< Yahuda 1 >
1 Yahuda, bawan Yesu Kiristi, ɗan’uwan Yaƙub, Zuwa ga waɗanda aka kira, waɗanda Allah Uba yake ƙauna, waɗanda kuma Yesu Kiristi ya kiyaye.
To those who, having received the Call, have been loved by God the Father and protected by Jesus Christ, From Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ, and the brother of James.
2 Jinƙai, salama da kuma ƙauna, su kasance tare da ku a yalwace.
May mercy, peace, and love be yours in ever-increasing measure.
3 Abokaina ƙaunatattu, ko da yake na yi marmari ƙwarai in rubuta muku game da ceton nan namu, sai na ga ya dace in rubuta, in gargaɗe ku ku tsaya da ƙarfi cikin bangaskiya wadda aka danƙa wa mutane masu tsarki na Allah sau ɗaya tak.
Dear friends, while I was making every effort to write to you about our common Salvation, I felt that I must write to you at once to urge you to fight in defence of the Faith that has once for all been entrusted to the keeping of Christ’s People.
4 Na faɗa haka ne domin waɗansu mutanen da aka rubuta hukuncinsu tun dā sun shiga cikinku a ɓoye. Su fa marasa tsoron Allah ne. Su ne waɗanda suka mai da alherin Allahnmu ya zama dalilin yin fasikanci, suna kuma mūsun Yesu Kiristi wanda shi ne Makaɗaici Mai Iko Duka da kuma Ubangijinmu.
For there have crept in among you certain godless people, whose sentence has long since been pronounced, and who make the mercy of God an excuse for profligacy, and disown our only lord and master, Jesus Christ.
5 Ko da yake kun riga kun san duk wannan, ina so in tuna muku cewa Ubangiji ya ceci mutanensa daga Masar, duk da haka daga baya ya hallaka waɗanda ba su ba da gaskiya ba.
Now I want to remind you — but you already know it all — that, though the Lord delivered the People from Egypt, yet he afterwards destroyed those who refused to believe in him;
6 Haka ma mala’ikun da ba su riƙe matsayinsu na iko ba, waɗanda suka bar ainihin mazauninsu, su ne ya tsare a duhu daure da dawwammamun sarƙoƙi don hukunci ta babbar Ranan nan. (aïdios )
and that even those angels, who did not keep to their appointed spheres, but left their proper homes, have been kept by him for the judgment of the Great Day in everlasting chains and black darkness. (aïdios )
7 Haka ma Sodom da Gomorra da garuruwan da suke kewaye da su, waɗanda su ma suka ba da kansu ga fasikanci da muguwar sha’awar jiki, sun zama misalin waɗanda suke shan hukuncin madawwamiyar wuta. (aiōnios )
Like Sodom and Gomorrah and the towns near them, which gave themselves up to fornication, and fell into unnatural vice, these angels now stand out as a warning, undergoing, as they are, the punishment of aeonian fire. (aiōnios )
8 Haka yake da masu mafarke-mafarken nan, gama sun ƙazantar da jikunansu, suka ƙi bin masu mulki, suna ɓata sunan talikan sararin sama.
Yet in the very same way these men, too, cherishing vain dreams, pollute our human nature, reject control, and malign the Mighty.
9 Kai, ko Mika’ilu babban shugaban mala’iku ma, sa’ad da yake mūsu da Iblis game da gawar Musa, bai yi garajen ɗora masa laifi da baƙar magana ba, sai dai ya ce, “Ubangiji yă tsawata maka!”
Yet even Michael, the Archangel, when, in his dispute with the Devil, he was arguing about the body of Moses, did not venture to charge him with maligning, but said merely ‘The Lord rebuke you!’
10 Duk da haka mutanen nan suna maganar banza a kan kome da ba su gane ba; kuma abubuwan da suka fahimta bisa ga jiki, kamar dabbobi marasa hankali, waɗannan abubuwa ne suke hallaka su.
But these men malign whatever they do not understand; while they use such things as they know by instinct (like the animals that have no reason) for their own corruption.
11 Kaitonsu! Gama sun kama hanyar Kayinu; sun ruga a guje garin neman riba cikin kuskure kamar Bala’am; aka kuma hallaka su cikin tawayen Kora.
Alas for them! They walk in the steps of Cain; led astray by Balaam’s love of gain, they plunge into sin, and meet their ruin through rebellion like that of Korah.
12 Waɗannan mutane sun zama kamar ƙazanta a taronku na soyayya, suna ta ciye-ciye a cikinku, ba kunya ba tsoro. Su masu kiwo ne da suke ciyar da kansu kawai. Su kamar hadari ne da babu ruwa da iska take kori. Su kamar itatuwa ne, marasa’ya’ya da rani, waɗanda aka tumɓuke, ko kamar itatuwan da aka tumɓuke suka kuma mutu ƙurmus.
These are the men who are blots upon your ‘Love-feasts,’ when they feast together and provide without scruple for themselves alone. They are clouds without rain, driven before the winds; they are leafless trees without a vestige of fruit, dead through and through, torn up by the roots;
13 Su kamar raƙuman ruwan teku ne masu hauka, suna taƙama da tumbatsan kumfar kunyarsu. Su kamar taurari ne masu yawo barkatai, waɗanda aka ajiye mugun duhu saboda su har abada. (aiōn )
they are wild sea waves, foaming with their own shame; they are ‘wandering stars,’ for which the blackest darkness has been reserved for ever. (aiōn )
14 Enok ma, wanda yake na bakwai daga Adamu, ya yi annabci game da waɗannan mutane cewa, “Duba, Ubangiji yana zuwa da dubu dubban tsarkakansa
To these men, as to others, Enoch, the seventh in descent from Adam, declared — ‘See! the Lord has come with his hosts of holy ones around him,
15 don yă yi wa kowa shari’a, yă kuma hukunta duk marasa tsoron Allah game da dukan ayyukansu na rashin tsoron Allah da suka aikata ta hanyar rashin tsoron Allah, da kuma dukan baƙaƙen kalmomin da masu zunubi marasa tsoron Allah suka faɗa game da shi.”
to execute judgment upon all men, and to convict all godless people of all their godless acts, which in their ungodliness they have committed, and of all the harsh words which they have spoken against him, godless sinners that they are!’
16 Waɗannan mutane dai, gunaguni gare su, kullum ganin laifin waɗansu suke yi. Muguwar sha’awa ce kaɗai tunaninsu. Sun cika da banzar magana ta yabon kansu. Suna ruɗin mutane da zaƙin baki don samun ribar kansu.
These men are always murmuring, and complaining of their lot; they follow where their passions lead them; they have arrogant words upon their lips; and they flatter men for the sake of what they can get from them.
17 Amma ku abokaina ƙaunatattu, ku tuna da abin da manzannin Ubangijinmu Yesu Kiristi suka faɗa a dā.
But do you, dear friends, recall what was foretold by the Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;
18 Sun ce muku, “A kwanakin ƙarshe za a kasance da masu ba’a waɗanda za su bi sha’awace-sha’awacensu na rashin tsoron Allah.”
how they used to say to you — ‘As time draws to an end, there will be scoffers, who will be led by their godless passions.’
19 Waɗannan mutanen ne, suke kawo rabe-rabe, masu bin abin da jiki yake so, marasa Ruhu.
These are the people — animal and unspiritual — who cause divisions.
20 Amma ku, abokaina ƙaunatattu, ku gina kanku cikin bangaskiyarku mafi tsarki, ku kuma yi addu’a cikin Ruhu Mai Tsarki.
But do you, dear friends, build up your characters on the foundation of your most holy Faith, pray under the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
21 Ku zauna cikin ƙaunar Allah yayinda kuke jira jinƙan Ubangijinmu Yesu Kiristi don yă kawo ku ga rai madawwami. (aiōnios )
and keep within the love of God, while waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, to bring you to Immortal Life. (aiōnios )
22 Ku ji tausayin waɗanda suke shakka;
To some show pity, because they are in doubt. ‘Drag them out of the fire,’ and save them.
23 ku cece waɗansu ta wurin fizge su daga wuta. Ga waɗansu kuma ku ji tausayinsu, amma tare da tsoro, har ma ku yi ƙyamar tufafin da suka ɓata da ayyukansu na jiki.
To others show pity, but with caution, hating the very clothing polluted by their touch.
24 To, yabo yă tabbata a gare shi, shi wanda yake da iko yă tsare ku daga fāɗuwa, yă kuma miƙa ku marasa laifi a gaban ɗaukakarsa da matuƙar farin ciki.
To him who is able to guard you from falling, and to bring you into his glorious presence, blameless and rejoicing —
25 Gare shi kuma, shi da yake kaɗai Allah Mai Cetonmu, ta wurin Yesu Kiristi Ubangijinmu, bari ɗaukaka, daraja, iko da mulki, su tabbata a gare shi, tun farkon zamanai, yanzu, da har abada abadin! Amin. (aiōn )
to the one God, our Saviour, be ascribed, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, glory, majesty, power, and dominion, as it was before time began, is now, and shall be for all time to come. Amen. (aiōn )