< Mahukunta 12 >

1 Mutanen Efraim suka tattaro mayaƙansu, suka haye zuwa Zafon suka cewa Yefta, “Don me ka tafi ka yaƙi Ammonawa ba ka gayyace mu ba? Za mu ƙone gidanka a kanka.”
And the men of Ephraim were gathered together, and passed to Zaphon; and they said unto Jephthah: 'Wherefore didst thou pass over to fight against the children of Ammon, and didst not call us to go with thee? we will burn thy house upon thee with fire.'
2 Yefta ya ce, “Ni da mutanena mun yi ta jayayya sosai da Ammonawa, ko da yake na kira ku, amma ba ku cece ni daga hannuwansu ba.
And Jephthah said unto them: 'I and my people were at great strife with the children of Ammon; and when I called you, ye saved me not out of their hand.
3 Da na ga ba za ku taimake ni ba, sai na yi kasai da raina na kuwa haye don in yaƙi Ammonawa, Ubangiji kuwa ya ba ni nasara a kansu. To, don me kuka zo yau don ku yaƙe ni?”
And when I saw that ye saved me not, I put my life in my hand, and passed over against the children of Ammon, and the LORD delivered them into my hand; wherefore then are ye come up unto me this day, to fight against me?'
4 Sa’an nan Yefta ya tara mutanen Gileyad wuri guda ya kuma yaƙi Efraim. Mutanen Gileyad suka fatattake su domin mutanen Efraim sun ce, “Ku Mutanen Gileyad masu neman mafaka ne cikin Efraim da Manasse.”
Then Jephthah gathered together all the men of Gilead, and fought with Ephraim; and the men of Gilead smote Ephraim, because they said: 'Ye are fugitives of Ephraim, ye Gileadites, in the midst of Ephraim, and in the midst of Manasseh.'
5 Mutanen Gileyad suka ƙwace mashigan Urdun masu zuwa Efraim, duk sa’ad da wani daga Efraim da ya tsira ya ce, “Bari in haye,” sai mutane Gileyad su ce “Kai mutumin Efraim ne?” In ya ce, “A’a,”
And the Gileadites took the fords of the Jordan against the Ephraimites; and it was so, that when any of the fugitives of Ephraim said: 'Let me go over,' the men of Gilead said unto him: 'Art thou an Ephraimite?' If he said: 'Nay';
6 sai su ce, “To, ka ce, ‘Shibbolet.’” In ya ce, “Sibbolet,” saboda ba sa iya faɗin kalmar daidai, sai su kama shi su kashe a mashigan Urdun. Aka kashe mutanen Efraim dubu arba’in da biyu a ta haka.
then said they unto him: 'Say now Shibboleth'; and he said 'Sibboleth'; for he could not frame to pronounce it right; then they laid hold on him, and slew him at the fords of the Jordan; and there fell at that time of Ephraim forty and two thousand.
7 Yefta ya shugabanci Isra’ila shekara shida. Sa’an nan Yefta mutumin Gileyad ya mutu, aka kuwa binne shi wani gari a Gileyad.
And Jephthah judged Israel six years. Then died Jephthah the Gileadite, and was buried in one of the cities of Gilead.
8 Bayansa, Ibzan mutumin Betlehem, ya shugabanci Isra’ila.
And after him Ibzan of Beth-lehem judged Israel.
9 Yana’ya’ya maza talatin da’ya’ya mata talatin. Ya ba da auren’ya’yansa mata ga waɗanda ba daga dangi ba, ga’ya’yansa maza kuwa ya kawo’yan mata talatin su zama matansu waje da danginsa. Ibzan ya shugabanci Isra’ila shekara bakwai.
And he had thirty sons, and thirty daughters he sent abroad, and thirty daughters he brought in from abroad for his sons. And he judged Israel seven years.
10 Sa’an nan Ibzan ya mutu, aka kuwa binne shi Betlehem.
and Ibzan died, and was buried at Beth-lehem.
11 Bayansa, Elon mutumin Zebulun, ya shugabanci Isra’ila shekara goma.
And after him Elon the Zebulunite judged Israel; and he judged Israel ten years.
12 Sa’an nan Elon ya mutu, aka kuwa binne shi a Aiyalon a ƙasar Zebulun.
And Elon the Zebulunite died, and was buried in Aijalon in the land of Zebulun.
13 Bayansa, Abdon ɗan Hillel, daga Firaton, ya shugabanci Isra’ila.
And after him Abdon the son of Hillel the Pirathonite judged Israel.
14 Yana da’ya’ya maza arba’in da’yan taɓa kunne talatin, waɗanda suka hau jakuna saba’in. Ya shugabanci Isra’ila shekara takwas.
And he had forty sons and thirty sons' sons, that rode on threescore and ten ass colts; and he judged Israel eight years.
15 Sa’an nan Abdon ɗan Hillel ya mutu, aka kuwa binne shi a Firaton a Efraim, a ƙasar tudu ta Amalekawa.
And Abdon the son of Hillel the Pirathonite died, and was buried in Pirathon in the land of Ephraim, in the hill-country of the Amalekites.

< Mahukunta 12 >