< Markus 15 >
1 Da sassafe, sai manyan firistoci da dattawa, da malaman dokoki, da dukan Majalisa, suka yanke shawara. Suka daure Yesu, suka kai shi, suka miƙa shi ga Bilatus.
Early in the morning, the chief priests, elders, scribes, and the whole Sanhedrin devised a plan. They bound Jesus, led Him away, and handed Him over to Pilate.
2 Bilatus ya yi tambaya ya ce, “Kai ne Sarkin Yahudawa?” Yesu ya amsa ya ce, “I, haka yake, kamar yadda ka faɗa.”
So Pilate questioned Him, “Are You the King of the Jews?” “You have said so,” Jesus replied.
3 Manyan firistoci suka zarge shi a kan abubuwa da yawa.
And the chief priests began to accuse Him of many things.
4 Don haka Bilatus ya sāke tambayarsa ya ce, “Ba za ka amsa ba? Dubi abubuwa da yawa da suke zarginka da su.”
Then Pilate questioned Him again, “Have You no answer? Look how many charges they are bringing against You!”
5 Amma har yanzu, Yesu bai ba da amsa ba, Bilatus ya yi mamaki.
But to Pilate’s amazement, Jesus made no further reply.
6 Yanzu fa, al’ada ce a lokacin Bikin, a saki ɗan kurkuku guda wanda mutane suka roƙa.
Now it was Pilate’s custom at the feast to release to the people a prisoner of their choosing.
7 Wani mutumin da ake kira Barabbas, yana a kurkuku, tare da waɗansu’yan tawaye da suka yi kisankai a lokacin wani hargitsi.
And a man named Barabbas was imprisoned with the rebels who had committed murder during the insurrection.
8 Taron suka matso, suka ce roƙi Bilatus yă yi musu abin da ya saba yi.
So the crowd went up and began asking Pilate to keep his custom.
9 Bilatus ya yi tambaya ya ce, “Kuna so in sakar muku Sarkin Yahudawa?”
“Do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?” Pilate asked.
10 Don ya san saboda sonkai ne manyan firistoci suka ba da Yesu a gare shi.
For he knew it was out of envy that the chief priests had handed Jesus over.
11 Amma manyan firistoci suka zuga taron su sa a saki Barabbas, a maimakon Yesu.
But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have him release Barabbas to them instead.
12 Bilatus ya tambaye su ya ce, “To, me zan yi da wanda kuke ce da shi, sarkin Yahudawa?”
So Pilate asked them again, “What then do you want me to do with the One you call the King of the Jews?”
13 Suka yi ihu, suka ce, “A gicciye shi!”
And they shouted back, “Crucify Him!”
14 Bilatus ya yi tambaya ya ce, “Don me? Wane laifi ya yi?” Amma suka ƙara yin ihu suna cewa, “A gicciye shi!”
“Why?” asked Pilate. “What evil has He done?” But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify Him!”
15 Don son yă faranta wa taron rai, sai Bilatus ya sakar musu Barabbas. Ya sa aka yi wa Yesu bulala, sa’an nan ya ba da shi a gicciye.
And wishing to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed Him over to be crucified.
16 Sojojin suka tafi da Yesu cikin fadar gwamna (wato, Firetoriyum), suka kira dukan kamfanin sojoji wuri ɗaya.
Then the soldiers led Jesus away into the palace (that is, the Praetorium) and called the whole company together.
17 Suka sa masa wata riga mai ruwan shunayya, suka kuma tuƙa rawanin ƙaya suka sa masa.
They dressed Him in a purple robe, twisted together a crown of thorns, and set it on His head.
18 Sai suka fara ce masa, “Ranka yă daɗe sarkin Yahudawa!”
And they began to salute Him: “Hail, King of the Jews!”
19 Suka dinga bugunsa a kā da sanda, suka tattofa masa miyau. Suka durƙusa suka yi masa bangirma na ba’a.
They kept striking His head with a staff and spitting on Him. And they knelt down and bowed before Him.
20 Bayan da suka gama yin masa ba’a, suka tuɓe rigar mai ruwan shunayyar, suka sa masa nasa tufafi. Sai suka tafi da shi don a gicciye shi.
After they had mocked Him, they removed the purple robe and put His own clothes back on Him. Then they led Him out to crucify Him.
21 Sai ga wani mutum daga Sairin da ake kira Siman, mahaifin Alekzanda da Rufus, yana wucewa kan hanyarsa daga ƙauye. Sai suka tilasta shi yă ɗauki gicciyen.
Now Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus, was passing by on his way in from the country, and the soldiers forced him to carry the cross of Jesus.
22 Suka kawo Yesu a wurin da ake kira Golgota (wanda yake nufin Wurin Ƙoƙon Kai).
They brought Jesus to a place called Golgotha, which means The Place of the Skull.
23 Sai suka miƙa masa ruwan inabi gauraye da mur, don yă rage zafi, amma bai sha ba.
There they offered Him wine mixed with myrrh, but He did not take it.
24 Sai suka gicciye shi. Suka rarraba tufafinsa, suka jefa ƙuri’a a kansu don su ga abin da kowa zai samu.
And they crucified Him. They also divided His garments by casting lots to decide what each of them would take.
25 Sa’a ta uku na safe ce kuwa aka gicciye shi.
It was the third hour when they crucified Him.
26 Akwai rubutu na zarginsa, da ya ce, Sarkin Yahudawa.
And the charge inscribed against Him read: THE KING OF THE JEWS.
27 Suka gicciye’yan fashi biyu tare da shi, ɗaya a damansa, ɗayan kuma a hagunsa.
Along with Jesus, they crucified two robbers, one on His right and one on His left.
29 Masu wucewa suka zazzage shi. Suka kaɗa kai suna cewa, “To, kai da za ka rushe haikali ka kuma gina shi a kwana uku,
And those who passed by heaped abuse on Him, shaking their heads and saying, “Aha! You who are going to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days,
30 sai ka sauko daga gicciyen, ka ceci kanka!”
come down from the cross and save Yourself!”
31 Haka kuma, manyan firistoci da malaman dokoki suka yi masa ba’a a junansu, suna cewa, “Ya ceci waɗansu, amma ya kāsa ceton kansa!
In the same way, the chief priests and scribes mocked Him among themselves, saying, “He saved others, but He cannot save Himself!
32 Bari wannan Kiristi, wannan Sarkin Isra’ila, yă sauko yanzu daga gicciye, don mu ga mu kuma gaskata.” Waɗanda aka gicciye tare da shi ma suka zazzage shi.
Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross, so that we may see and believe!” And even those who were crucified with Him berated Him.
33 Daga sa’a ta shida har zuwa sa’a ta tara na rana, duhu ya rufe dukan ƙasar.
From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land.
34 A daidai sa’a ta tara na rana, sai Yesu ya ɗaga murya da ƙarfi ya ce, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabaktani?” (Wato, “Ya Allahna, ya Allahna, don me ka yashe ni?”).
At the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”
35 Da waɗansu cikin waɗanda suke tsattsaye kusa da wurin suka ji haka, suka ce, “Ku saurara, yana kiran Iliya.”
When some of those standing nearby heard this, they said, “Behold, He is calling Elijah.”
36 Wani mutum ya ruga ya je ya jiƙo soso da ruwan tsami, ya soka a sanda ya miƙa wa Yesu yă sha. Ya ce, “Ku ƙyale shi. Bari mu ga ko Iliya zai zo yă saukar da shi.”
And someone ran and filled a sponge with sour wine. He put it on a reed and held it up for Jesus to drink, saying, “Leave Him alone. Let us see if Elijah comes to take Him down.”
37 Da murya mai ƙarfi, Yesu ya ja numfashinsa na ƙarshe.
But Jesus let out a loud cry and breathed His last.
38 Labulen haikali kuwa ya yage kashi biyu, daga sama har ƙasa.
And the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.
39 Da jarumin da yake tsaye a gaban Yesu ya ji muryarsa, ya kuma ga yadda ya mutu, sai ya ce, “Gaskiya, wannan mutum Ɗan Allah ne!”
When the centurion standing there in front of Jesus saw how He had breathed His last, he said, “Truly this man was the Son of God!”
40 Waɗansu mata suna kallo daga nesa. A cikinsu kuwa akwai Maryamu Magdalin, Maryamu mahaifiyar Yaƙub ƙarami da Yusuf, da kuma Salome.
And there were also women watching from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome.
41 A Galili waɗannan mata ne suka riƙa bin sa suna yin masa hidima. Waɗansu mata da yawa da suka zo tare da shi daga Urushalima, su ma suna nan a can.
These women had followed Jesus and ministered to Him while He was in Galilee, and there were many other women who had come up to Jerusalem with Him.
42 Ranar kuwa ita ce ranar Shirye-shirye (wato, ana kashegari Asabbaci). Saboda haka, da yamma ta yi, sai
Now it was already evening. Since it was Preparation Day (that is, the day before the Sabbath),
43 Yusuf daga Arimateya, wani sanannen ɗan Majalisa, wanda dā ma yake jiran zuwan mulkin Allah, ya je wajen Bilatus ba tsoro, ya roƙa a ba shi jikin Yesu.
Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent Council member who himself was waiting for the kingdom of God, boldly went to Pilate to ask for the body of Jesus.
44 Bilatus ya yi mamaki da ya ji cewa Yesu ya riga ya mutu. Sai ya kira jarumin ya tambaye shi ko Yesu ya riga ya mutu.
Pilate was surprised to hear that Jesus was already dead, so he summoned the centurion to ask if this was so.
45 Da ya ji ta bakin jarumin cewa haka ne, sai ya ba wa Yusuf jikin.
When Pilate had confirmed it with the centurion, he granted the body to Joseph.
46 Sai Yusuf ya kawo zanen lilin, ya saukar da jikin, ya nannaɗe shi da lilin ɗin, sa’an nan ya sa shi a kabarin da aka fafe a cikin dutse. Sai ya gungura wani dutse ya rufe bakin kabarin.
So Joseph bought a linen cloth, took down the body of Jesus, wrapped it in the cloth, and placed it in a tomb that had been cut out of the rock. Then he rolled a stone against the entrance to the tomb.
47 Maryamu Magdalin da Maryamu uwar Yusuf sun ga inda aka kwantar da shi.
Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joseph saw where His body was placed.