< Yohanna 16 >

1 “Na faɗa muku wannan duka, domin kada ku bauɗe.
These thinges have I sayde vnto you because ye shuld not be offended.
2 Za su kore ku daga majami’a; lalle, lokaci yana zuwa da duk wanda ya kashe ku, zai ɗauka yana yin wa Allah hidima ne.
They shall excomunicat you: ye ye tyme shall come that whosoever killeth you will thinke that he doth God service.
3 Za su yi waɗannan abubuwa ne domin ba su san Uba ko ni ba.
And suche thinges will they do vnto you because they have not knowen the father nether yet me.
4 Na faɗa muku wannan, domin in lokacin ya yi, ku tuna na gargaɗe ku. Ban faɗa muku wannan tun da fari ba domin ina tare da ku.
But these thinges have I tolde you that when that houre is come ye myght remember them that I tolde you so. These thinges sayde I not unto you at the begynninge because I was present with you.
5 “Yanzu zan tafi wurin wanda ya aiko ni, duk da haka ba waninku da ya tambaye ni, ‘Ina za ka?’
But now I goo my waye to him that sent me and none of you axeth me: whither goest thou?
6 Saboda na faɗa waɗannan abubuwa ga shi kun cika da baƙin ciki.
But because I have sayde suche thinges vnto you youre hertes are full of sorowe.
7 Amma gaskiya nake gaya muku. Don amfaninku ne zan tafi. Sai ko na tafi, in ba haka ba Mai Taimakon nan ba zai zo muku ba. Amma in na tafi, zan aiko shi gare ku.
Neverthelesse I tell you the trueth it is expedient for you that I goo awaye. For yf I goo not awaye that comforter will not come vnto you. But yf I departe I will sende him vnto you.
8 Sa’ad da ya zo kuwa, zai kā da duniya a kan zunubi da adalci da kuma hukunci,
And when he is come he will rebuke ye worlde of synne and of rightwesnes and of iudgement.
9 a kan zunubi, domin mutane ba su gaskata da ni ba;
Of synne because they beleve not on me:
10 a kan adalci, domin zan tafi wurin Uba, inda ba za ku ƙara ganina ba;
Of rightwesnes because I go to my father and ye shall se me no moare:
11 a kan hukunci kuma, domin an yanke hukunci a kan mai mulkin duniyan nan.
and of iudgement because the chefe ruler of this worlde is iudged all ready.
12 “Ina da sauran abubuwa da yawa da zan faɗa muku, amma ba za ku iya ɗauka a yanzu ba.
I have yet many thinges to saye vnto you: but ye canot beare them awaye now.
13 Amma sa’ad da shi, Ruhun gaskiya ya zo, zai bi da ku zuwa ga dukan gaskiya. Ba zai yi magana don kansa ba; zai faɗi abin da ya ji ne kaɗai, zai kuma faɗa muku abin da bai faru ba tukuna.
How be it when he is come (I meane the sprete of truthe) he will leade yon into all trueth. He shall not speake of him selfe: but whatsoever he shall heare that shall he speake and he will shewe you thinges to come.
14 Zai kawo ɗaukaka gare ni ta wurin ɗaukan abin da yake nawa, ya bayyana muku.
He shall glorify me for he shall receave of myne and shall shewe vnto you.
15 Duk abin da yake na Uba nawa ne. Shi ya sa na ce, ‘Ruhun zai ɗauko daga abin da yake nawa, yă bayyana muku.’”
All thinges that ye father hath aremyne. Therfore sayd I vnto you that he shall take of myne and shewe vnto you.
16 Yesu ya ci gaba da cewa, “Jim kaɗan, ba za ku ƙara ganina ba, sa’an nan bayan an jima kaɗan kuma, za ku gan ni.”
After a whyle ye shall not se me and agayne after a whyle ye shall se me: For I goo to the father.
17 A nan fa sai waɗansu almajiransa suka ce wa juna, “Me yake nufi da cewa, ‘Jim kaɗan ba za ku ƙara ganina ba, kuma bayan an jima kaɗan, za ku gan ni,’ da kuma, ‘Domin zan tafi wurin Uba’?”
Then sayd some of his disciples bitwene them selves: what is this yt he sayth vnto vs after a whyle ye shall not se me and agayne after a whyle ye shall se me: and that I go to the father.
18 Suka yi ta tambaya, “Me yake nufi da ‘jim kaɗan’? Ba mu fahimci abin da yake faɗi ba.”
They sayd therfore: what is this that he sayth after a whyle? we canot tell what he sayth.
19 Yesu ya gane suna so su tambaye shi game da wannan, sai ya ce musu, “Kuna tambayar juna game da abin da nake nufi da na ce, ‘Jim kaɗan ba za ku ƙara ganina ba, da kuma bayan an jima kaɗan, za ku gan ni’?
Iesus perceaved yt they wolde axe him and sayd vnto them: This is it that ye enquyre of bitwene youre selves that I sayd after a whyle ye shall not se me and agayne after a whyle ye shall se me.
20 Gaskiya nake gaya muku, za ku yi kuka da kuma gunji, yayinda duniya take murna. Za ku yi baƙin ciki, amma baƙin cikinku zai koma farin ciki.
Verely verely I saye vnto you: ye shall wepe and lamet and the worlde shall reioyce. Ye shall sorowe: but youre sorowe shalbe tourned to ioye.
21 Macen da za tă haihu takan yi naƙuda domin lokacinta ya yi; amma sa’ad da ta haihu, sai ta manta da wahalar domin farin ciki an haifi jariri a duniya.
A woman when she traveyleth hath sorowe because her houre is come: but assone as she is delivered of the chylde she remembreth no moare the anguysshe for ioye that a man is borne in to the worlde
22 Haka ku ma, yanzu ne lokacin baƙin cikinku, amma zan sāke ganinku za ku kuma yi farin ciki, ba kuwa wanda zai ɗauke muku farin cikinku.
And ye now are in sorowe: but I will se you agayne and youre hertes shall reioyce and youre ioye shall no ma take fro you.
23 A ranan nan, ba za ku sāke tambaya ta kome ba. Gaskiya nake gaya muku, Ubana zai ba ku kome da kuka roƙa cikin sunana.
And in that daye shall ye axe me no question. Verely verely I saye vnto you whatsoever ye shall axe the father in my name he will geve it you
24 Har yanzu dai ba ku roƙi kome cikin sunana ba. Ku roƙa za ku kuwa samu, farin cikinku kuwa zai zama cikakke.
Hitherto have ye axed nothinge in my name. Axe and ye shall receave it: that youre ioye maye be full.
25 “Ko da yake ina magana da misalai, lokaci yana zuwa da ba zan ƙara yin magana da misalai ba, sai dai in faɗa muku a fili game da Ubana.
These thinges have I spoken vnto you in proverbes. The tyme will come when I shall no moare speake to you in proverbes: but I shall shewe you playnly from my father.
26 A ranan nan, za ku roƙa a cikin sunana. Ban ce zan roƙi Uba a madadinku ba.
At that daye shall ye axe in myne name. And I saye not vnto you that I will speake vnto my father for you
27 Ai, shi Uban kansa yana ƙaunarku domin kun ƙaunace ni kun kuma gaskata cewa daga Allah na fito.
For ye father him selfe loveth you because ye have loved me and have beleved that I came out from God.
28 Na fito daga wurin Uba, na kuma shigo duniya, yanzu kuwa zan bar duniya in koma wurin Uba.”
I went out from the father and came into the worlde: and I leve the worlde agayne and go to ye father.
29 Sai almajiran Yesu suka ce, “Haba, yanzu ne fa kake magana a sarari ba tare da misalai ba.
His disciples sayd vnto him: loo now speakest thou playnly and thou vsest no proverbe.
30 Yanzu mun gane cewa ka san kome ba sai wani ya tambaye ka ba. Wannan ya sa muka gaskata ka fito daga Allah.”
Nowe knowe we that thou vnderstondest all thinges and nedest not yt eny man shuld axe the eny question. Therfore beleve we that thou camst fro god.
31 Yesu ya amsa ya ce, “A ƙarshe kun gaskata!
Iesus answered them: Now ye do beleve.
32 Amma lokaci na zuwa, har ma ya yi, da za a warwatsa ku, kowa yă koma gidansa. Za ku bar ni ni kaɗai. Duk da haka ba ni kaɗai ba ne, gama Ubana yana tare da ni.
Beholde ye houre draweth nye and is already come yt ye shalbe scatered every man his wayes and shall leave me alone. And yet am I not alone. For ye father is with me.
33 “Na faɗa muku waɗannan abubuwa ne, domin a cikina ku sami salama. A duniyan nan za ku sha wahala. Amma ku yi ƙarfin hali! Na yi nasara a kan duniya.”
These wordes have I spoke vnto you yt in me ye might have peace. For in ye worlde shall ye have tribulacio: but be of good cheare I have over come the worlde.

< Yohanna 16 >