< Mattiyu 3 >
1 A waɗancan kwanaki, Yohanna Mai Baftisma ya zo, yana wa’azi a Hamadan Yahudiya
About this time John the Baptist made his appearance, preaching in the Desert of Judaea.
2 yana cewa, “Ku tuba, gama mulkin sama ya yi kusa.”
"Repent," he said, "for the Kingdom of the Heavens is now close at hand."
3 Wannan shi ne wanda aka yi maganarsa ta wurin annabi Ishaya cewa, “Ga murya mai kira a hamada tana cewa, ‘Ku shirya wa Ubangiji hanya, ku miƙe hanyoyi dominsa.’”
He it is who was spoken of through the Prophet Isaiah when he said, "The voice of one crying aloud, 'In the desert prepare ye a road for the Lord: make His highway straight.'"
4 Tufafin Yohanna kuwa an yi su da gashin raƙumi ne, yana kuma daure da ɗamara ta fata. Abincinsa kuwa fāri ne da zumar jeji.
This man John wore a garment of camel's hair, and a loincloth of leather; and he lived upon locusts and wild honey.
5 Mutane suka zo wurinsa daga Urushalima da dukan Yahudiya da kuma dukan yankin Urdun.
Then large numbers of people went out to him--people from Jerusalem and from all Judaea, and from the whole of the Jordan valley--
6 Suna furta zunubansu, ya kuma yi musu baftisma a Kogin Urdun.
and were baptized by him in the Jordan, making full confession of their sins.
7 Amma da Yohanna ya ga Farisiyawa da Sadukiyawa da yawa suna zuwa inda yake yin baftisma, sai ya ce musu, “Ku macizai! Wa ya gargaɗe ku ku guje wa fushin nan mai zuwa?
But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism, he exclaimed, "O vipers' brood, who has warned you to flee from the coming wrath?
8 Ku yi ayyukan da suka dace da tuba.
Therefore let your lives prove your change of heart;
9 Kada ma ku yi tunani a ranku cewa, ‘Ai, Ibrahim ne mahaifinmu.’ Ina gaya muku cewa Allah zai iya tā da’ya’ya wa Ibrahim daga cikin duwatsun nan.
and do not imagine that you can say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our forefather,' for I tell you that God can raise up descendants for Abraham from these stones.
10 An riga an sa bakin gatari a gindin itatuwa, kuma duk itacen da bai ba da’ya’ya masu kyau ba, za a sare shi a jefa cikin wuta.
And already the axe is lying at the root of the trees, so that every tree which does not produce good fruit will quickly be hewn down and thrown into the fire.
11 “Ina muku baftisma da ruwa domin tuba. Amma wani yana zuwa a bayana wanda ya fi ni iko, wanda ko takalmansa ma ban isa in ɗauka ba. Zai yi muku baftisma da Ruhu Mai Tsarki da kuma wuta.
I indeed am baptizing you in water on a profession of repentance; but He who is coming after me is mightier than I: His sandals I am not worthy to carry for a moment; He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and in fire.
12 Yana riƙe da matankaɗinsa, zai tankaɗe hatsinsa, yă kuma tattara alkamarsa a cikin rumbu, amma zai ƙone yayin da wutar da ba a iya kashewa.”
His winnowing-shovel is in His hand, and He will make a thorough clearance of His threshing-floor, gathering His wheat into the storehouse, but burning up the chaff in unquenchable fire."
13 Sai Yesu ya zo daga Galili, ya je Urdun don Yohanna yă yi masa baftisma.
Just at that time Jesus, coming from Galilee to the Jordan, presents Himself to John to be baptized by him.
14 Amma Yohanna ya so yă hana shi, yana cewa, “Ina bukata ka yi mini baftisma, yaya kake zuwa wurina?”
John protested. "It is I," he said, "who have need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?"
15 Yesu ya amsa ya ce, “Bari yă zama haka yanzu; ya dace mu yi haka don mu cika dukan adalci.” Sa’an nan Yohanna ya yarda.
"Let it be so on this occasion," Jesus replied; "for so we ought to fulfil every religious duty." Then he consented;
16 Nan da nan da aka yi wa Yesu baftisma, sai ya fito daga ruwa. A wannan lokaci sama ya buɗe, sai ya ga Ruhun Allah yana saukowa kamar kurciya ya kuwa sauka a kansa.
and Jesus was baptized, and immediately went up from the water. At that moment the heavens opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him,
17 Sai murya daga sama ta ce, “Wannan shi ne Ɗana wanda nake ƙauna; wanda kuma nake jin daɗinsa ƙwarai.”
while a voice came from Heaven, saying, "This is My Son, the dearly loved, in whom is My delight."