< Mattiyu 7 >
1 “Kada ku ba wa kowa laifi, don kada a ba ku laifi ku ma.
“Do not judge, so that you may not be judged.
2 Gama da irin shari’ar da kuka yi wa waɗansu, da ita za a shari’anta ku. Mudun da kuka yi awo da shi, da shi za a yi muku.
For with whatever judgment you judge, so shall you be judged; and with whatever measure you measure out, so shall it be measured back to you.
3 “Don me kake duban ɗan tsinken da yake idon ɗan’uwanka, alhali kuwa ga gungume a naka ido?
And how can you see the splinter in your brother’s eye, and not see the board in your own eye?
4 Yaya za ka ce wa ɗan’uwanka, ‘Bari in cire maka ɗan tsinken nan daga idonka,’ alhali kuwa a kowane lokaci akwai gungume a naka ido?
Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the splinter from your eye,’ while, behold, a board is in your own eye?
5 Kai munafuki, fara cire gungumen da yake idonka, a sa’an nan ne za ka iya gani sosai yadda za ka cire ɗan tsinken da yake a idon ɗan’uwanka.
Hypocrite, first remove the board from your own eye, and then you will see clearly enough to remove the splinter from your brother’s eye.
6 “Kada ku ba karnuka abin da yake mai tsarki; kada kuma ku jefa wa aladu lu’ulu’anku. In kuka yi haka za su tattake su, sa’an nan su juyo su jijji muku ciwo.
Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not cast your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they may trample them under their feet, and then, turning, they may tear you apart.
7 “Ku roƙa za a ba ku; ku nema za ku samu; ku ƙwanƙwasa za a kuwa buɗe muku ƙofa.
Ask, and it shall be given to you. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened to you.
8 Gama duk wanda ya roƙa, akan ba shi; wanda ya nema kuwa, yakan samu, wanda kuma ya ƙwanƙwasa, za a buɗe masa ƙofa.
For everyone who asks, receives; and whoever seeks, finds; and to anyone who knocks, it will be opened.
9 “Wane ne a cikinku in ɗansa ya roƙe shi burodi, sai yă ba shi dutse?
Or what man is there among you, who, if his son were to ask him for bread, would offer him a stone;
10 Ko kuwa in ya roƙe shi kifi, sai yă ba shi maciji?
or if he were to ask him for a fish, would offer him a snake?
11 In ku da kuke mugaye kun san yadda za ku ba da kyautai masu kyau ga’ya’yanku, balle Ubanku na sama, ba zai fi ku iya ba da abubuwa masu kyau, ga su waɗanda suka roƙe shi ba!
Therefore, if you, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your sons, how much more will your Father, who is in heaven, give good things to those who ask him?
12 Saboda haka, duk abin da kuke so mutane su yi muku, ku ma sai ku yi musu, domin wannan shi ne Doka da koyarwar Annabawa sun ƙunsa.
Therefore, all things whatsoever that you wish that men would do to you, do so also to them. For this is the law and the prophets.
13 “Ku shiga ta matsattsiyar ƙofa. Gama ƙofar zuwa hallaka faɗaɗɗiya ce mai sauƙin bi kuma, masu shiga ta cikinta kuwa suna da yawa.
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate, and broad is the way, which leads to perdition, and many there are who enter through it.
14 Amma ƙofar zuwa rai, ƙarama ce matsattsiya kuma, masu samunta kuwa kaɗan ne.
How narrow is the gate, and how straight is the way, which leads to life, and few there are who find it!
15 “Ku yi hankali da annabawan ƙarya. Sukan zo muku da kamannin tumaki, amma daga ciki mugayen kyarketai ne.
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
16 Ta wurin aikinsu za ku gane su. Mutane suna iya tsinkan inabi a jikin ƙaya, ko kuwa ɓaure a jikin sarƙaƙƙiya?
You shall know them by their fruits. Can grapes be gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles?
17 Haka ma kowane itace mai kyau yakan ba da’ya’ya masu kyau, kuma mummunan itace ba ya ba da’ya’ya masu kyau.
So then, every good tree produces good fruit, and the evil tree produces evil fruit.
18 Itace mai kyau ba ya ba da munanan’ya’ya, haka kuma mummunan itace ba ya ba da’ya’ya masu kyau.
A good tree is not able to produce evil fruit, and an evil tree is not able to produce good fruit.
19 Duk itacen da ba ya ba da’ya’ya masu kyau sai a sare shi a jefa cikin wuta.
Every tree which does not produce good fruit shall be cut down and cast into the fire.
20 Ta haka, ta wurin aikinsu za ku gane su.”
Therefore, by their fruits you will know them.
21 “Ba duk mai ce mini, ‘Ubangiji, Ubangiji,’ ne zai shiga mulkin sama ba, sai dai wanda yake aikata nufin Ubana da yake sama.
Not all who say to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of heaven. But whoever does the will of my Father, who is in heaven, the same shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.
22 Da yawa za su ce mini a wannan rana, ‘Ubangiji, Ubangiji, ashe, ba mu yi annabci a cikin sunanka ba, ba kuma a cikin sunanka ne muka fitar da aljanu, muka yi abubuwan banmamaki da yawa ba?’
Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and perform many powerful deeds in your name?’
23 Sa’an nan zan ce musu a fili, ‘Ban taɓa saninku ba. Ku rabu da ni, ku masu aikata mugunta!’
And then will I disclose to them: ‘I have never known you. Depart from me, you workers of iniquity.’
24 “Saboda haka duk wanda yake jin kalmomin nan nawa yake kuma aikata su, yana kama da mutum mai hikima wanda ya gina gidansa a kan dutse.
Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and does them shall be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock.
25 Ruwan sama ya sauko, rafuffuka suka cika, iska kuma ta hura ta bugi gidan; duk da haka bai fāɗi ba, gama yana da harsashinsa a kan dutse.
And the rains descended, and the floods rose up, and the winds blew, and rushed upon that house, but it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
26 Amma duk wanda yake jin kalmomin nan nawa bai kuwa aikata su ba, yana kama da wani wawa wanda ya gina gidansa a kan yashi.
And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them shall be like a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand.
27 Ruwan sama ya sauko, rafuffuka suka cika, iska kuwa ta hura ta bugi gidan, sai ya fāɗi da mummunar ragargajewa kuwa.”
And the rains descended, and the floods rose up, and the winds blew, and rushed upon that house, and it did fall, and great was its ruin.”
28 Sa’ad da Yesu ya gama faɗin waɗannan abubuwa, sai taron mutanen suka yi mamakin koyarwarsa,
And it happened, when Jesus had completed these words, that the crowds were astonished at his doctrine.
29 domin ya koyar kamar wani wanda yake da iko, ba kamar malamansu na dokoki ba.
For he was teaching them as one who has authority, and not like their scribes and Pharisees.