< Yohanna 20 >
1 Da sassafe a ranar farko ta mako, tun da sauran duhu, Maryamu Magdalin ta tafi kabarin ta kuwa tarar an kawar da dutsen daga bakin kabarin.
And the first day of the week, in the morning, while it was yet dark, Mary Magdalena came to the sepulchre: and she saw that the stone was removed from the grave.
2 Sai ta zo da gudu wajen Siman Bitrus da ɗayan almajirin, wanda Yesu yake ƙauna, ta ce, “Sun ɗauke Ubangiji daga kabarin, ba mu kuma san inda suka sa shi ba!”
And she ran, and came to Simon Cephas, and to that other disciple whom Jesus loved, and said to them: They have taken away our Lord from the sepulchre, and I know not where they have laid him.
3 Sai Bitrus da almajirin nan suka nufi kabarin.
And Simon set out, and the other disciple, and they were going to the sepulchre.
4 Dukansu biyu suna gudu, amma ɗayan almajirin ya tsere wa Bitrus ya kuma fara kai kabarin.
And they both ran together; but that disciple outran Simon, and came first to the sepulchre.
5 Ya sunkuya ya duba ciki ya ga ƙyallayen lilin ne kwance a can amma bai shiga ba.
And he looked in, and saw the linen cloths lying: but he did not go in.
6 Sa’an nan Siman Bitrus, wanda yake bayansa, ya iso ya kuwa wuce cikin kabarin. Ya ga ƙyallayen lilin kwance a can,
And after him came Simon; and he entered the sepulchre, and saw the linen cloths lying;
7 haka ma zanen binnewar da aka naɗe kan Yesu da shi. Zanen a naɗe yake shi kaɗai, a keɓe da lilin ɗin.
and the napkin, that had been wrapped about his head, was not with the linen cloths, but was folded up, and laid in a place by itself.
8 A ƙarshe sai almajirin nan, wanda ya kai kabarin da farko, shi ma ya shiga. Ya gani ya kuma gaskata.
Then entered also the disciple who came first to the sepulchre; and he saw, and believed.
9 (Har yanzu ba su fahimci Nassin nan da ya ce lalle ne Yesu yă tashi daga matattu ba.)
For they had not yet learned from the scriptures, that he was to arise from the dead.
10 Sai almajiran suka koma zuwa inda suke zama.
And those disciples went away again to their place.
11 Maryamu kuwa ta tsaya a bakin kabarin daga waje tana kuka. Da tana cikin kuka, sai ta sunkuya ta leƙa cikin kabarin,
But Mary remained standing at the sepulchre, and weeping; and as she wept, she looked into the sepulchre
12 sai ta ga waɗansu mala’iku biyu saye da fararen tufafi, zaune a inda dā gawar Yesu take, ɗaya wajen kai ɗayan kuma wajen ƙafafu.
and saw two angels in white, who were sitting, one at the pillows and one at the feet, where the body of Jesus was laid.
13 Suka tambaye ta cewa, “Mace, don me kike kuka?” Ta ce, “Sun ɗauke Ubangijina, ban kuma san inda suka ajiye shi ba.”
And they said to her: Woman, why weepest thou? She said to them: Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him
14 Da ta faɗin haka, sai ta juya ta ga Yesu tsaye, sai dai ba tă gane cewa Yesu ne ba.
Having said this, she turned round, and saw Jesus standing, but did not know that it was Jesus.
15 Sai ya ce, “Mace, don me kike kuka? Wa kike nema?” Ta yi tsammani shi ne mai aikin lambun, sai ta ce, “Ranka yă daɗe, in kai ne ka ɗauke shi, gaya mini inda ka ajiye shi, in je in ɗauke shi.”
Jesus said to her: Woman, why weepest thou? and, whom dost thou seek? And she supposed that he was the gardener: and she said to him: My lord, if thou hast borne him away, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will go and take him away.
16 Yesu ya ce mata, “Maryamu.” Sai ta juya wajensa ta ɗaga murya ta ce da Arameyanci, “Rabboni!” (Wanda yake nufin “Malam”).
Jesus said to her: Mary! And she turned, and said to him in Hebrew: Rabbuni; which is interpreted Teacher.
17 Yesu ya ce, “Kada ki riƙe ni, gama ban riga na koma wajen Uba tukuna ba. A maimako, ki tafi wajen’yan’uwana ki gaya musu, ‘Ina komawa wajen Ubana da Ubanku, wajen Allahna da kuma Allahnku.’”
Jesus said to her: Touch me not; for not yet have I ascended to my Father. But go to my brethren, and say to them: I ascend to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God.
18 Sai Maryamu Magdalin ta wajen almajiran da labari cewa, “Na ga Ubangiji!” Ta kuma gaya musu cewa ya faɗa mata waɗannan abubuwa.
Then came Mary Magdalena, and told the disciples that she had seen our Lord; and that he had said these things to her.
19 Da Yamman ranar farko ta mako, sa’ad da almajiran suna tare, ƙofofi kuma suna a kulle saboda tsoron Yahudawa, sai ga Yesu ya zo ya tsaya a tsakiyarsu ya ce, “Salama tă kasance tare da ku!”
And on the evening of that first day of the week, the doors being shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came, and stood in the midst of them, and said to them: Peace be with you.
20 Bayan ya faɗa haka, sai ya nuna musu hannuwansa da gefensa. Sai almajiran suka yi farin ciki ƙwarai da suka ga Ubangiji.
Having said this, he showed them his hands and his side. And the disciples rejoiced, when they saw our Lord.
21 Sai Yesu ya sāke ce musu, “Salama tă kasance tare da ku! Kamar yadda Uba ya aiko ni, haka ni ma ina aikan ku.”
And Jesus said to them; Peace be with you. As my Father hath sent me, I also send you.
22 Da wannan sai ya hura musu numfashinsa ya ce, “Ku karɓi Ruhu Mai Tsarki.
And as he said these things, he breathed on them, and said to them: Receive ye the Holy Spirit.
23 Duk wanda kuka gafarta wa zunubansa, an gafarta masa ke nan. Duk wanda ba ku gafarta wa ba kuwa, ba a gafarta masa ba ke nan.”
If ye shall remit sins to any one, they will be remitted to him; and if ye shall retain those of any one, they will be retained.
24 Toma kuwa (wanda ake kira Didaimus), ɗaya daga cikin Sha Biyun, ba ya tare da almajiran sa’ad da Yesu ya zo.
But Thomas, who was called the Twin, one of the twelve, was not there with them, when Jesus came.
25 Saboda haka sauran almajiran suka ce masa, “Ai, mun ga Ubangiji!” Amma ya ce musu, “Ina, ai, sai na ga ramin ƙusa a hannuwansa na sa yatsata a inda ƙusoshi suka kasance, na kuma sa hannuna a gefensa, in ba haka ba, ba zan gaskata ba.”
And the disciples said to him: We have seen our Lord. But he said to them: Unless I see in his hands the places of the nails, and put my fingers into them, and extend my hand to his side, I will not believe.
26 Bayan mako guda, har wa yau almajiransa suna cikin gidan, Toma kuwa yana tare da su. Ko da yake ƙofofi suna kulle, sai ga Yesu ya zo ya tsaya a tsakiyarsu ya ce, “Salama tă kasance tare da ku!”
And after eight days, the disciples were again within, and Thomas with them: and Jesus came, while the doors were closed, stood in the midst, and said to them: Peace be with you.
27 Sa’an nan ya ce wa Toma, “Sa yatsarka nan; dubi hannuwana. Miƙa hannunka ka sa a gefena. Ka daina shakka ka gaskata.”
And he said to Thomas: Reach hither thy finger, and look at my hands; and reach out thy hand and extend it to my side: and be not incredulous, but believing.
28 Toma ya ce masa, “Ya Ubangijina da Allahna!”
And Thomas answered, and said to him: My Lord, and my God!
29 Sai Yesu ya ce masa, “Wato ka gaskata saboda ka gan ni ne, masu albarka ne waɗanda ba su gan ni ba, amma suka gaskata.”
Jesus said to him: Now, when thou hast seen me, thou believest: blessed are they, who have not seen me, yet believe.
30 Yesu ya yi waɗansu abubuwan banmamaki da yawa a gaban almajiransa da ba a rubuta a wannan littafi ba.
And many other signs did Jesus before his disciples, which are not written in this book.
31 An dai rubuta waɗannan ne don ku gaskata Yesu ne Kiristi, Ɗan Allah kuma ta wurin gaskatawa ku sami rai a cikin sunansa.
But these are written, that ye may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God; and that when ye believe, ye may have life eternal by his name.