< Markus 1 >
1 Farkon bishara game da Yesu Kiristi, Ɗan Allah.
THE beginning of the Gospel of Jeshu Meshicha, the Son of Aloha.
2 An rubuta a cikin littafin annabi Ishaya cewa, “Zan aika da ɗan aikena yă sha gabanka, wanda zai shirya hanyarka,”
As it is written in Eshaia the prophet: Behold, I send my angel before thy face, Who shall make straight thy way.
3 “muryar mai kira a hamada tana cewa, ‘Ku shirya wa Ubangiji hanya, ku miƙe hanyoyi dominsa.’”
The voice which crieth in the desert, Prepare the way of the Lord, Make level his paths.
4 Ta haka Yohanna ya zo, yana baftisma a yankin hamada, yana kuma wa’azin baftismar tuba don gafarar zunubai.
Juchanon was in the desert, baptizing, and proclaiming the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.
5 Dukan ƙauyukan Yahudiya da dukan mutanen Urushalima suka fiffito zuwa wurinsa. Suna furta zunubansu, ya kuwa yi musu baftisma a Kogin Urdun.
And all the region of Jehud and all the sons of Urishlem went out to him; and he baptized them in Jurdan the river, while they were confessing their sins.
6 Yohanna ya sa tufafin gashin raƙumi, ya kuma yi ɗamara da fata. Abincinsa fāri ne da kuma zumar jeji.
But Juchanon himself was clothed with a garment of the hair of camels, and engirded with a belt of leather upon his loins; and his food was locusts and wilderness honey.
7 Wannan kuwa shi ne saƙonsa, “A bayana, wanda ya fi ni iko yana zuwa, ban kuwa isa in sunkuya in kunce igiyar takalmansa ba.
And he proclaimed and said, Behold, (One) cometh after me, who is mightier than I; he, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to bow myself to unloose.
8 Ina muku baftisma da ruwa, amma shi zai yi muku baftisma da Ruhu Mai Tsarki.”
I have baptized you with waters; but he shall baptize you with the Spirit of Holiness.
9 A lokacin, Yesu ya zo daga Nazaret na Galili, Yohanna kuwa ya yi masa baftisma a Urdun.
And it was in those days that Jeshu came from Natsrath of Galila, and was baptized in Jurdan by Juchanon.
10 Da Yesu yana fitowa daga ruwan, sai ya ga sama ya buɗe, Ruhu kuma yana saukowa a kansa kamar kurciya.
And as soon as he had ascended from the waters, he saw the heavens part asunder, and the Spirit, as a dove, descend upon him.
11 Sai murya ta fito daga sama ta ce, “Kai ne Ɗana, wanda nake ƙauna, da kai kuma nake fari ciki ƙwarai.”
And the voice was from the heavens, Thou art my Son, the Beloved: in thee I have delighted.
12 Nan da nan, sai Ruhu ya kai shi cikin hamada,
And immediately the Spirit led him forth into the desert.
13 ya kuma kasance a hamada kwana arba’in, Shaiɗan yana gwada shi. Yana tare da namomin jeji, mala’iku kuma suka yi masa hidima.
And he was there in the desert forty days, being tempted by Satana: and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to him.
14 Bayan da aka sa Yohanna a kurkuku, sai Yesu ya shigo cikin Galili, yana shelar bisharar Allah.
BUT after Juchanon was delivered up, Jeshu came to Galila, and proclaimed the annunciation of the kingdom of Aloha.
15 Yana cewa, “Lokaci ya yi. Mulkin Allah ya yi kusa. Ku tuba, ku gaskata bishara!”
And he said, The time is complete; the kingdom of Aloha cometh: repent, and believe the gospel.
16 Yayinda Yesu yake tafiya a gaɓar Tekun Galili, sai ya ga Siman da ɗan’uwansa Andarawus, suna jefa abin kamun kifi a cikin tafkin, domin su masunta ne.
And while he walked about the sea of Galila, he saw Shemun and Andreas his brother, who were casting nets into the sea: for they were fishers.
17 Yesu ya ce, “Ku zo, ku bi ni, ni kuwa zan mai da ku masuntan mutane.”
And Jeshu said to them, Come after me, and I will make you fishers of the sons of men.
18 Nan da nan, suka bar abin kamun kifinsu, suka bi shi.
And at once they forsook their nets, and went after him.
19 Da ya yi gaba kaɗan, sai ya ga Yaƙub ɗan Zebedi, da ɗan’uwansa Yohanna a cikin jirgin ruwa, suna gyaran abin kamun kifinsu.
And when he had passed on a little, he saw Jakub bar Zabdai and Juchanon his brother; and they also were in a vessel, preparing their nets.
20 Ba da ɓata lokaci ba, ya kira su, sai suka bar mahaifinsu Zebedi a cikin jirgin ruwan, tare da’yan haya, suka kuwa bi shi.
And he called them; and forthwith they left Zabdai their father with the hirelings, and went after him.
21 Suka tafi Kafarnahum. Da ranar Asabbaci ta kewayo, sai Yesu ya shiga majami’a ya fara koyarwa.
And when they were come to Kapher-nachum, he forthwith taught on the sabbaths in their assemblies.
22 Mutane suka yi mamakin koyarwarsa, domin ya koyar da su kamar wanda yake da iko, ba kamar malaman dokoki ba.
And they wondered at his doctrine; for he taught them as having power, and not as their Sophree.
23 Nan take, sai wani mutum mai mugun ruhu a majami’arsu, ya ɗaga murya ya ce,
And there was in their assembly a man who had an unclean spirit: and he cried
24 “Ina ruwanka da mu, Yesu Banazare? Ka zo ne don ka hallaka mu? Na san wane ne kai, Mai Tsarki nan na Allah!”
and said, What to us and to thee, Jeshu Natsroya? Art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of Aloha.
25 Yesu ya tsawata masa ya ce, “Yi shiru! Fita daga cikinsa!”
And Jeshu restrained him, and said, Close thy mouth, and come forth from him.
26 Sai mugun ruhun ya jijjiga mutumin da ƙarfi, ya fita daga jikinsa da ihu.
And the impure spirit threw him down, and cried with a high voice, and went forth from him.
27 Dukan mutane suka yi mamaki, suna tambayar juna suna cewa, “Mene ne haka? Tabɗi! Yau ga sabuwar koyarwa kuma da iko! Yana ma ba wa mugayen ruhohi umarni, suna kuma yin masa biyayya.”
And all wondered, and questioned one with another, Who is this? and what is this new doctrine? because with authority he commandeth the impure spirits, and they obey him.
28 Labari game da shi ya bazu nan da nan ko’ina a dukan yankin Galili.
And his fame soon went out through all the region of Galila.
29 Da suka bar majami’ar, sai suka tafi gidan su Siman da Andarawus, tare da Yaƙub da Yohanna.
And he proceeded from the assembly, and came to the house of Shemun and Andreas with Jacub and Juchanon.
30 Surukar Siman tana kwance da zazzaɓi, sai suka gaya wa Yesu game da ita.
And the mother-in-law of Shemun was lying in a fever; and they told him concerning her.
31 Sai ya je wajenta, ya kama hannunta, ya ɗaga ta. Zazzaɓin kuwa ya sāke ta, ta kuma yi musu hidima.
And he approached, took her by her hand; and she arose, and at once the fever left her, and she served them.
32 A wannan yamma, bayan fāɗuwar rana, mutane suka kawo wa Yesu dukan marasa lafiya, da masu aljanu.
Then in the evening at sun-setting they brought to him all those who were grievously affected and demoniacs.
33 Duk garin ya taru a ƙofar gidan.
And the whole city was assembled at the gate:
34 Yesu kuwa ya warkar da marasa lafiya da yawa da suke da cututtuka iri-iri. Ya kuma fitar da aljanu da yawa, amma bai yarda aljanun suka yi magana ba, don sun san wane ne shi.
and he healed multitudes who were grievously affected with various diseases, and cast out many demons, and would not permit the demons to speak; for they knew him.
35 Da sassafe, tun da sauran duhu, Yesu ya tashi, ya bar gida, ya tafi wani wurin da ba kowa, a can ya yi addu’a.
AND in the morning he arose long before (day), and went into a solitude, and there prayed.
36 Siman da abokansa suka fita nemansa.
And Shemun and (they) who (were) with him sought for him;
37 Da suka same shi, sai suka ce, “Kowa yana nemanka!”
and when they had found him, they said to him, All men are seeking thee.
38 Yesu ya amsa ya ce, “Mu je wani wuri dabam, zuwa ƙauyukan da suke kusa, don in yi wa’azi a can ma. Wannan shi ne dalilin zuwana.”
He said to them, Proceed you to the neighbouring towns and cities; for there also I will preach, because for this am I come.
39 Sai ya tafi ko’ina a Galili, yana wa’azi a majami’unsu, yana kuma fitar da aljanu.
And he preached in all their assemblies in all Galila, and cast out devils.
40 Wani mutum mai kuturta ya zo wurinsa, ya durƙusa ya roƙe shi ya ce, “In kana so, za ka iya tsabtacce ni.”
And a leper came to him, and fell at his feet, and besought him, and said to him, If thou wilt, thou canst cleanse me.
41 Cike da tausayi, sai Yesu ya miƙa hannunsa ya taɓa mutumin ya ce, “Na yarda, ka tsabtacce!”
And Jeshu had compassion on him, and stretched forth his hand, touched him, and said, I will, be clean.
42 Nan da nan, sai kuturtar ta rabu da shi, ya kuma warke.
And in that very hour his leprosy went from him, and he was cleansed.
43 Yesu ya sallame shi nan take, da gargaɗi mai ƙarfi cewa,
And he restrained him, and led him forth,
44 “Ka lura kada ka gaya wa kowa wannan. Amma ka tafi ka nuna kanka ga firist, ka kuma miƙa hadayun da Musa ya umarta saboda tsarkakewarka, don yă zama shaida gare su.”
and said to him, See lest thou tell any one; but go, show thyself to the priests, and offer the oblation for thy purification as Musha commanded for their testimony.
45 A maimakon haka, sai ya fita, ya fara magana a sake, yana baza labarin. Saboda haka, Yesu bai ƙara iya shiga cikin gari a fili ba, sai dai ya kasance a wuraren da ba kowa. Duk da haka, mutane suka yi ta zuwa wurinsa daga ko’ina.
But he, when he was gone forth, began to announce it much, and so divulged the matter as that Jeshu could not go openly in the city, but was without in a solitary part: and they came to him from every place.