi barci; manyan mutanenka sun kwanta su huta. An watsar da mutanenka a cikin duwatsu, ba wanda zai tattaro su.
Thy shepherds have slumbered, the Assyrian king has laid low thy mighty men: thy people departed to the mountains, and there was none to receive [them].
19 Ba abin da zai warkar da rauninka; rauninka ya yi muni. Duk wanda ya ji labarinka zai tafa hannuwansa saboda farin cikin fāɗuwarka, gama wane ne bai ji jiki a hannunka ba?
There is no healing for thy bruise; thy wound has rankled: all that hear the report of thee shall clap their hands against thee; for upon whom has not thy wickedness passed continually?

< Nahum 3 >