< Mika 3 >

1 Sa’an nan na ce, “Ku kasa kunne, ku shugabannin Yaƙub, ku masu mulkin gidan Isra’ila. Ya kamata ku san shari’a,
Then I said, “You Israeli [MTY] leaders, listen [to what I say]! You should certainly [RHQ] know what things are right [to do] [and what things are wrong],
2 ku da kuke ƙin abu mai kyau kuke ƙaunar mugunta, ku da kuke feɗe mutanena kuke tuge nama daga ƙasusuwansu;
but you hate what is good and you love what is evil. [You act like butchers]: [it is as though] you strip the skin off my people and [tear] the flesh from their bones.
3 ku da kuke cin naman mutanena, ku feɗe fatar jikinsu kuke kakkarya ƙasusuwansu, kuke yayyanka su gunduwa-gunduwa kamar naman da za a toya, kamar naman da za a sa a dafa.”
[It is as though] you chop them into pieces like [SIM] meat [to be cooked] in a pot.
4 Sa’an nan za su kira ga Ubangiji, amma ba zai amsa musu ba. A wannan lokaci zai ɓoye fuskarsa daga gare su saboda irin muguntar da suka yi.
Then, [when you have troubles], you plead to Yahweh [to help you], but he will not answer you. At that time, he will turn away from you because of the evil things that you have done.”
5 Ga abin da Ubangiji ya faɗa, “Game da annabawa masu ɓad da mutanena, in wani ya ciyar da su, sai su ce akwai ‘salama’ amma in bai ciyar da su ba, a shirye suke su kai masa hari.
This is what Yahweh says about your [false] prophets who are deceiving the people: “If someone gives them food, those prophets say that things will go well for him. But they declare war against anyone who does not give them food.
6 Saboda haka dare yana zuwa a bisanku, ba tare da wahayi ba, kuma duhu, ba tare da duba ba. Rana za tă fāɗi wa annabawa, yini kuma zai zama musu duhu.
So [now it is as though] [MET] night will descend on you prophets; you will not receive any [more] visions. [It is as though] [MET] the sun will set for you; the time [when you are greatly honored] will end.
7 Masu gani za su ji kunya, masu duba kuma za su ji taƙaici. Dukansu za su rufe fuskokinsu gama ba amsa daga Allah.”
[Then] you (seers/people who predict what will happen in the future) [DOU] will be disgraced; you will cover your faces [because you will be ashamed], because when you ask me [what will happen], there will be no answer from me.”
8 Amma game da ni, ina cike da iko ta wurin Ruhun Ubangiji da kuma adalci da ƙarfi, don a sanar da Yaƙub laifofinsa, ga Isra’ila kuma zunubinsa.
But as for me, I am full of [God’s] power, [power] from the Spirit of Yahweh. I am courageous and strong to declare to the Israeli people [MTY, DOU] that they have sinned and rebelled [against Yahweh].
9 Ku ji wannan, ku shugabannin gidan Yaƙub, ku masu mulkin gidan Isra’ila, ku da kuke ƙyamar gaskiya, kuka karkatar duk abin da yake na gaskiya;
You leaders of the people [MTY] of Israel, listen to this! You hate [it when people do] what is just; and [when people say] what is true, you distort it, [saying it is false].
10 kuka gina Sihiyona ta wurin zub da jini, Urushalima kuma ta wurin mugunta.
[It is as though] you are building [houses in] Jerusalem on foundations that consist of murdering people and doing what is corrupt.
11 Hukunce-hukuncen shugabannin ƙasar na cin hanci ne, firistocinta kuma suna koyarwa don a biya su, annabawanta kuwa suna yin annabci don neman kuɗi. Duk da haka suna jingina a kan Ubangiji suna cewa, “Ba Ubangiji yana tare da mu ba? Ba bala’in da zai zo mana.”
Your leaders make [favorable] decisions [only if they receive] bribes. Your priests teach people only if [those people] pay them [well]. Your [false] prophets require people to pay them to tell people what will happen [to them] in the future. Those prophets say, “Yahweh is telling us [what we should say], and [we say that] we will not experience any disasters.”
12 Don haka, saboda ku, za a nome Sihiyona kamar gona, Urushalima kuma ta zama tarin juji, tudun haikali kuwa zai zama kurmin ƙayayyuwa.
Because of what you [leaders do], Zion [Hill] will be plowed like a field; it will become a heap of ruins/rubble; the top of the hill, where the temple is [now], will be covered with bushes.

< Mika 3 >