< Ayuba 9 >

1 Sai Ayuba ya amsa,
And Job made answer and said,
2 “Lalle, na san wannan gaskiya ne. Amma ta yaya mutum zai iya zama mai adalci a gaban Allah?
Truly, I see that it is so: and how is it possible for a man to get his right before God?
3 Ko da mutum yana so yă yi gardama da shi, ba zai taɓa amsa masa ba ko da sau ɗaya cikin dubu.
If a man was desiring to go to law with him, he would not be able to give him an answer to one out of a thousand questions.
4 Hikimarsa tana da zurfi, ikonsa yana da yawa. Wane ne ya taɓa yin faɗa da shi har ya yi nasara?
He is wise in heart and great in strength: who ever made his face hard against him, and any good came of it?
5 Yana matsar da manyan duwatsu kafin su sani kuma yana juya su cikin fushinsa.
It is he who takes away the mountains without their knowledge, overturning them in his wrath:
6 Yana girgiza ƙasa, yana girgiza harsashenta.
Who is moving the earth out of its place, so that its pillars are shaking:
7 Yana magana da rana sai ta ƙi yin haske; yana hana taurari yin haske.
Who gives orders to the sun, and it does not give its light; and who keeps the stars from shining.
8 Shi kaɗai ya shimfiɗa sammai ya kuma yi tafiya a kan raƙuman ruwan teku.
By whose hand the heavens were stretched out, and who is walking on the waves of the sea:
9 Shi ne ya halicci Mafarauci da Kare da Zomo, da Kaza, da’Ya’yanta da tarin taurari a sama, da taurarin kudu.
Who made the Bear and Orion, and the Pleiades, and the store-houses of the south:
10 Yana yin abubuwan banmamaki waɗanda ba a iya ganewa, mu’ujizai waɗanda ba a iya ƙirgawa.
Who does great things not to be searched out; yes, wonders without number.
11 Ba na iya ganinsa lokacin da ya wuce ni; ba na sani ya wuce lokacin da ya wuce.
See, he goes past me and I see him not: he goes on before, but I have no knowledge of him.
12 Wane ne ya isa yă hana shi in ya ƙwace abu? Wa zai ce masa, ‘Me kake yi?’
If he puts out his hand to take, by whom may it be turned back? who may say to him, What are you doing?
13 Allah ba ya danne fushinsa; ko dodannin ruwan da ake kira ayarin Rahab ya tattake su.
God's wrath may not be turned back; the helpers of Rahab were bent down under him.
14 “Ta yaya zan iya yin faɗa da shi? Ina zan iya samun kalmomin da zan yi gardama da shi?
How much less may I give an answer to him, using the right words in argument with him?
15 Ko da yake ba ni da laifi, ba zan iya amsa masa ba; sai dai roƙon jinƙai zan iya yi ga mahukuncina.
Even if my cause was good, I would not be able to give an answer; I would make request for grace from him who was against me.
16 Ko da na yi kira gare shi ya amsa mini, ban yarda cewa zai saurare ni ba.
If I had sent for him to be present, and he had come, I would have no faith that he would give ear to my voice.
17 Zai sa hadari yă danne ni yă ƙara mini ciwona ba dalili.
For I would be crushed by his storm, my wounds would be increased without cause.
18 Ba zai bari in yi numfashi ba, sai dai yă ƙara mini azaba.
He would not let me take my breath, but I would be full of bitter grief.
19 In maganar ƙarfi ne, shi babban mai ƙarfi ne! In kuma maganar shari’a ne, wa zai kai kararsa?
If it is a question of strength, he says, Here I am! and if it is a question of a cause at law, he says, Who will give me a fixed day?
20 Ko da ni marar ƙarfi ne, bakina ya isa yă sa in zama mai laifi; in ba ni da laifi, zai sa in yi laifi.
Though I was in the right, he would say that I was in the wrong; I have done no evil; but he says that I am a sinner.
21 “Ko da yake ba ni da laifi, ban damu da kaina ba; na rena raina.
I have done no wrong; I give no thought to what becomes of me; I have no desire for life.
22 Ba bambanci; shi ya sa na ce, ‘Yana hallaka marasa laifi da kuma mugaye.’
It is all the same to me; so I say, He puts an end to the sinner and to him who has done no wrong together.
23 Lokacin da bala’i ya kawo ga mutuwa, yakan yi dariyar baƙin cikin marasa laifi.
If death comes suddenly through disease, he makes sport of the fate of those who have done no wrong.
24 Lokacin da ƙasa ta faɗa a hannun mugaye, yakan rufe idanun masu shari’a. In ba shi ba wa zai yi wannan?
The land is given into the power of the evil-doer; the faces of its judges are covered; if not by him, then who has done it?
25 “Kwanakina sun fi mai gudu wucewa da sauri; suna firiya babu wani abin jin daɗi a cikinsu.
My days go quicker than a post-runner: they go in flight, they see no good.
26 Suna wucewa kamar jirgin ruwan da aka yi da kyauro, kamar jahurma da ta kai wa namanta cafka.
They go rushing on like reed-boats, like an eagle dropping suddenly on its food.
27 ‘In na ce zan manta da abin da yake damu na, zan yi murmushi in daina nuna ɓacin rai,’
If I say, I will put my grief out of mind, I will let my face be sad no longer and I will be bright;
28 duk da haka ina tsoron duk wahalata, domin na san ba za ka ɗauke ni marar laifi ba.
I go in fear of all my pains; I am certain that I will not be free from sin in your eyes.
29 Tun da an riga an ɗauke ni mai laifi, duk ƙoƙarina a banza yake.
You will not let me be clear of sin! why then do I take trouble for nothing?
30 Ko da na wanke jikina duka da sabulu, na wanke hannuwana kuma da soda,
If I am washed with snow water, and make my hands clean with soap;
31 duk da haka za ka jefa ni cikin ƙazamin wuri, yadda ko rigunan jikina ma za su ƙi ni.
Then you will have me pushed into the dust, so that I will seem disgusting to my very clothing.
32 “Shi ba mutum ba ne kamar ni wanda zan iya amsa masa, har da za mu yi faɗa da juna a wurin shari’a.
For he is not a man as I am, that I might give him an answer, that we might come together before a judge.
33 In da akwai wanda zai iya shiga tsakaninmu, ya ɗora hannunsa a kanmu tare,
There is no one to give a decision between us, who might have control over us.
34 wani wanda zai sa Allah yă daina duka na, don yă daina ba ni tsoro.
Let him take away his rod from me and not send his fear on me:
35 Sa’an nan ne zan iya yin magana ba tare da jin tsoronsa ba, amma a yadda nake a yanzu ba zan iya ba.
Then I would say what is in my mind without fear of him; for there is no cause of fear in myself.

< Ayuba 9 >