< Luka 16 >

1 Yesu ya ce wa almajiransa, “An yi wani mai arziki wanda aka yi wa manajansa zargin yin banza da dukiyarsa.
[Jesus] also said to his disciples, “Once there was a rich man who had a household manager. [One day] he was told {[someone] told him} that [the manager] was managing the rich man’s money badly.
2 Sai ya kira manajan, ya tambaye shi, ‘Me nake ji haka a kanka? Ka kawo lissafin aikinka, domin ba za ka iya cin gaba da aikinka ba.’
So he summoned [his manager] and said to him, ‘(It is terrible what they are saying about you [(sg)]!/Is it true what they are saying about you [(sg)] [RHQ]?) Give me a written account of [the funds] you have been managing, because you can no longer be my [household] manager!’
3 “Sai manajan ya ce cikin tunaninsa, ‘Maigidana zai kore ni daga aiki, me zan yi? Ba ni da ƙarfin noma, kuma ina jin kunyan yin bara.
Then the manager thought to himself, ‘My master is going to fire me, so (I do not know what to do./what shall I do [RHQ]?) I am not strong enough to [work by] digging ditches, and I am ashamed to beg [for money].’
4 Na san abin da zan yi, don mutane su karɓe ni a gidajensu, bayan an kore ni daga aiki a nan.’
[Suddenly he had an idea]. ‘I know what I will do, so that people will take me into their houses [and provide for me] after I am dismissed {after my master dismisses me} from my work!’
5 “Sai ya kira kowane ɗaya da maigidansa yake bin bashi. Ya tambayi na farkon ya ce, ‘Nawa ne maigidana yake bin ka?’
So [one by one] he summoned the people who owed his master money. He asked the first one, ‘How much do you [(sg)] owe my master?’
6 “Ya amsa ya ce, ‘Garwar mai na zaitun guda ɗari tara.’ “Manajan ya ce, ‘Ga takardarka, ka zauna maza ka mai da shi ɗari huɗu.’
The man replied, ‘Eight hundred gallons of olive oil.’ The manager said to him, ‘Take your bill and sit down and quickly change it to 400 [gallons]!’
7 “Ya kuma tambayi na biyun, ‘Kai fa, nawa ne ake bin ka?’ “Sai ya amsa ya ce, ‘Buhunan alkama dubu.’ “Ya ce, ‘Ga takardarka, ka mai da shi ɗari takwas.’
He said to another man, ‘How much do you owe?’ The man replied, ‘A thousand bushels of wheat.’ The manager said to him, ‘Take your bill and change it to 800 [bushels]!’ [He did similar things for the others who owed his master money].
8 “Maigidan kuwa ya yabi manajan nan marar gaskiya saboda wayonsa. Gama’yan duniyan nan suna da wayon yin hulɗa da junansu fiye da’yan haske. (aiōn g165)
When his master [heard what the manager had done], he admired the dishonest manager for the clever thing he had done. [The truth] is that the ungodly people in this world act more wisely toward other people than godly people [MET] act. (aiōn g165)
9 Ina gaya muku, ku yi amfani da dukiya na wannan duniya, domin ku sami wa kanku abokai. Saboda bayan dukiyar ta ƙare, za a karɓe ku a wuraren zama da sun dawwama. (aiōnios g166)
[So] I tell you [(pl)] this: Use the money that you have [here] on earth to help others so that they will become your friends. Then when [you die and] you cannot [take] any money with you, [God and his angels] will welcome you into a home [in heaven] that will last forever. (aiōnios g166)
10 “Duk wanda ana amincewa da shi cikin ƙaramin abu, ana kuma amincewa da shi cikin babba. Kuma duk marar gaskiya cikin ƙaramin abu, zai zama marar gaskiya cikin babba.
People who faithfully manage small [matters] will also faithfully manage important [matters]. People who are dishonest in [the way they handle] small [matters] will be dishonest [in the way they handle] important [matters].
11 In fa ku ba amintattu ne cikin tafiyar da dukiya ta wannan duniya ba, wa zai amince muku da dukiya ta gaskiya?
So if you have not faithfully handled the money that [God has given you here] on earth, (he will certainly not allow you to possess the true [spiritual] riches [in heaven!]/would he allow you to possess the true [spiritual] riches [in heaven]?) [RHQ]
12 In fa ku ba amintattu ne cikin tafiyar da dukiyar wani ba, wa zai ba ku dukiya naku, na kanku?
And if you have not faithfully managed things that belong to other people, ([God] will certainly not allow you to receive [treasures in heaven that] would belong to you!/would God allow you to receive [treasures in heaven that] would belong to you?) [RHQ]
13 “Babu wani bawa mai iya bauta wa iyayengiji biyu ba. Ko dai ya ƙi ɗaya, ya so ɗayan, ko kuwa ya dāge ga yi wa ɗaya bauta, sa’an nan ya rena ɗayan. Ba za ku iya ku bauta wa Allah tare da bauta wa Mammon (wato, Kuɗi) a lokaci ɗaya ba.”
No servant is able to serve two [different] bosses [at the same time. If he tried to do that], he would prefer one of them more than the other one; he would be loyal to one of them and despise the other one. [Similarly], you cannot [devote your life] to worshipping God and [worshipping] money and material goods [at the same time].”
14 Da Farisiyawa masu son kuɗi suka ji wannan duka, sai suka yi wa Yesu tsaki.
There were some Pharisees [there]. They loved [to acquire] money. When they heard Jesus say that, they ridiculed him.
15 Ya ce musu, “Ku ne masu mai da kanku marasa laifi a gaban mutane, amma Allah ya san zuciyarku. Abu mai daraja a gaban mutane, abin ƙyama ne a gaban Allah.
But he said to them, “You try to make other people think that you are righteous, but God knows your (inner beings/hearts). [So he will reject you. Keep in mind that many] things that people think are important, God thinks are detestable.
16 “An yi shelar Doka da Annabawa har zuwa lokacin Yohanna. Tun daga lokacin nan, bisharar mulkin Allah ne ake wa’azinta, kowa kuma yana ƙoƙarin kutsa kai ya shiga.
The laws that [God gave Moses] and what the prophets [MTY] [wrote] were ([in effect/what you needed to obey]) until John [the Baptizer] came. Since then [I] have been preaching about how God wants to [rule people’s lives in a new way], and many people are [accepting that message and] very eagerly asking God to control [their lives. But that does not mean that God has abolished the laws that he established previously].
17 Gama ta fi sauƙi sama da ƙasa su shuɗe, da a ce ɗigo guda ɗaya na rubutun, ya fita ya fāɗi daga cikin Doka.
[All of God’s] laws, [even those that seem] insignificant, are more permanent than heaven and earth.
18 “Duk wanda ya saki matarsa ya auri wata mace, zina ne yake yi. Kuma mutumin da ya auri macen da aka sake, zina ne yake yi.
[For example, because God considers that a marriage lasts until either the husband or the wife dies, he considers that] any man who divorces his wife and marries another woman is committing adultery. He also [considers that] any man who marries a woman who has been divorced by her husband {whose husband has divorced her} is [also] committing adultery.”
19 “An yi wani mutum mai arziki wanda yakan sa tufafi masu ruwan shunayya, da kuma na lallausan lilin, yana kuma cikin rayuwar jin daɗi kullum.
[Jesus also said] [MET], “Once there was a rich man who wore [expensive] purple linen [garments]. He ate luxuriously every day.
20 A ƙofar gidansa kuma akan ajiye wani mai bara, mai suna Lazarus, wanda jikinsa duk gyambuna ne.
And every day a poor man whose name was Lazarus was laid {[some people also] laid a poor man whose name was Lazarus} at the gate of the rich man’s [house]. Lazarus’ body was covered with sores.
21 Shi kuwa yakan yi marmarin cin abin da yakan fāɗi daga tebur na mai arzikin nan. Har karnuka ma sukan zo su lashe gyambunansa.
He [was so hungry that he] wanted to eat the scraps [of food] that fell from the table where the rich man [ate]. Furthermore, [to make things worse], dogs came and licked his sores.
22 “Ana nan, sai mai baran ya mutu, kuma mala’iku suka ɗauke shi zuwa gefen Ibrahim. Mai arzikin ma ya mutu, aka kuma binne shi.
[Eventually] the poor man died. Then he was taken by the angels {the angels took him} to [start feasting] next to his [ancestor] Abraham. The rich man also died, and his body was buried {[some people] buried his body}.
23 A cikin jahannama ta wuta, inda yana shan azaba, ya ɗaga kai ya hangi Ibrahim can nesa, da kuma Lazarus a gefensa. (Hadēs g86)
In the place where dead people wait [for God to judge them], he was suffering great pain. He looked up and saw Abraham far away, and he saw Lazarus sitting close to Abraham. (Hadēs g86)
24 Sai ya yi masa kira ya ce, ‘Baba, Ibrahim, ka ji tausayina, ka aiki Lazarus ya sa ɗan yatsarsa a ruwa, ya ɗiga mini a harshe saboda in ji sanyi, domin ina shan azaba cikin wannan wuta.’
So he shouted, ‘Father Abraham, I am suffering very much in this fire! So [please] pity me, and send Lazarus [here] so that he can dip his finger in water [and touch] my tongue to cool it!’
25 “Amma Ibrahim ya ce, ‘Ka tuna fa ɗana, a lokacin da kake duniya, ka sami abubuwa masu kyau naka, Lazarus kuwa ya sami munanan abubuwa. Amma yanzu ya sami ta’aziyya a nan, kai kuwa kana shan azaba.
But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that while you [(sg)] were alive [on earth] you enjoyed [many] good things. But Lazarus was miserable. Now [it is fair that] he is happy here, and you are suffering.
26 Ban da wannan duka ma, tsakaninmu da kai, akwai wani babban rami da aka yi, yadda waɗanda suke son ƙetarewa daga nan zuwa wurinku, ba za su iya ba, kuma ba mai iya ƙetarewa daga wurinku zuwa wurinmu.’
Besides that, there is a huge ravine between you [(sg)] and us. So those who want to go from here to where you [(sg)] are, are not able to. Furthermore, no one can cross from there to where we [(exc)] are.’
27 “Ya amsa ya ce, ‘To, ina roƙonka, ya uba, ka aiki Lazarus zuwa gidan mahaifina,
Then the rich man said, ‘If that is so, father [Abraham], I ask you [(sg)] to send [Lazarus] to my father’s house.
28 gama ina da’yan’uwana biyar maza. Bari yă ba su gargaɗi, don kada su ma su zo wurin nan mai azaba.’
I have five brothers [who live there]. Tell him to warn them [to turn away from their sinful behavior so that] they do not also come to this place, where [we(exc)] suffer great pain!’
29 “Ibrahim ya amsa ya ce, ‘Suna da Musa da Annabawa, ai, sai su saurare su.’
But Abraham replied, ‘[No, I will not do that, because your brothers] are able to [go to the Jewish meeting places where the priests] read what Moses and the prophets [wrote]. They should listen to what Moses and the prophets [MTY] [wrote]!’
30 “Sai ya ce, ‘A’a, ya uba, Ibrahim, in dai wani ya tashi daga matattu ya je wurinsu, za su tuba.’
But the rich man replied, ‘No, father Abraham, [that will not be enough] But if someone from those who have died goes back to them [and warns them], they will turn from their sinful behavior.’
31 “Amma ya ce masa, ‘In ba su saurari Musa da Annabawa ba, kai, ko da wani ya tashi daga matattu ma, ba za su saurare shi ba.’”
[Abraham] said to him, ‘No! If they do not listen to [what] [MTY] Moses and the prophets [MTY] [wrote], even if someone would become alive again [and go and warn them], they would not be convinced {he could not convince them} [that they should turn from their sinful behavior].’”

< Luka 16 >