< Luka 15 >
1 Yanzu fa, masu karɓar haraji da “masu zunubi” duka suna taruwa don jin koyarwar Yesu.
Then all the tax collectors and ‘sinners’ were getting close to Him to hear Him.
2 Amma Farisiyawa da malaman dokoki suka yi gunaguni, suna cewa, “Wannan mutum yana karɓan ‘masu zunubi,’ kuma yana ci tare da su.”
Well the Pharisees and the scribes started complaining, saying, “This man welcomes ‘sinners’ and eats with them.”
3 Sai Yesu ya faɗa musu wannan misali ya ce,
So He told them this parable, saying:
4 “In ɗayanku yana da tumaki ɗari, sa’an nan ɗayansu ta ɓace. Ashe, ba zai bar tasa’in da tara a fili ya je neman wadda ta ɓace, har sai ya same ta ba?
“What man among you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not abandon the ninety-nine in the wild and go after the lost one until he finds it?
5 In ya same ta, zai sa ta a kafaɗa da murna,
And upon finding it he joyfully puts it on his shoulders.
6 ya dawo gida. Sa’an nan zai kira abokansa da maƙwabtansa wuri ɗaya ya ce, ‘Ku taya ni murna, na sami tunkiyana da ta ɓata.’
And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost!’
7 Ina gaya muku, haka za a yi murna sosai a sama, a kan mai zunubi guda ɗaya da ya tuba, fiye da masu adalci tasa’in da tara, waɗanda ba su bukatan tuba.
I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous ones who have no need of repentance.
8 “Ko kuwa in wata mace tana da kuɗi na azurfa guda goma, sa’an nan ɗaya ya ɓata, ashe, ba za tă ƙuna fitila, ta share gidan, ta nema a hankali, har sai ta samu ba?
“Or what woman having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it?
9 In ta same shi, sai ta kira ƙawayenta da maƙwabtanta wuri ɗaya, ta ce musu, ‘Ku taya ni murna, na sami kuɗina da ya ɓata.’
And when she finds it, she calls together her friends and neighbors saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I lost!’
10 Haka, ina gaya muku, akwai murna a gaban mala’ikun Allah a kan mai zunubi guda ɗaya, da ya tuba.”
Just so, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
11 Yesu ya ci gaba da cewa, “Akwai wani mutum wanda yake da’ya’ya biyu maza.
Then He said: “A certain man had two sons.
12 Ƙaramin ya ce wa mahaifinsu, ‘Baba, ba ni rabon gādona.’ Sai mahaifin ya raba musu dukiyarsa.
And the younger one said to the father, ‘Father, give me the appropriate share of the estate.’ So he divided the property between them.
13 “Bayan’yan kwanaki, sai ƙaramin ɗan ya tattara kayansa duk, ya tashi ya tafi wata ƙasa mai nisa. A can, ya ɓatar da dukiyarsa duka a rayuwar banza.
Not many days later the younger son, having converted it all, journeyed to a distant country; and there he squandered his wealth living dissolutely.
14 Bayan ya ɓatar da kome, sai ga muguwar yunwa a dukan ƙasar, har ya shiga rashi.
But when he had spent it all, there was a severe famine throughout that country, and he began to be in need.
15 Sai ya je ya sami aiki a wurin wani mutumin ƙasar, wanda ya aike shi a gonakinsa, ya yi kiwon aladu.
Then he went and attached himself to a citizen of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed pigs.
16 Ya yi marmarin cin dusan da aladun suke ci, amma ba wanda ya ba shi wani abu.
He would gladly have filled his stomach with the carob pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.
17 “Da hankalinsa ya dawo, sai ya ce, ‘Kai, bayin mahaifina guda nawa ne, da suke da abinci fiye da isashe, ni kuma ina nan, zan mutu don yunwa!
But when he came to himself he said: ‘How many of my father's hired servants have an abundance of bread, while I am dying of hunger!
18 Zan tashi in koma wurin mahaifina, in ce masa, “Baba, na yi wa sama, na kuma yi maka zunubi.
I will get up and go to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you,
19 Ni ban isa a ƙara kira na ɗanka ba. Ka mai da ni kamar ɗaya daga cikin bayinka.”’
and I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me as one of your hired servants.’
20 Sai ya tashi ya kama hanya ya koma wurin mahaifinsa. “Amma tun yana nesa, mahaifinsa ya hange shi. Tausayi kuma ya kama shi, sai ya tashi ya ruga da gudu wurinsa, ya rungume shi, ya yi masa sumba.
“So he got up and went to his own father. But while he was still a good ways off, his father saw him and was moved with compassion—he ran and fell on his neck and kissed him!
21 “Sai ɗan ya ce masa, ‘Baba, na yi wa sama, na kuma yi maka zunubi. Ni ban isa a ƙara kira na ɗanka ba.’
Then the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’
22 “Amma mahaifin ya ce wa bayinsa, ‘Maza! Ku kawo riga mafi kyau ku sa masa. Ku sa zobe a yatsarsa, da takalma kuma a ƙafafunsa.
But the father said to his slaves: ‘Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet.
23 Ku kawo ɗan saniya mai ƙiba ku yanka. Bari mu yi biki mu yi shagali.
And bring in and kill the fatted calf, and let us eat and celebrate;
24 Gama ɗan nan nawa, da ya mutu, amma yanzu yana da rai kuma. Da ya ɓata, amma yanzu an same shi.’ Sai suka fara shagali.
because this son of mine was dead and came to life; he was lost and is found!’ So they began to celebrate.
25 “Yayinda ake haka, babban ɗan yana gona. Da ya zo kusa da gida, sai ya ji ana kiɗi ana rawa.
“Now his older son was in the field; and as he came approaching the house he heard music and dancing.
26 Sai ya kira ɗaya daga cikin bayin, ya tambaye shi abin da yake faruwa.
So he called one of the servants and asked what these things meant.
27 Bawan ya ce, ‘Ai, ɗan’uwanka ne ya dawo, shi ne mahaifinka ya yanka ɗan saniya mai ƙiba, gama ya yi murna ya karɓi ɗansa da ya dawo gida lafiyayye, ba abin da ya same shi.’
He said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he has received him back safe and sound.’
28 “Sai yayan ya yi fushi, ya ƙi shiga gida. Sai mahaifinsa ya fita ya roƙe shi.
So he became angry and refused to go in. Then his father came out and began to plead with him.
29 Amma ya amsa wa mahaifinsa ya ce, ‘Duba! Duk waɗannan shekaru, ina yin maka aiki kamar bawa, ban taɓa maka rashin biyayya ba. Duk da haka, ba ka taɓa ba ni ko ɗan akuya domin in yi shagali da abokaina ba.
But in answer he said to the father: ‘Just look at how many years I have been serving you without ever transgressing your commandment; yet you never gave me even a young goat that I might celebrate with my friends.
30 Amma da wannan ɗan naka, wanda ya ɓatar da dukiyarka a kan karuwai ya dawo, ka yanka masa ɗan saniya mai ƙiba!’
But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your livelihood with prostitutes, you killed the fatted calf for him!’
31 “Sai mahaifin ya ce masa, ‘Ɗana, kullum kana nan tare da ni, kuma duk abin da nake da shi, naka ne.
So he said to him: ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours.
32 Amma ya zama mana dole, mu yi shagali, mu yi murna, domin ɗan’uwan nan naka, da ya mutu, yanzu kuwa yana da rai, da ya ɓata, amma yanzu an same shi.’”
But it was right that we celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and came to life; he was lost and is found.’”