< Mahukunta 7 >

1 Kashegari da sassafe, Yerub-Ba’al (wato, Gideyon) da dukan mutanensa suka kafa sansani a maɓulɓulan Harod. Sansanin Midiyawa kuma yana arewa da su a kwari kusa da tudu na More.
The next morning, Gideon and his men got up early and went as far as Harod Spring. The army of Midian was camped north of them, in the valley near Moreh Hill.
2 Sai Ubangiji ya ce wa Gideyon, “Mutanen da kake da su sun yi mini yawa da zan ba da Midiyawa a hannunsu. Don kada Isra’ila tă yi mini fahariya cewa ƙarfinta ne ya cece su,
Yahweh said to Gideon, “You have too many soldiers with you. If I allow all of you to fight the army of Midian, [if your army defeats them], they will boast to me that they defeated their enemies by themselves, [without my help].
3 ka yi shela ga mutane yanzu cewa, ‘Duk wanda ya yi rawan jiki don tsoro, sai yă juya yă bar Dutsen Gileyad.’” Saboda haka mutum dubu ashirin da biyu suka koma, sai mutum dubu goma suka rage.
So tell the men, ‘Whoever among you is timid or afraid may leave us and go home.’” So [after Gideon told that to them], 22,000 of them went home. Only 10,000 men were left there.
4 Amma Ubangiji ya ce wa Gideyon, “Har yanzu mutanen sun yi yawa. Ka kai cikin ruwa, in kuma tankaɗe maka su a can. In na ce, ‘Wannan zai tafi da kai,’ to, zai tafi; amma in na ce, ‘Wannan ba zai tafi da kai ba,’ to, ba zai tafi ba.”
But Yahweh told Gideon, “There are still too many men! Take them down to the spring, and there I will choose from among them, which ones will go with you and which ones will not go.”.
5 Saboda haka Gideyon ya kai mutanen cikin ruwa. A can Ubangiji ya ce masa, “Ka ware waɗanda suka tanɗi ruwa kamar kare daga waɗanda suka durƙusa suka sha ruwan.”
When Gideon took the men down to the spring, Yahweh told him, “When they drink, put into one group the ones who scoop the water into their hands, and then lap it up like dogs do. Put into another group the ones who kneel down [and bend over] and drink with their mouths in the water.”
6 Mutum ɗari uku sun tanɗi ruwa, dukan sauran kuwa suka durƙusa suka sha ruwan.
So when they drank, only 300 men drank from their hands. All the others drank with their mouths down in the water.
7 Sai Ubangiji ya ce wa Gideyon, “Da mutum ɗari uku ɗin nan da suka tanɗi ruwa, zan cece ka in kuma ba da Midiyawa a hannuwanku. Ka bar sauran mutane su tafi kowa zuwa wurinsa.”
Then Yahweh told Gideon, “The 300 men who lapped the water from their hands will be your army! I will enable them to defeat the Midian army. Let all the others go home!”
8 Saboda haka Gideyon ya mai da sauran Isra’ilawa zuwa tentinsu amma ya riƙe mutum ɗari uku waɗanda suka karɓi guzuri da ƙahonin sauran. To, sansanin Midiyawa yana ƙasa da su a kwarin.
So Gideon’s 300 men collected the food and rams’ horns from all the other men, and then he sent them home. The men of Midian were camping in the valley below Gideon.
9 A daren nan Ubangiji ya ce wa Gideyon, “Tashi ka tafi sansaninsu domin zan ba da su a hannuwanka.
That night, Yahweh said to Gideon, “Get up and go down to their camp, [and you will hear something that will convince you that] I will enable your men to defeat them.
10 In kana tsoron fāɗa musu, sai ka tafi da bawanka Fura
But if you are afraid to attack them by yourself, take your servant Purah with you.
11 ka kuma saurari abin da suke faɗi. Bayan haka za ka sami ƙarfin hali ka auka musu.” Saboda haka sai ya tafi tare da Fura bawansa zuwa sansanin.
Go down and listen to what some of the Midian soldiers are saying. Then you will be very encouraged, and you will be ready to attack their camp.” So Gideon took Purah with him, and they went down to the edge of the enemy camp.
12 Midiyawa, Amalekawa da dukan sauran mutane gabashi suka yi sansani a kwari, kamar fāra. Raƙumansu kuma kamar yashi a bakin teku don sun wuce ƙirge.
The armies of the people of Midian and Amalek and from the east had set up their tents and looked like a swarm of locusts. It seemed that their camels were as impossible to count as the grains of sand on the seashore.
13 Gideyon ya iso daidai wani yana faɗa wa wani aboki mafarkinsa, yana cewa, “Na yi mafarki, na ga dunƙule burodin sha’ir ya fāɗo a tsakiyar sansanin Midiyawa. Ya bugi tentin da ƙarfin da ya sa tenti ta kife a ƙasa.”
Gideon crept closer and heard one man telling a friend about a dream. He said, “I just had a dream, and in the dream I saw a round loaf of barley bread tumble down into our Midian camp. It struck a tent so hard that the tent turned upside down and collapsed!”
14 Abokinsa ya ce, “Ai wannan ba wani abu ba ne fiye da takobin Gideyon ɗan Yowash, mutumin Isra’ila. Allah ya ba da Midiyawa da dukan sansani a hannuwansa.”
His friend said, “Your dream can mean only one thing. It means that God will enable Gideon, the man of Israel, to defeat all of the armies that are here with us men from Midian.”
15 Da Gideyon ya ji mafarkin da fassararsa, sai ya yi wa Allah sujada. Ya koma sansanin Isra’ila ya yi kira da ƙarfi ya ce, “Ku tashi! Ubangiji ya ba da sansanin Midiyawa a hannuwanku.”
When Gideon heard the [man tell about his] dream and the meaning of that dream, he thanked God. Then he [and Purah] returned to the Israeli camp, and he shouted to the men, “Get up! Because God is enabling you to defeat the men from Midian!”
16 Ya raba mutum ɗari uku ɗin kashi uku, ya ba kowannensu ƙaho da tulu da acibalbal a ciki.
He divided his men into three groups. He gave each man a ram’s horn and an empty clay jar. He also gave each of them a torch [that they lit].
17 Ya ce musu, “Ku dube ni, ku bi abin da na yi. Sa’ad da na kai sansanin, ku yi daidai abin da na yi.
Then he said to them, “Watch me. When we come close to the enemy camp, [spread out to surround the camp]. Then do exactly what I do.
18 Sa’ad da ni da dukan waɗanda suke tare da ni muka busa ƙahoninmu, to, ko’ina a kewayen sansanin sai ku busa naku ku kuma yi ihu, ku ce, ‘Don Ubangiji da kuma domin Gideyon.’”
As soon as I and the men with me blow our ram’s horns, you men in the other two groups surrounding the camp blow your horns and shout, ‘[We are doing this] for Yahweh and for Gideon!’”
19 Gideyon da mutum ɗari da suke tare da shi suka kai sansanin da tsakar dare bayan an sauya matsara. Suka busa ƙahoninsu, suka farfashe tulunansu da suke hannuwansu.
A while before midnight, just after a new group of Israeli guards took the places of the previous group, Gideon and the 100 men with him arrived at the edge of the Midian camp. Suddenly they all blew their horns, and broke their jars.
20 Ƙungiyoyi uku ɗin nan suka busa ƙahonin, suka fasa tuluna. Suka ɗauki acibalbal a hannuwansu na hagu da ƙahonin busawa a hannuwansu na dama, sai suka yi ihu, “Takobi don Ubangiji da kuma don Gideyon!”
Then the men in all three groups blew their horns and smashed their jars. They held the torches high with their left hands, and held up the horns with their right hands and alternatively blew them and shouted, “[We have] swords [to fight] for Yahweh and for Gideon!”
21 Yayinda kowannensu ya tsaya a inda yake kewaye da sansanin, dukan Midiyawa suka fito da gudu, suna kuka yayinda suke gudu.
Each of Gideon’s men stood in his position around the enemy camp. As they watched, all the Midian men started running around and shouting in a panic.
22 Sa’ad da aka busa ƙahonin nan ɗari uku sai Ubangiji ya sa Midiyawa suka yi ta saran juna. Mayaƙan suka gudu zuwa Bet-Shitta wajen Zerera har zuwa yankin Abel-Mehola kusa da Tabbat.
While the 300 Israeli men kept blowing their horns, Yahweh caused their enemies to start fighting each other with their swords/daggers. Some of them killed each other. The rest fled. Some fled south to Beth-Shittah. Some fled to Zerarah [village], near Tabbath.
23 Aka kira dukan Isra’ilawa daga Naftali, Asher da dukan Manasse, suka kuwa fatattaki Midiyawa.
Then Gideon sent messages to the soldiers in the areas where the descendants of Naphtali, Asher, and Manasseh lived, to tell them to come and pursue the army of Midian.
24 Gideyon ya aiki manzanni zuwa dukan ƙasar tudu ta Efraim cewa, “Ku gangaro ku yaƙi Midiyawa ku ƙwace ruwan Urdun gaba da su har zuwa Bet-Bara.” Saboda haka aka kira dukan mutanen Efraim suka ƙwace ruwan Urdun har zuwa Bet-Bara.
He also sent messengers throughout the hilly area where the descendants of Ephraim lived, saying, “Come down to attack the army of Midian. Come down to the Jordan River, to the place where people can wade across, to prevent enemy troops from crossing it! Station men as far south as Beth-Barah.” So the men of Ephraim did what Gideon told them to do.
25 Suka kuma kama shugabannin biyu na Midiyawa, Oreb da Zeyib suka kashe Oreb a dutsen Oreb, Zeyib kuma a wurin matsin ruwa inabin Zeyib. Suka fatattaki Midiyawa suka kawo kawunan Oreb da Zeba wurin Gideyon, wanda yake kusa da Urdun.
They also captured Oreb and Zeeb, the two generals of the Midian army. They killed Oreb at [the big rock which is now called] the rock of Oreb, and they killed Zeeb at [the place where people crush grapes that is now called] the winepress of Zeeb. Afterwards, the Israelis cut off the heads of Oreb and Zeeb and brought them to Gideon, while he was near the Jordan River.

< Mahukunta 7 >