< Markus 8 >

1 A kwanakin nan wani taro mai girma ya taru. Tun da yake ba su da abin da za su ci, sai Yesu ya kira almajiransa ya ce,
At that time the crowd being very numerous, and having no food, he called his disciple, and said to them,
2 “Ina jin tausayin mutanen nan, kwanansu uku ke nan tare da ni, kuma ba su da abin da za su ci.
I have compassion on the multitude; for they attend me now three days, and have nothing to eat;
3 In na sallame su gida da yunwa, za su kāsa a hanya, don waɗansu daga cikinsu sun zo daga nesa.”
and if I send them home fasting, their strength will fail by the way; for some of them have come from afar.
4 Almajiransa suka amsa suka ce, “Amma a ina, a wannan wurin da ba kowa, wani zai iya samun isashen burodi, don a ciyar da su?”
His disciples answered, Whence can we supply these people with bread here in the desert?
5 Sai Yesu ya yi tambaya ya ce, “Burodi guda nawa kuke da su?” Suka ce, “Bakwai.”
He asked them, How many loaves have you? They said, Seven.
6 Sai ya gaya wa taron su zazzauna a ƙasa. Bayan ya ɗauki burodin nan bakwai, ya yi godiya, sai ya kakkarya, ya ba wa almajiransa su rarraba wa mutanen, suka kuwa yi haka.
Then commanding the multitude to place themselves upon the ground, he took the seven loaves, and having given thanks, broke them, and gave them to his disciples, that they might distribute them to the people, and they distributed them.
7 Suna kuma da ƙananan kifaye kaɗan, ya ba da godiya dominsu, ya kuma ce wa almajiran su rarraba musu.
They had also a few small fishes, which, after blessing, he likewise ordered to be presented.
8 Mutanen suka ci, suka ƙoshi. Daga baya, almajiran suka tattara gutsattsarin da suka rage cike da kwanduna bakwai.
So they eat, and were satisfied; and the fragments which remained, were carried off in seven hand-baskets.
9 Wajen maza dubu huɗu ne suka kasance. Da ya sallame su,
Now they who had eat were about four thousand.
10 sai ya shiga jirgin ruwa tare da almajiransa, suka tafi yankin Dalmanuta.
Having dismissed them, he immediately embarked with his disciples, and went into the territory of Dalmanutha.
11 Farisiyawa suka zo suka fara yin wa Yesu tambayoyi. Don su gwada shi, sai suka nemi yă nuna musu wata alama daga sama.
Thence some Pharisees came, who began to argue with him; and in order to prove him, demanded of him a sign in the sky.
12 Sai ya ja numfashi mai zurfi ya ce, “Don me wannan zamani yake neman ganin abin banmamaki? Gaskiya nake gaya muku, ba wata alamar da za a ba su.”
Jesus answered with a deep groan, Wherefore does this generation require a sign? Indeed, I say to you, that no sign shall be given to this generation.
13 Sai ya bar su, ya koma cikin jirgin ruwan, suka ƙetare zuwa ɗaya hayin.
After that, leaving them, he re-embarked and returned.
14 Almajiran suka manta su riƙe burodi, sai dai guda ɗaya da suke da shi a cikin jirgin ruwan.
Now the disciples had forgot to bring bread, having only one loaf with them in the bark.
15 Yesu ya gargaɗe su ya ce, “Ku yi hankali, ku kuma lura da yistin Farisiyawa da na Hiridus.”
Then Jesus gave them this caution: Attend; beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod.
16 Suka tattauna wannan da juna, suna cewa, “Don ba mu da burodi ne.”
They reflecting upon it, said among themselves, It is because we have no bread.
17 Da ya gane abin da suke tattaunawa, sai Yesu ya tambaye su ya ce, “Don me kuke zancen rashin burodi? Har yanzu ba ku gane ko fahimta ba? Zukatanku sun taurare ne?
Jesus remarking it, said to them, Why do you make this reflection, hat you have no bread? Are you yet so thoughtless, so inattentive?
18 Kuna da idanu, amma kun kāsa gani, kuna da kunnuwa, amma kun kāsa ji? Ba ku tuna ba?
Is your understanding still blinded? Have you no us of your eyes, or of your ears? or do you not remember
19 Da na kakkarya burodi guda biyar wa mutane dubu biyar, kwanduna nawa kuka kwashe cike da gutsattsarin?” Suka amsa, “Sha biyu.”
when I distributed the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did you carry off? They answered, Twelve.
20 “Da na kuma kakkarya burodin nan bakwai wa mutum dubu huɗu, kwanduna nawa kuka kwashe cike da gutsattsarin?” Suka ce, “Bakwai.”
And when the seven among four thousand, how many hand-baskets full of the fragments did you carry off? They said, Seven.
21 Ya ce musu, “Har yanzu ba ku fahimta ba?”
How then is it, proceeded he, that you do not apprehend me?
22 Suka iso Betsaida, sai waɗansu mutane suka kawo wani makaho, suka roƙi Yesu yă taɓa shi.
When Jesus came to Bethsaida, they brought to him a blind man, whom they entreated him to touch.
23 Yesu ya kama hannun makahon ya kai shi bayan ƙauyen. Bayan ya tofa miyau a idanun mutumin, ya kuma ɗibiya masa hannuwansa, sai ya tambaye shi ya ce, “Kana iya ganin wani abu?”
He took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the village. Then having put spittle on his eyes, and laid his hands upon him, he asked him whether he saw.
24 Sai ya ɗaga kai ya ce, “Ina ganin mutane, suna kama da itatuwa da suke tafiya.”
Having looked up, he said, I see men, as trees walking.
25 Yesu ya sāke ɗibiya hannuwansa a idanun mutumin, sai idanunsa suka buɗe, ya sami gani, ya kuma ga kome sarai.
And Jesus laid his hands upon the man's eyes, and made him look again. And he was so perfectly cured, as to see every object clearly.
26 Yesu ya sallame shi gida ya ce, “Kada ka shiga cikin ƙauyen.”
And Jesus sent him home, saying, Neither go into the village, nor tell anything to any of the villagers.
27 Yesu da almajiransa suka tafi ƙauyukan da suke kewaye da Kaisariya Filibbi. A hanya ya tambaye su ya ce, “Wa, mutane suke ce da ni?”
Jesus went thence with his disciples to the villages of Caesarea Philippi, and by the way asked them, saying, Who do men say that I am?
28 Suka amsa, suka ce, “Waɗansu suna cewa, Yohanna Mai Baftisma, waɗansu Iliya, waɗansu kuma har wa yau sun ce, ɗaya daga cikin annabawa.”
They answered, John the Immerser; but some say, Elijah; and others, One of the prophets.
29 Sai ya yi tambaya ya ce, “Amma ku fa, wa kuke ce da ni?” Bitrus ya amsa ya ce, “Kai ne Kiristi.”
He said to them, But who do you say that I am? Peter answering, said to him, You are the Messiah.
30 Yesu ya gargaɗe su kada su gaya wa kowa kome a kansa.
Then he charged them to tell no person this concerning him.
31 Sai ya fara koya musu cewa, dole Ɗan Mutum yă sha wahaloli da yawa, dattawa, manyan firistoci da malaman dokoki kuma su ƙi shi. Dole kuma a kashe shi, bayan kwana uku kuma, yă tashi.
And he began to inform them, that the Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders, and the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and that in three days he must rise again.
32 Ya yi wannan zance a sarari. Sai Bitrus ya jawo shi gefe, ya fara tsawata masa.
This he spoke so plainly, that Peter, taking him aside, reproved him.
33 Amma da Yesu ya juya ya dubi almajiransa, sai ya tsawata wa Bitrus ya ce, “Tashi daga nan Shaiɗan! Ba ka da al’amuran Allah a zuciyarka, sai na mutane.”
But he turning, and looking on his disciples, rebuked Peter, saying, Get you hence, adversary, for you do not relish the things of God, but the things of men.
34 Sai ya kira taron wurinsa tare da almajiransa ya ce, “Duk wanda zai bi ni, dole yă ƙi kansa, yă ɗauki gicciyensa yă bi ni.
Then having called both to the people, and to his disciples, he said, Is any willing to come under my guidance? Let him renounce himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
35 Domin duk mai son ceton ransa zai rasa shi, amma duk wanda ya rasa ransa saboda ni, da kuma bishara, zai same shi.
For whosoever would save his life, shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life, for my sake and the gospel's, shall save it.
36 Me mutum zai amfana, in ya ribato duniya duka a bakin ransa?
What would it profit a man, if he should gain the whole world, with the forfeit of his life?
37 Ko kuma, me mutum zai bayar a musayar ransa?
or what will a man not give in ransom for his life?
38 Duk wanda ya ji kunyata, da na kalmomina a wannan zamani na fasikanci da zunubi, Ɗan Mutum ma zai ji kunyarsa lokacin da ya shiga cikin ɗaukakar Ubansa, tare da tsarkakan mala’iku.”
For whosoever shall be ashamed of me, and of my words, in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him likewise the Son of man will be ashamed, when he shall come in the glory of his Father, accompanied by the holy angels.

< Markus 8 >