< Makoki 4 >

1 Zinariya ta rasa kyanta, hasken zinariya ya dushe! An warwatsar da tsarkakakkun duwatsu masu daraja a kan tituna.
[Previously our people were like] [MET] pure gold, but now they are worthless. [Like] [MET] the sacred stones in the temple have been scattered, [our young men have been scattered].
2 Dubi samarin Sihiyona masu daraja, waɗanda a dā darajarsu ta isa nauyin zinariya, yanzu ana ɗaukar su a matsayin tukwanen ƙasa, aikin maginin tukwane!
The young men of Jerusalem were as valuable as [MET] large amounts of gold, but now people consider that they are as worthless as [ordinary] clay pots.
3 Ko diloli suna ba’ya’yansu nono su sha, amma mutanena sun zama marasa zuciya kamar jiminai a cikin jeji.
Even the [female] jackals/wolves feed their pups, but my people act cruelly [toward their children]; they are like [SIM] ostriches in the desert [that abandon their eggs].
4 Domin ƙishirwa harshen jarirai ya manne a rufin bakinsu; yaran suna roƙo a ba su burodi, amma ba wanda ya ba su.
[My people’s] infants’ tongues cling to the roofs/tops of their mouths because they are [extremely] thirsty; the children plead for some food, but no one gives them [any].
5 Waɗanda a dā sukan ci abinci mai daɗi yanzu su ne masu bara a tituna. Waɗanda a dā suke sa kaya masu kyau yanzu suna kwance a kan tarin toka.
People who [previously] ate fine food are [now] starving in the streets; those who previously lived luxuriously [MTY] [now] paw/dig through rubbish heaps [to find some food].
6 Horon mutanena ya fi na Sodom girma, wadda aka hallaka farat ɗaya ba wani hannu da ya juya ya taimake ta.
[The people of] Sodom were struck with a disaster very suddenly, and there was no one to rescue them; but my people have been punished more severely than [the people of] Sodom were punished.
7 ’Ya’yan sarakunansu sun fi ƙanƙara haske sun kuma fi madara fari, jikunansu sun fi murjani ja, kyansu kamar shuɗin yakutu.
Our leaders’ [behavior] was [previously] very pure, whiter [and brighter] than snow and milk; their bodies were redder than [red] coral/stones; they were very strong and healthy [MET].
8 Amma yanzu sun fi dare duhu; ba a iya gane su a tituna. Fatar jikinsu ta manne da ƙasusuwansu; sun bushe kamar itace.
But now their faces are blacker than soot, and no one recognizes them in the streets. Their skin has shriveled on their bones, and it has become as dry as [SIM] a wooden [stick].
9 Gara waɗanda aka kashe su da takobi da waɗanda suke mutuwa da yunwa; sun rame domin rashin abinci a gona.
It is better to die in a battle [MTY] than to die of hunger. There was no food to harvest in the fields, so the people slowly starved until they died.
10 Da hannuwansu mata masu tausayi sun dafa yaransu, suka zama masu abinci sa’ad da aka hallaka mutanena.
Women who [usually/previously] were very kind have [killed and] cooked their own children; they ate them [when there was no other food], when Jerusalem was surrounded [by enemy soldiers].
11 Ubangiji ya saki fushinsa; ya zuba zafin fushinsa. Ya hura wuta a Sihiyona ta kuma cinye harsashin gininta.
Yahweh has shown that he was extremely angry; [it is as though] he started/ignited a fire in Jerusalem that burned everything to ashes.
12 Sarakunan duniya ba su gaskata ba, haka ma mutanen duniya, cewa magabta da maƙiya za su iya shiga ƙofofin Urushalima.
None of the kings on the earth or anyone else believed that any of our enemies could enter the gates of Jerusalem.
13 Amma ya faru domin zunuban annabawanta da muguntar firistocinta, waɗanda suka zub da jinin masu adalci a cikinsu.
[But that is what happened]; it happened because the prophets sinned; and the priests [also] sinned by causing innocent people to be executed [MTY].
14 Yanzu suna yawo barkatai a tituna kamar makafi. Sun ƙazantu da jini yadda ba wanda zai kuskura ya taɓa rigunansu.
The prophets and priests wandered through the streets [as though they were] blind. No one would touch them because their clothes were stained with the blood [of people who had been killed].
15 “Ku tafi! Ba ku da tsabta!” Haka mutane suke ihu suke ce musu. “Ku tashi daga nan! Ku tashi daga nan! Kada ku taɓa mu!” Sa’ad da suka gudu suna yawo, mutanen waɗansu ƙasashe suka ce, “Ba za su ci gaba da zama a nan ba.”
The people [who were alive] shouted, “Stay away [from us] [DOU]! You are defiled/untouchable! Do not touch us!” So the prophets and priests fled [from Israel], and they wandered around from one country to another, because people [in each country] kept saying to them, “You cannot stay here!”
16 Ubangiji kansa ya warwatsa su; ya daina duban su. Ba a ba firistoci girma, ba su ba dattawa gata.
It is Yahweh himself who has scattered them; he no longer is concerned about them. People do not respect [our] priests or leaders.
17 Idanunmu sun gaji, suna ta dubawa ko taimako zai zo; mu sa ido ko za mu ga ƙasar da za tă iya taimakon mu.
We [SYN] continued to look for someone to help [us], but it was useless. We continued to watch to see if one of our allies would save us, but none of the nations that we were waiting for could help [us].
18 Ana bin sawunmu, ba za mu iya tafiya kan tituna ba. Ƙarshenmu ya kusa, kwanakinmu sun ƙare, gama ƙarshenmu ya zo.
[Our] enemies were hunting for us, so we could not [even] walk in our streets [lest they seize us]. We were about to be captured; it was time for us to be killed.
19 Masu fafarar mu sun fi gaggafa mai firiya a sararin sama sauri; sun fafare mu a kan duwatsu suna fakon mu a jeji.
Those who pursued us were faster than eagles [flying] in the sky. Even if we fled to the mountains or hid in the desert, they [went there ahead of us and] waited [to attack] us.
20 Shafaffe na Ubangiji, numfashin ranmu, ya fāɗi cikin tarkonsu. Muna tunani cewa za mu iya rayuwa cikin sauran mutane a ƙarƙashin inuwarsa.
[Our king, ] whom Yahweh appointed, was the one who enabled us to remain alive [MTY]; he was the one whom we trusted to protect us [IDM] from [the armies of] other nations. But he was [captured] [like animals are] [MET] caught in a pit.
21 Ku yi murna da farin ciki, ya Diyar Edom, ke mai zama a ƙasar Uz. Amma ke ma za a ba ki kwaf; za ki bugu ki zama tsirara.
You people of [IDM] Edom and Uz, [you may] be happy [about what is happening to us now], but [Yahweh] will be punishing [MTY] you [also]. You will become drunk and will be ashamed [because your enemies] will have stripped off your clothes.
22 Ya Diyar Sihiyona, hukuncinki zai ƙare; ba zai sa zaman bautarki yă yi tsayi ba. Amma ya Diyar Edom, zai hukunta zunubinki yă tona tsiraicinki.
You [people of] [APO] Jerusalem, the time of your being punished will end; Yahweh will not allow you to continue to live in (exile/foreign countries). But [you people of] [APO] Edom, Yahweh will punish [you]; he will reveal the wicked things that you have done.

< Makoki 4 >