< Yowel 3 >

1 “A waɗancan kwanaki da kuma a wancan lokaci, sa’ad da zan maido da arzikin Yahuda da Urushalima,
[Yahweh says this]: “At that time [DOU], I will enable [the people of] Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah to prosper again.
2 zan tattara dukan al’ummai in kuma kawo su Kwarin Yehoshafat Can zan yi musu shari’a game da gādona, mutanena Isra’ila, gama sun warwatsar da mutanena a cikin al’ummai sun kuma raba ƙasata.
[Then] in the Valley of Judgment I will gather together [the people of] all the [other] nations; I will judge [and punish] them because they scattered my Israeli people and forced them to go to other countries. They divided up my land
3 Sun jefa ƙuri’a a kan mutanena suna kuma sayar da yara maza don karuwanci, sun sayar da’yan matan domin ruwan inabi wanda za su sha.
and they (threw marked stones/cast lots) to determine who would get [each of] my people. Then they sold [some of] the Israeli boys and girls [to get money to pay] for prostitutes and wine to drink.
4 “Yanzu mene ne damuwarku da ni, ya Taya da Sidon da kuma dukan mazaunan yankunan Filistiya? Kuna ƙoƙari ku sāka mini don abin da na yi ne? In kuna sāka mini ne, to, da gaggawa zan mayar muku da sakayya a kanku.
You [people of] [APO] Tyre and Sidon [cities] and [you people of] the Philistia [region], I certainly have not [RHQ] done anything to harm you! [So] if you are trying to get revenge on me, I will very quickly get revenge on you.
5 Gama kun kwashe azurfata da zinariyata kun kuma washe dukiyata mafi kyau kun kai cikin haikalinku.
You have taken the silver and gold and [other] things from my temple and put them in your temples.
6 Kun sayar da mutanen Yahuda da na Urushalima ga mutanen Hellenawa, don ku aika da su nesa da ƙasarsu.
[You dragged away] the people of Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah, and you took them far away and sold them to people in Greece.
7 “Duba, zan dawo da su daga wuraren da kuka sayar da su, in kuma yi muku abin da kuka yi musu.
But I will cause my people to want to return from the places to which you sold them, and I will do to you what you did to them.
8 Zan sayar da’ya’yanku maza da mata ga mutanen Yahuda, su kuma za su sayar da su ga mutanen Sabenawa, al’umma da take nesa da ku.” Ubangiji ya faɗa.
Then I will cause [some of] your sons and your daughters to be sold to the people of Judah! And [some of] them will be sold to the Sabea people-group, who live far away. [That will certainly happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.”
9 Ku yi shelar wannan ga al’ummai. Ku yi shirin yaƙi! Ku tā da jarumawa! Bari mayaƙa su ja kusa su kai hari.
Proclaim to the [people of all] nations, “Prepare for a war! Summon your soldiers, and tell them to stand in their battle positions.
10 Ku bubbuge garemaninku su zama takuba da kuma laujenku su zama māsu. Bari raunana su ce, “Ni mai ƙarfi ne!”
[Take] your plows and make swords from them, and [take] your pruning knives and make spears from them. [Even] the weak people must [also] be like [MET] [strong] soldiers.
11 Ku gaggauta, dukanku al’ummai daga kowane ɓangare, ku tattaru a can. Ka sauko da mayaƙanka, ya Ubangiji!
All you [people from the] nations that are near [Judah] must come quickly and gather [in the Valley of Judgment].” But Yahweh, [when that happens], send your army [of angels to attack them]!
12 “Bari a tā da dukan al’ummai; bari su kutsa zuwa Kwarin Yehoshafat gama a can zan zauna in shari’anta dukan al’ummai daga kowane ɓangare.
The [people in] the nations near [Judah] must get ready and come to the Valley of Judgment. There Yahweh will sit and judge [and punish] them.
13 Ku fito da lauje, gama girbi ya nuna. Ku zo, ku tattaka inabin, gama wurin matsewar ruwan inabi ya cika randunan tarawa kuma sun cika har suna zuba, muguntarsu da girma take!”
[They are like] [MET] crops that are ready to be harvested; so [strike them like] [MET] [a farmer] swings his sickle to cut the grain. They are like [MET] grapes that are piled high in the pits where they will be pressed; because they are very wicked, [punish them severely] [MET] now, like [MET] [a farmer] tramples on the grapes until the pits are full of juice.
14 Dubun dubbai suna a cikin kwarin yanke shawara! Gama ranar Ubangiji ta yi kusa a cikin kwarin yanke shawara.
[There will be] huge crowds of people in that Valley of Judgment. It will soon be the time that Yahweh [will punish them].
15 Za a duhunta rana da wata, taurari kuma ba za su ba da haske ba.
[At that time] there will be no light from the sun or moon, and the stars will not shine.
16 Ubangiji zai yi ruri daga Sihiyona tsawa kuma daga Urushalima; duniya da sararin sama za su yi rawan jiki. Amma Ubangiji zai zama mafakar mutanensa, mafaka ga mutanensa Isra’ila.
From Zion [Hill] in Jerusalem Yahweh will shout, and his voice will be like thunder, and his voice will cause the sky and the earth to shake. But Yahweh will protect [MET] his people; he will be like [MET] a strong wall behind which the people of Israel will be protected.
17 “Sa’an nan za ku san cewa ni, Ubangiji Allahnku, ina zaune a Sihiyona, dutsena mai tsarki. Urushalima za tă zama mai tsarki; baƙi ba za su ƙara mamaye ta ba.
[Yahweh says], “At that time, you Israeli people will know that I am Yahweh, your God. I live on Zion, my sacred hill. Jerusalem will be a sacred [city], and [soldiers from] other countries will never conquer it again.
18 “A wannan rana duwatsu za su ɗiga da sabon ruwan inabi, tuddai kuma za su malmalo madara; dukan rafuffukan Yahuda za su yi ta gudano da ruwa. Maɓulɓula kuma za tă fito daga gidan Ubangiji haka ma ruwa a kwarin itatuwan ƙirya.
At that time, there will be vineyards covering [MTY] the hills, and [your cattle and goats on] those hills will produce plenty of milk. The streams in Judah will never dry up. And a stream will flow from my temple into the Acacia Valley [northeast of the Dead Sea].
19 Amma Masar za tă zama kango, Edom kuma hamada marar amfani, saboda kama-karyar da aka yi wa mutanen Yahuda, a ƙasar da aka zub da jinin marasa laifi.
[The armies of] Egypt and Edom attacked the people of Judah and killed [MTY] many people who had not done anything that was wrong. So [now] those countries will become deserts,
20 Za a zauna a Yahuda har abada Urushalima kuma daga tsara zuwa tsara.
but there will always be people living in Jerusalem and [in other places] in Judea.
21 Alhakin jininsu, wanda ban gafarta ba, zan gafarta.”
[I], Yahweh, live on Zion [Hill in Jerusalem], and I will get revenge on the people [of Egypt and Edom] who killed [MTY] [many of my people].”

< Yowel 3 >