< Yohanna 19 >

1 Sa’an nan Bilatus ya tafi da Yesu ya kuma sa aka yi masa bulala.
Then Pilate, therefore, took Jesus, and scourged him.
2 Sai sojojin suka tuƙa rawanin ƙaya suka sa masa a kā, suka kuma yafa masa wata riga mai ruwan shunayya.
And, the soldiers, plaiting a crown out of thorns, placed it upon his head, and, a purple robe, cast they about him;
3 Suka yi ta zuwa wurinsa suna cewa, “Ranka yă daɗe, sarkin Yahudawa!” Suna ta marinsa a fuska.
and kept coming unto him, and saying—Joy to thee! O King of the Jews!—and were giving unto him smart blows.
4 Bilatus kuwa ya sāke fitowa ya ce wa Yahudawa, “Ga shi, zan fito muku da shi don ku san cewa ban same shi da wani abin zargi ba.”
And Pilate went forth again outside, and saith unto them—See! I lead him unto you outside, that ye may take knowledge, that, no single fault, do I find in him.
5 Sa’ad da Yesu ya fito sanye da rawanin ƙayar da kuma riga mai ruwan shunayya, sai Bilatus ya ce musu, “Ga mutumin!”
Jesus, therefore, came forth outside, wearing the thorn crown, and the purple mantle. And he saith unto them—Lo! the Man!
6 Nan da nan da manyan firistoci da ma’aikatansu suka gan shi, sai suka yi ihu suka ce, “A gicciye! A gicciye!” Amma Bilatus ya amsa ya ce, “Ku, ku ɗauke shi ku gicciye. Ni dai ban same shi da wani abin zargi ba.”
When, therefore, the High-priests and the officers saw him, they cried aloud, saying—Crucify! Crucify! Pilate saith unto them—Ye, take him, and crucify; for, I, find not in him, a fault.
7 Yahudawa dai suka nace suna cewa, “Mu fa muna da doka, kuma bisa ga dokar dole yă mutu domin ya mai da kansa Ɗan Allah.”
The Jews answered him—We, have, a law, and, according to the law, he ought to die, because, Son of God, himself, he made.
8 Da Bilatus ya ji haka, sai tsoro ya ƙara kama shi,
When, therefore, Pilate heard this word, he was the more afraid;
9 sai ya sāke koma cikin fada. Ya tambayi Yesu, “Daga ina ka fito?” Amma Yesu bai amsa masa ba.
and entered into the judgment-hall again, and saith unto Jesus—Whence, art, thou? But, Jesus, gave him no, answer.
10 Bilatus ya ce, “Ba za ka yi mini magana ba? Ba ka san cewa ina da ikon sakinka, ko gicciye ka ba?”
Pilate, therefore, saith unto him—Unto me, dost thou not speak? Knowest thou not, that, authority, have I to release thee, and, authority, have I to crucify thee?
11 Yesu ya amsa ya ce, “Ba ka da wani iko a kaina, in ba a ba ka daga sama ba. Saboda haka wanda ya bashe ni gare ka, ya fi na zunubi.”
Jesus answered him—Thou couldst have had no authority against me, at all, if it had not been given unto thee from above. Therefore, he that delivered me unto thee, hath, greater sin.
12 Daga nan fa, Bilatus ya yi nemi yă saki Yesu, sai dai Yahudawa suka yi ta ihu suna cewa, “In ka saki wannan mutum, kai ba abokin Kaisar ba ne. Duk wanda ya ɗauka kansa a matsayin sarki, ai, yana gāba da Kaisar ne.”
For this cause, Pilate, began seeking to release him; but, the Jews, cried aloud saying—If this man thou release, thou art not a friend of Caesar, for, every one who maketh himself king, speaketh against Caesar.
13 Da Bilatus ya ji haka, sai ya fito da Yesu, ya kuma zauna a kujerar shari’ar da ake ce da shi Daɓen Dutse (wanda a harshen Arameyik ana ce da shi Gabbata).
Pilate, therefore, when he heard these words, led Jesus outside, and sat down upon a raised seat, in a place called Pavement, but, in Hebrew, Gabbatha.
14 Ranar Shirye-shiryen Makon Bikin Ƙetarewa ce kuwa, wajen sa’a ta shida. Sai Bilatus ya ce wa Yahudawa, “Ga sarkinku.”
Now it was the preparation of the passover, —it was about the sixth hour. And he saith unto the Jews—See! your King!
15 Amma suka yi ihu suka ce, “A yi da shi! A yi da shi! A gicciye shi!” Bilatus ya ce, “A! In gicciye sarkinku?” Sai manyan firistoci suka amsa suka ce, “Mu dai, ba mu da wani sarki sai Kaisar.”
They, therefore, cried aloud—Away! away! Crucify him! Pilate saith unto them—Your king, shall I crucify? The High-priests answered—We have no king but Caesar!
16 A ƙarshe Bilatus ya ba da shi gare su a gicciye shi. Saboda haka sojoji suka tafi da Yesu.
Then, therefore, he delivered him up unto them, that he might be crucified. They took possession, therefore, of Jesus.
17 Ɗauke da gicciyensa, ya kuwa fita zuwa wurin Ƙoƙon Kai (wanda a harshen Arameya ana ce da shi Golgota).
And, bearing for himself the cross, he went forth unto the so-called Skull-place, which is named, in Hebrew, Golgotha;
18 Nan suka gicciye shi tare da waɗansu mutum biyu, ɗaya a kowane gefe da Yesu a tsakiya.
where, him, they crucified; and, with him, other two, on this side and on that, and, in the midst, Jesus.
19 Bilatus ya sa aka rubuta wata sanarwa aka kafa a kan gicciyen. Abin da aka rubuta kuwa shi ne, Yesu Banazare, Sarkin Yahudawa.
And Pilate wrote a title also, and placed on the cross; and there was written—JESUS, THE NAZARENE, THE KING OF THE JEWS.
20 Yahudawa da yawa suka karanta wannan sanarwa, gama inda aka gicciye Yesu yana kusa da birni. An kuwa rubuta sanarwar da Arameyanci, Romanci da kuma Girik.
This title, therefore, read many of the Jews, because, near, was the place to the city where Jesus was crucified; and it was written in Hebrew, in Latin, in Greek.
21 Sai manyan firistocin Yahudawa suka ce, “A’a! Kada ka rubuta, ‘Sarkin Yahudawa,’ ka dai rubuta, wannan mutum ya ce shi sarkin Yahudawa ne.”
The High-priests of the Jews, therefore, were saying unto Pilate—Do not be writing, The King of the Jews; but that, he, said: King of the Jews, I am.
22 Bilatus ya amsa ya ce, “Abin da na rubuta, na rubuta.”
Pilate answered—What I have written, I have written!
23 Da sojojin suka gicciye Yesu, sai suka ɗibi tufafinsa suka kasa kashi huɗu, kowanne ya ɗauki kashi ɗaya. Suka kuma ɗauki taguwarsa, taguwar kuwa ba ɗinki, saƙa ɗaya ce gudanta daga sama har ƙasa.
The soldiers, therefore, when they had crucified Jesus, took his garments and made four parts, unto each soldier, a part; also the tunic. Howbeit, the tunic was without seam, from above, woven throughout.
24 Sai suka ce wa juna, “Kada mu yage ta, sai dai mu jefa ƙuri’a a kanta mu ga wanda zai ci.” Wannan ya faru ne don a cika nassin da ya ce, “Suka rarraba tufafina a junansu, suka kuma jefa ƙuri’a a kan rigata.” Abin da sojojin suka yi ke nan.
They said, therefore, one to another—Let us not rend it, but cast lots for it, whose, it shall be; —that, the Scripture, might be fulfilled—They parted my garments amongst them, and, for my vestment, they cast lots: —yes verily, the soldiers, these things did.
25 To, tsaye kusa da gicciyen Yesu kuwa akwai mahaifiyarsa, tare da’yar’uwar mahaifiyarsa, Maryamu matar Kilofas, da kuma Maryamu Magdalin.
And there were standing by the cross of Jesus, his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary the Magdalene.
26 Sa’ad da Yesu ya ga mahaifiyarsa a can, da kuma almajirin nan da yake ƙauna tsaye kusa, sai ya ce wa mahaifiyarsa, “Mace, ga ɗanki,”
Jesus, therefore, seeing his mother and the disciple whom he loved, saith unto his mother—O woman, see! thy son!
27 ga almajirin kuwa ya ce, “Ga mahaifiyarka.” Tun daga wannan lokaci fa almajirin nan ya kai ta gidansa.
Afterwards, he saith unto the disciple—See! thy mother! And, from that hour, the disciple took her unto his own home.
28 Bayan haka, sanin cewa an cika kome, kuma domin a cika Nassi, sai Yesu ya ce, “Ina jin ƙishirwa.”
After this, Jesus, knowing that, already, all things, have been finished, —that the Scripture might be fulfilled, saith—I thirst!
29 To, akwai wani tulun ruwan tsami ajiye a can, saboda haka suka jiƙa soso da shi, suka soka soson a sandan itacen hizzob, suka kai bakin Yesu.
A vessel, was standing, full of vinegar. A sponge, therefore, full of the vinegar, put about, hyssop, brought they unto his mouth.
30 Da ya tsotsi abin sha ɗin, sai Yesu ya ce, “An gama.” Da wannan fa, ya sunkuyar da kansa ya saki ruhunsa.
When, therefore, he had received the vinegar, Jesus said—It is finished! And, bowing his head, delivered up his spirit.
31 To, ranan nan fa, ranar Shirye-shirye ce, kashegari kuma muhimmin Asabbaci ne. Domin Yahudawa ba sa so a bar jikunan a kan gicciyoyi a Asabbaci, sai suka roƙi Bilatus a kakkarye ƙafafunsu kuma sauko da jikunan.
The Jews, therefore, since it was, a preparation, that the bodies might not remain upon the cross during the Sabbath, —for that Sabbath day was, great, requested Pilate that their legs might be broken, and they be taken away.
32 Sai sojoji suka zo suka karya ƙafafun mutum na farko da aka gicciye tare da Yesu, da kuma na ɗayan.
The soldiers, therefore, came; and, of the first, indeed, brake the legs, and of the other who was crucified with him, —
33 Amma sa’ad da suka zo kan Yesu suka tarar ya riga ya mutu, ba su karya ƙafafunsa ba.
but coming, unto Jesus, when they saw that, already, he was dead, they brake not his legs; —
34 A maimako, sai ɗaya daga cikin sojojin ya soki Yesu a gefe da māshi, nan take jini da ruwa suka fito.
but, one of the soldiers, with a spear, pierced, his side, and there came out, straightway, blood and water.
35 Mutumin da ya gani ɗin shi ya ba da shaida, shaidarsa kuwa gaskiya ce. Ya san gaskiya yake faɗa, yana kuma ba da shaidar domin ku ma ku gaskata.
And, he that hath seen, hath borne witness; and, genuine, is his testimony, and, he, knoweth that he saith, what is true, that, ye also, may believe.
36 Waɗannan abubuwa sun faru don a cika Nassi ne cewa, “Ba ko ɗaya daga cikin ƙasusuwansa da za a karya,”
For these things came to pass, that, the Scripture, might be fulfilled—A bone thereof, shall not be crushed;
37 kuma kamar yadda wani Nassi ya ce, “Za su dubi wanda suka soka.”
and, again, a different Scripture, saith—They shall look unto him whom they pierced.
38 Bayan haka, Yusuf mutumin Arimateya ya roƙi Bilatus a ba shi jikin Yesu. Yusuf dai almajirin Yesu ne, amma a ɓoye domin yana tsoron Yahudawa. Da izinin Bilatus, ya zo ya ɗauki jikin.
But, after these things, Joseph from Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but having kept it secret for fear of the Jews, requested Pilate, that he might take away the body of Jesus; and Pilate gave permission. He came, therefore, and took away his body.
39 Yana tare da Nikodimus, wannan da ya taɓa zuwa wurin Yesu da dare. Nikodimus ya zo da mur da aloyes a gauraye, wajen awo ɗari.
There came, moreover, Nicodemus also, —he that came unto him by night at the first, —bearing a roll of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds’ weight.
40 Da ɗaukowar jikin Yesu, sai su biyun suka nannaɗe shi tare da kayan ƙanshi a cikin ƙyallayen lilin bisa ga al’adar Yahudawa ta jana’iza.
So they received the body of Jesus, and bound it in linen-bandages with the spices, —just as it is, a custom, with the Jews to prepare for burial.
41 A inda aka gicciye Yesu, akwai wani lambu, a cikin lambun kuwa akwai sabon kabari, wanda ba a taɓa sa kowa ba.
Now there was, in the place where he was crucified, a garden; and, in the garden, an unused tomb, wherein, as yet, no one had been laid.
42 Da yake ranan nan, ranar Shirye-shirye ce ta Yahudawa, kabarin kuma yana kusa, sai suka binne Yesu a can.
So, there, by reason of the preparation of the Jews, because, near, was the tomb, laid they Jesus.

< Yohanna 19 >