< Makoki 2 >

1 Yadda Ubangiji ya rufe Diyar Sihiyona da gizagizan fushi! Ya jefar da darajar Isra’ila daga sama zuwa ƙasa; bai tuna da wurin ɗora ƙafafunsa ba a ranar fushinsa.
How has the daughter of Zion been covered with a cloud by the Lord in his wrath! he has sent down from heaven to earth the glory of Israel, and has not kept in memory the resting-place of his feet in the day of his wrath.
2 Ubangiji ya hallakar da wurin zaman Yaƙub ba tausayi; A cikin fushinsa kuma zai rurrushe kagaran Diyar Yahuda. Ya ƙasƙantar da mulki da masu mulki.
The Lord has given up to destruction all the living-places of Jacob without pity; pulling down in his wrath the strong places of the daughter of Judah, stretching out on the earth the wounded, even her king and her rulers.
3 A cikin zafin fushi ya fasa kowane ƙaho na Isra’ila. Ya janye hannun damansa sa’ad da maƙiyi ya zo. Ya yi ƙuna a cikin Yaƙub kamar wuta mai ƙone duk abin da yake kusa da ita.
In his burning wrath every horn of Israel has been cut off; his right hand has been turned back before the attacker: he has put a fire in Jacob, causing destruction round about.
4 Kamar abokin gāba, ya ɗana bakansa; hannun damansa na shirye. Kamar maƙiyi, ya kashe duk wanda idonsa ya ji daɗin gani; ya zuba fushinsa kamar wuta a kan tenti na Diyar Sihiyona.
His bow has been bent for the attack, he has taken his place with his hand ready, in his hate he has put to death all who were pleasing to the eye: on the tent of the daughter of Zion he has let loose his passion like fire.
5 Ubangiji kamar maƙiyi ne; ya hallaka Isra’ila. Ya hallaka wurarenta duka ya kuma hallaka kagaranta. Ya ƙara yawan makoki da baƙin ciki wa Diyar Yahuda.
The Lord has become like one fighting against her, sending destruction on Israel; he has sent destruction on all her great houses, making waste his strong places: increasing the grief and the sorrow of the daughter of Judah.
6 Ya rushe haikalinsa kamar lambu; ya hallaka wurin yi masa sujada. Ubangiji ya sa Sihiyona ta manta da bukukkuwanta da kuma ranakunta na Asabbaci; a cikin zafin fushinsa ya watsar da sarki da firist.
And he has violently taken away his tent, as from a garden; he has made waste his meeting-place: the Lord has taken away the memory of feast and Sabbath in Zion, and in the passion of his wrath he is against king and priest.
7 Ubangiji ya ƙi bagadensa ya kuma yi wofi da haikalinsa. Ya ba maƙiyinta fadodinta; suka yi sowa a cikin gidan Ubangiji kamar a ranar da ake yin biki.
The Lord has given up his altar and has been turned in hate from his holy place; he has given up into the hands of the attacker the walls of her great houses: their voices have been loud in the house of the Lord as in the day of a holy meeting.
8 Ubangiji ya ƙuduri niyya yă rushe bangon da yake kewaye da Diyar Sihiyona. Ya auna da igiyar awo bai fasa hallaka ta ba. Ya sa katanga da katanga duk suka lalace.
It is the Lord's purpose to make waste the wall of the daughter of Zion; his line has been stretched out, he has not kept back his hand from destruction: he has sent sorrow on tower and wall, they have become feeble together.
9 Ƙofofinta sun nutse a cikin ƙasa; ya kakkarya ƙarafanta. Sarakunanta da’ya’yan sarakunanta duk an kai su bauta cikin waɗansu ƙasashe, babu sauran doka, annabawa kuma ba su samun wahayi daga wurin Ubangiji.
Her doors have gone down into the earth; he has sent destruction on her locks: her king and her princes are among the nations where the law is not; even her prophets have had no vision from the Lord.
10 Dattawan Diyar Sihiyona sun zauna shiru a ƙasa; suka kuma sa rigar buhu.’Yan matan Urushalima suka sunkuyar da kawunansu ƙasa.
The responsible men of the daughter of Zion are seated on the earth without a word; they have put dust on their heads, they are clothed in haircloth: the heads of the virgins of Jerusalem are bent down to the earth.
11 Idanuna sun dushe don yawan kuka, raina na cike da baƙin ciki; zuciyata ta karaya domin mutanena sun hallaka, domin yara da jarirai suna suma a kan hanyoyi a cikin birni.
My eyes are wasted with weeping, the inmost parts of my body are deeply moved, my inner parts are drained out on the earth, for the destruction of the daughter of my people; because of the young children and babies at the breast who are falling without strength in the open squares of the town.
12 Suna ce wa uwayensu, “Ina burodi da ruwan inabi?” Yayinda suke suma kamar mutanen da aka ji masu ciwo a cikin birni, sa’ad da suke mutuwa a hannuwan uwayensu.
They say to their mothers, Where is grain and wine? when they are falling like the wounded in the open squares of the town, when their life is drained out on their mother's breast.
13 Me zan ce miki? Da me zan kwatanta ki, ke Diyar Urushalima? Da me zan misalta ki, yadda zan iya yi miki ta’aziyya, Ke Budurwa Diyar Sihiyona? Ciwonki yana da zurfi kamar teku. Wane ne zai iya warkar da ke?
What example am I to give you? what comparison am I to make for you, O daughter of Jerusalem? what am I to make equal to you, so that I may give you comfort, O virgin daughter of Zion? for your destruction is great like the sea: who is able to make you well?
14 Wahayin annabawanki ƙarya ne kuma marasa amfani; ba su tona zunubanki ba yadda za su iya ceto ki daga bauta ba. Sun yi miki annabcin ƙarya marar amfani.
The visions which your prophets have seen for you are false and foolish; they have not made clear to you your sin so that your fate might be changed: but they have seen for you false words, driving you away.
15 Duk masu wucewa suna yi miki tafi na reni; suna yi wa Diyar Urushalima tsaki suna kaɗa kai suna cewa, “Wannan ne birnin da aka ce kyakkyawa ne, mai farantawa dukan duniya rai?”
All who go by make a noise with their hands at you; they make hisses, shaking their heads at the daughter of Jerusalem, and saying, Is this the town which was the crown of everything beautiful, the joy of all the earth?
16 Maƙiyanki duka suna ta surutu game da ke; suna tsaki suna cizon haƙora suna cewa, “Mun hallaka ta. Wannan ce ranar da muke jira; yau mun gan ta.”
All your haters are opening their mouths wide against you; making hisses and whistling through their teeth, they say, We have made a meal of her: certainly this is the day we have been looking for; it has come, we have seen it.
17 Ubangiji ya yi abin da ya shirya; ya cika maganarsa, wadda ya umarta tun daɗewa. Ya jefar da ke ba tausayi, ya bari maƙiya sun yi nasara da ke, ya ɗaukaka ƙahon maƙiyanki.
The Lord has done that which was his purpose; he has put into force the orders which he gave in the days which are past; pulling down without pity, he has made your hater glad over you, lifting up the horn of those who were against you.
18 Zuciyar mutane ta yi kuka ga Ubangiji. Ya bangon Diyar Urushalima, bar hawayenki su zuba kamar rafi dare da rana; kada ki huta, kada idanunki su huta.
Let your cry go up to the Lord: O wall of the daughter of Zion, let your weeping be flowing down like a stream day and night; give yourself no rest, let not your eyes keep back the drops of sorrow.
19 Ki tashi, ki yi kuka cikin dare, dare na yi sai ki fara kuka; kina buɗewa Ubangiji zuciyarki. Ki ɗaga hannuwanki gare shi domin rayukan’ya’yanki, waɗanda suka suma don yunwa a kan kowane titi.
Up! give cries in the night, at the starting of the night-watches; let your heart be flowing out like water before the face of the Lord, lifting up your hands to him for the life of your young children who are falling down, feeble for need of food, at the top of every street.
20 “Ka duba, ka gani ya Ubangiji. Wane ne ka taɓa yi wa haka? Ko ya kamata uwaye su ci’ya’yansu,’ya’yan da suka yi reno? Ko ya kamata a kashe firistoci da annabawa a cikin haikalin Ubangiji?
Look! O Lord, see to whom you have done this! Are the women to take as their food the fruit of their bodies, the children who are folded in their arms? are the priest and the prophet to be put to death in the holy place of the Lord?
21 “Matasa da tsofaffi duk suna kwanciya a cikin ƙurar tituna; an karkashe matasa da’yan matana da takobi. Ka kashe su a ranar fushinka; ka kashe su ba tausayi.
The young men and the old are stretched on the earth in the streets; my virgins and my young men have been put to the sword: you have sent death on them in the day of your wrath, causing death without pity.
22 “Kamar yadda kake yin gayyata a ranar biki, haka kake kawo mini tsoro a kowane gefe. A ranar fushin Ubangiji ba mai tserewa ba wanda zai tsira; maƙiyina ya kashe waɗanda na yi renonsu, na kuma lura da su.”
As in the day of a holy meeting you have made fears come round me on every side, and no one got away or was kept safe in the day of the Lord's wrath: those who were folded in my arms, whom I took care of, have been sent to their destruction by my hater.

< Makoki 2 >